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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. And he brought championships with him. Six titles ain't too shabby. The players loved him in Chicago. The egos in LA question him, and they don't play to their potential because of it. You forget several points, Phil never won without the best player (shaq/jordan) in the league and another great/good player (pippen/kobe)-. He never had to take a team, say like Miami, and make them win. He did manage to lose several times with some of the best talent in the league. Hell, he can't even keep LA from fighting each other. Even the much hearalded Triangle offense isn't his invention, and without the man who invented it, he is having problems running it. He isn't horrible, he is pretty good, but he is still and ass and isn't as "magical" as people give him credit for. IMO o and the players didn't "love" him. Ask Pippen. Jordan just liked him, so everyone fell in line. You didn't stay long with the bulls if jordan didn't like you.
  2. When you wish apon a star...
  3. ya wolves! Come on, get a game 7!
  4. Personally, I can't wait to tear in to the DS half of the story.
  5. It's a little interview MCA and Lucasarts was nice enough to give us. Part two should be up sometime next week and focuses just on KOTOR 2. Thanks again MCA and Lucasarts
  6. yet another thread killed off within the first page, amazing anyways, looks fine, but the gen forum would be more appopriate, fyi
  7. No, being 'force' sensitive only means you can use the force. The guy has a point, not everyone could use the force.
  8. this suggests 1 sith lord and a bunch of sith assasins, hmmm.... anyone else starting to wonder why each new article hurts our knowledge of the game as much as it helps EDIT: maybe just 1 sith lord is hunting you?
  9. I think the bounty hunter bit is new, the rocket laucher was seen in the demo, and i'm not sure that means non-jedi get prestige classes. Her story could just be she is a bounty hunter. Is the article large? Did it say anythingelse?
  10. her special ability, as described in the demo, was a rocket launcher. If she has a flame thrower, thats news to me.
  11. I'm not so sure you can get your own apprentice, exactly. I think you'll get a NPC that is "up and coming in the force", so to speak, that sees you as an idol, and your actions can sway him to the LS or DS. that and kreia is sort of your teacher
  12. ahhh f*** it shaq wasn't even interviewed by craig sager post game
  13. down by 5 at half time, hmmm might be interesting. edit: guess not
  14. well, part of all this is that Kreia will take a mentor role, iirc
  15. I read somewhere that each NPC will have some kind of unique ability to make them usefull. There was an example given of one NPC you pick up that has wrist mounted rocket launchers. That was the ability of Mira, or at least one of them the other as Atton can't be knocked out ocmpletely or something like that.
  16. As i mentioned in another threads, one of the 7 Sith Lords could propably become a joinable NPC... 7 Sith Lords? Where did you get that info? To tell you the truth, i don't remember. I read many previews, and i 'clearly' remember somebody saying that each planet will have his own Sith lord. Being 7 planets and all, i just assumed there are going to be 7 Sith lords in the game, or at least a bunch, hence the name of the game i suppose... yea, the mining asteroid at the start counts as one of the planets, I doubt that will have it's own sith lord.
  17. A deathclaw....just call it a rancor
  18. As i mentioned in another threads, one of the 7 Sith Lords could propably become a joinable NPC... I have to agree. Either way, I think (like everyone else) that you can get a sith npc. Also, did we get some indication that you can "turn" some npcs? I thought we did. Sith Master, and all that
  19. QUOTE (Iolo @ May 11 2004, 05:58 PM) MCA:
  20. I think this is a bit better than the one that tsl has on site. I have a better one, i had to save it as jpeg as the site won't let me post bitmaps for some reason, apparently. anyone want any others? Even Maria Had I seen this sooner, I would have posted it
  21. first, I have no idea is your bio buddy is male or female, thats your buisness. Next, arn't you the one that felt compelled, from your high moral standing, to call me an ass twice in a dev question thread. I at least took it to PMs. In closing, this all stands as is:
  22. I for one would think it would be cool, for the male darkside ending, to have Bastilla as a sith lord.
  23. Is that so? You truely are evil anyways, phos beats us both at #29
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