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Everything posted by Tamerlane

  1. Pretty sure inherent skill bonuses from class don't increase with levels. If a ranger has +15 stealth at level 1 and invests nothing in the skill, then they're sitting on +15 stealth at level 10.
  2. Yeah, I too noticed the collapsed roof/rubble etc. was missing from the ground, like the ruins from last time. This is copying WoW and asking the dev's to stick closer to D&D? This has 4th Edition D&D written all over it. And I'm really happy to see so much D&D stuff in it. I've never played WoW or 4E, so I can't say whether or not Kahani's concerns are well-grounded, but on many of the BG boards, 4E gets a lot of hate. Does it play that much differently than the 2nd and 3rd editions? It's considerably different, yes, and a lot of people got their start on 3.X, so (while there are many legitimate flaws in 4e), a lot of it comes down to "it's different, now it's terrible". Same thing happened in the switch from second to third, which Gygax and a great legion of grogs held/hold in rather low regard. What parts PoE is taking from 4e - unified defence mechanics, a focus on class combat roles, etc. - are the right parts.
  3. Here's hoping for a Mob Ruler update. I mean, wizards are dumb and always carrying around pouches of live spiders and bat guano and stuff, but I want to know more about druids. Um. They put the face of Josh Sawyer on it.
  4. I think the core thing here is that PoE isn't a survival simulator and it isn't trying to be. It handles injury to a certain degree in order to support strategic planning and light resource management over the course of an adventure, nothing more.
  5. Awesome thank you. I remember when people criticized the plants blowing in the wind because they didn't all move at the same time. It's like have you ever watched plants blowing in the wind, especially light winds? Anyways thanks for the information about that chinese mortar, that was something I was trying to find last night, because I knew it couldn't be true that all mortar couldn't last for centuries. I think that this was probably some kind of watchtower or castle and that the debris has been cleared in the past. I don't think it was so much that they didn't go at the same time (though there is something to be said for having nearby plants run their animations close together), it was that they all only had one "blowing" animation that played at regular intervals before they went back to being inert. It looked like an invisible dude was just grabbing and shaking them every 2.8 seconds.
  6. That's always a problem when you have stats that are entirely reactive. Health/stamina is a bit more inherently applicable, but even that's a little tricky to put up against active-use stats. ... Put... put carry capacity on resolve?
  7. You are absolutely the centre of Nordom's universe. You're the Director, after all.
  8. "Hey, Oghren, sorry about the wife. Anyway, I've been hauling, like, two kegs of beer, a bottle of wine, and a glass of whisky around for the last 30 hours. We best friends now? Cool." Anyway, I think they've said that we'll find all of the companions within the first half of the game, no?
  9. The greatest threat a trap in one of the modern Fallout games can pose is not blowing up/going off on you, but distracting you from the two other traps right in front of it.
  10. The notion that disappointed people are entitled to freedom from being ribbed when expressing their opinions regarding design choices is silly IMO. EDIT: This would have been funny if it wasn't at the top of a new page, dammit.
  11. I think magic would have an adverse impact on the game. I can say I have never liked magic in a fantasy genre. It unbalances the the range mechanics of archers and secondly it cheapens the medieval feel of the game. Seriously I think there should be a vote on this matter if its being considered since I think this is a tipping point. Say no to Fireballs.
  12. Yes. There will be talents (purely combat focused, near as I can tell) and skills (not inherently combat focused, but still giving extra bonuses here-and-there in addition to their core focuses).
  13. It's not even close to maybe being almost considered. Gimme my brace of pistols.
  14. It's hard to find a technology that developed slower than handheld gunpowder weapons. And what do firearms have to do with mass production and industrialization? Tell Orban of Brasov that his cannonss were the product of soulless automation rather than hard work and ingenuity (and also a ****load of Turkish cash).
  15. ... Do staelgar live communally like lions, or are they solitary like most cats?
  16. Gonna make a party of six dudes and ladies with maximum carrying capacity, all loaded up from their fancy boots to their feathered hats with guns. Pistols and muskets and blunderbusses; as many as they can carry. I'll lose any fight that goes long enough for me to actually empty all of my weapons, but until then, the Vailian Armada will reign supreme.
  17. Collecting information of this sort is pretty standard, and often more valuable than any sort of verbal questioning. Obsidian would be pretty silly to ignore how people play their games.
  18. To the first question: Couldn't give less of a ****. 5, 6, 7, 3, 10, whatever. If they work, they work. To the second question: I'm a firm believer that attributes should not be designed as "purely reactive" (con, traditionally) and put in the same room as "purely active" (strength, again, in tradition) or mixed-use attributes ("dex does everything"). "I guess I'll put a couple points into this so I don't just lose to whatever before I get to use the thing I actually want to put points in to" doesn't do a whole lot for me. To the third question: Merged, absolutely. Devoting two stats to "better at getting hit" seems weird, and more importantly, boring. In making an offence-oriented character, I could make all sorts of choices - hits hard but misses a lot, accurate and with lots of long-lasting status effects, etc. In making a defence-oriented character, I could... get a higher stamina so I can take more hits. And then I would get higher health so I can take more hits later. That seems kinda underwhelming. To the fourth: I guess I'm neutral on that, leaning towards "it's good that it's independent". To the fifth: Could be, sure. Not essential by any means, but it'd be an interesting point of differentiation, certainly. To the sixth: Having a stat affect top-of-the-pack/weapon slots seems like a really neat idea. It'll help make those multi-damage-type weapons valuable to characters with low strength (or whatever), too.
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