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Ink Blot

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Everything posted by Ink Blot

  1. You don't have to sell it. You put it on offer as if you're going to sell it, then cancel the transaction. The item pops into your inventory instead of going into the stash. Personally, I don't see this as a huge deal. I figure if you're playing with the option not to be able to access the stash in the wilderness, then you'll just toss that stuff back in your stash anyway. I realize this is a sort of "Then just don't do it" statement, but this to me seems like a pretty low priority as far as bug fixes goes.
  2. IRoll20s. Set all stats to 20. Problem solved.
  3. There's some merit to what you're saying, sure. But there's no way of knowing for certain if the resources poured into VO would translate into greater return than applying those resources to more content, fixes, and gameplay enhancements (my instinct is the latter would generate more sales though). The only issue I see with this is it's trying to change the game from what it is to something else. Kind of like the guy that was whining about the game needing ragdoll physics. Not the type of game for that. And the game was designed to have a lot of reading and little VO. I, like many others, would rather see any monetary resources spent elsewhere.
  4. Voice acting is very expensive. You may be interested in this thread/post: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78825-the-reason-why-a-lot-of-va-isnt-voiced/?p=1680491
  5. I had a similar feeling about the game, but finished it anyway. I'll probably give it another go just to see how it's changed through patching (I think I played on patch 1.05 or 1.06, but can't recall for certain) and because I also have the expansion. Anyway, I'd suggest just firing it up again and see how it feels now. That's what I plan on doing at some point in the future.
  6. Yeah, I know what you mean. Something else to consider is take note of where those supplies are and backtrack when you need to rest so you can pick them up. But that's probably a worse solution, since it's much more labor-intensive and requires covering a lot of ground more than once.
  7. If you don't care whether you actually stack them into your inventory, but just want the satisfaction of knowing you've left nothing in a container, then rest beside the container, then pick up the camping supplies (thus filling your two slots back up) and carry on.
  8. Load a save from before you enter the 'pit of no return'. Travel around. You should get a message that there's a letter waiting for you at your stronghold. Go there and talk to the Steward. This will open up the area.
  9. Check This Thread. Personally, I don't think they gave enough thought to people that were relying on the physical copy, so you're probably looking at delays for all expansions, patches, etc. And no, I don't think you can use the Steam, GOG, or other versions on the physical copy, but wait for Obs' input on that.
  10. Okay, it should definitely be there, then. I'd suggest tossing an e-mail to Support. This has to be just a glitch, as I had it appear in my Products page immediately.
  11. I always think it's best to cover the obvious first, as many times this is the issue and the person either forgot, overlooked it, or misunderstood. So perhaps the OP pledged at the $140 level and was mistaken on what was included.
  12. I'm one as well, and there are various reasons for it. Sometimes I want to try different classes. Other times I find I don't have the skills at the proper level or I want to change the talent/feat choices I've made (i.e. built the character wrong). Other times I want to try different dialog options (that aren't available for the character I'm playing or don't fit the concept of that particular character). Sometimes I want to go the total evil bastard route (I generally play the good guy route first time through). Or I want to go with a different party composition. Or I feel like I want to build a character around certain pieces of equipment I know they'll find. Or, I get a new character idea. Or...
  13. I doubt GOG would count that as not working on your machine. The policy is geared towards incompatibility due to OS or hardware. Not because you bought for the wrong game platform. That aside, GOG has a block in place that prevents someone from buying any expansion or DLC that requires the base game, if that person doesn't own it on GOG. Interestingly, there was a glitch with White March that allowed people that didn't own the GOG version of PoE to buy the expansion, but I think they fixed that. So bottom line is he probably wouldn't be able to purchase the expansion anyway.
  14. Well, judging from the fact it's 'White March part 2', I'd say it continues the expansion and not the end game.
  15. No, it should work from the saves you're using. I believe you get a notice that a letter has arrived for you, which opens up the quests/area. So maybe try traveling around the world a bit to see if it triggers the letter, then head to Caed Nua.
  16. Hell, I found they were doing that on a fairly regular basis even before patch 2.0 (I was playing on Hard and Normal).
  17. So this makes me wonder about engagement from the other angle: are you able to disengage as easily as the mobs do? If so, I guess we have the return of kiting. If not, then... WTF, huh?
  18. GOG often updates the installer package of a game once there are several patches out, and in fact this is what they've done with Pillars. Although there's no reason to DL the entire game install again, since the incremental patches are still available. So I think Wanderon must have gotten a bit confused on what needs to be DLed. I know I had to apply the 1.06 hotfix before patch 2.0 would work. After that, the expansion installed with no issue.
  19. You can choose to have the expansion content scaled to your high level characters. And, as noted, there's an autosave right before entering Sun in Shadows. Surely it's not that big a deal that you start there instead of right at the very end?
  20. White March is side content in the main game. So you need to load a save before the 'point of no return', then go to the world map (I assume) in the game in order to be able to access it.
  21. I'm also a Kickstarter backer and the key did not yet appear on my "Products" page either. I'm a gog-user. Maybe Steam-keys are rolling out earlier than gog-keys? Nope. Got my GOG key over an hour ago and redeemed and DLed it.
  22. It's in mine. Try a refresh on the page (CTRL+F5) Or perhaps they're rolling out the keys in waves?
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