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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Shaq just put Hassell to the ground, no call Someone ask the refs how the whistles taste, they got scared this quarter
  2. LOL, Kobe did get eject his brother, Moby bryant stepped in
  3. I'm watching kobe run down the court and would some minnesota player PLEASE go at shaq and get #5
  4. Uh...if he did, it was after they went to commercial I didn't see any reason he would
  5. O man, if the Lakers win, never hear the end of this. Not to meantion JE is going to post pictures.
  6. Don't you know? They only come out when the Lakers are doing good .....there is going to be an ewok that dies a horrible death in K2 named Kumquat
  7. Kobe 3 fouls, shaq 4, deven 3, and down by 2 can't be upset with that, anyways ::knock on wood::
  8. Did anyone else see Hoiberg just get punched in the face with no call?
  9. Considering the Wolves lack a true NBA caliber point guard, this could be big for them.
  10. In the X-boxs defense, they get Doom 3
  11. Ugh no thats not true im sorry. KOTOR is great, Morrowind was ehh buggy but ok in the long run, Splinter Cell and Splinter Pandora Tomorrow are both ok, Halo, Project Gotham Racing 2, Madden 2004, Fight Night 2004, and now Fable and KOTOR 2. I am a hardcore X-Box fan I would buy any game for X-Box than I would my PC. Like to point out that 6 out of the 8 games you listed are PC and/or PS2 as well, iirc. And two of them arn't even out! anyways, the box does a few exclusive games that interest to me, like Ninja Gaiden and Crimson Skies 2. We'll se how fable turns out I'm still a GC fanboy, when it comes to console games
  12. o, its confirmed he won't play game 6. As confirmed as it gets without seeing what happens at tip off. I was talking about game 7.
  13. it's hard to comment on another companies product, and it looks kinda bad. Maybe, if/when iply goes under we'll hear something. Actually, I know we'll hear more about VB.
  14. Not nearly impossible tho. It's just two games, one being a game 7 on the wolves home floor. If they weather game 6 tonight and Cassel comes back....oooooweeee, we got ourselves a series.
  15. With a bit o luck, early next week you'll see the 2nd part of the mca interview at Winterwind, and it's all about K2. Some of it is old news (it wasn't when the interview started, but some of them got answered), but there should be a few interesting things in it.
  16. I think you meant to quote Vol
  17. I repeat: "He isn't horrible, he is pretty good, but he is still and ass and isn't as "magical" as people give him credit for. IMO" And he won alot of titles, with some of the best teams in history. Does he deserve credit for that? Sure. But the GMs of these teams deserve more credit.
  18. Jordan left for several years, and only came back for a team he partially owned, under a coach he personally hired. Jordan quit the game he loved when Phil Jackson wasn't retained by the Bulls. Considering that Jordan played under GREAT coaching in North Carolina, that remains quite a move by Jordan. When Phil was let go, Jordan could have picked his coach next coach practically (just like he did in washington), he just wanted to retire.
  19. It was a mining facility that used prisoners to dig, iirc.
  20. Actaully, he said he wouldn't play for anyone but jackson and he lied! As he did play again, and not under Jackson. Simple, Jordan retired and the bulls had a lot of players with one year contracts that just finished. They choose to start rebuilding instead of signing those people. Nothing to do with phil. what should be noted is the new surrounding cast that LA put around those guys, that phil again had little to do with. I think Ron Harper was the only guy Phil brought on.
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