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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. the sheed needs to shut the f*** up!
  2. wow, all offense team = ben wallace
  3. Well, interesting game
  4. ok, kobe got fouled there, give him that
  5. weebl took all the pies
  6. He made the 3, but he cost them MUCH more than that. edit: Arkan, I've seen you pop in man, represent!
  7. wow ..wow, the pistons ...wow If I was shaq, I get phil to sit kobe.
  8. ....hate to say I told you so
  9. oooooooweeeeeee kobe stinks
  10. they need to get some fouls on shaq and this game is over. He is the only one doing anything
  11. sloppy game, thank god kobe keeps shooting
  12. The reason the lakers arn't killing the pistons is AGAIN due to Kobe tryingto be superman. thats shaqs job
  13. gametime who the f*** is the tool announcing the players? ok...the pistons over-did the introduction there...
  14. so who is on board for tonights game?
  15. I thought the game was tonight, damn it
  16. isn't that the sniper thingy? Never used it, but I think it is.
  17. now thats getting ahead of ourselves Obsidians 2nd game won't be K3
  18. I think it is worth noting that the date was switched from Feb to "Winter". Why get less specific (but not extend to a later date) if you arn't thinking of moving the fate up? To me, it looks a whole lot like the pre-K2 being announced days, were all the evidence points one way.
  19. Rumor is confirmed: http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords/
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