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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. HUh, maybe the guy actually knew something, but he was wrong about pc gamer. anyways, does that magazine say anything else?
  2. I think the guy claiming Darth Nihilus is full of s***. He later says in the thread: if pc gamer said it, we would have heard about it
  3. I didn't say there was a difference in content, just that it was bigger! the lightsaber may be the rumored silver one?
  4. The trailer is much bigger so you can actually see whats going on Plus, they list the release date at 12/06/04, just like gamestop. For what it's worth Trailer
  5. Well, where did you read it? I remember someone was running around these boards saying it, but there hasn't been any conformation. PS, I doubt you could rename him, the names not bad. I don't think you can name a bad guy or a Star Wars movie anymore without everyone hating it, apparently. (attack of the clones was dumb tho)
  6. Yea, but imo B.Wallace deserved it as much as Prince. Billups was a fine choice tho, imo
  7. in the LS and DS endings he appears in front of a large number of people.
  8. yep, kinda what I was shooting for (and ended up missing)
  9. Much like baseball ( I agree with what you said, fyi)
  10. as much fun as soccer is to watch, it takes up time I could be using to watch paint dry and grass grow. Speaking of, have you seen that Kentucky Blue Grass this year? What a way to spend a day! almost agree with you there, actually I guess a "sport" for you means players have to stick fingers into apposing players asses (as a rugby player got in trouble for awhile ago after numerous complaints). This, of course, is the same sport that has men wearing shorts in a large squirming pile for extended periods of time poking each other in assorted orafices. "Euro" sports have this Homo-erotic edge to them (at least more so than american sports(the ass slapping)). If you disagree, one word: Beckham Well, can't say that was a surprise. Every article I read had him high on their list. Seems Shaq REALLLLLY wants out tho
  11. It has been said Kreia isn't a full jedi, and we really don't know about the white haired chick yet. Hell, just because she is in white, doesn't mean shes not bad!
  12. yea, but the way it was said (why do i get the feeling im reading into this): that implies that there is another true "Arren Kae", doesn't it? That the name is used else where? that right after the first statement makes it kind sound like Arren Kae is the white haired chick. I guess I stick with Atris till further notice.
  13. Try having to watch Jordan in a Wizards uniform, hell Pippen in a Blazers
  14. bless your heart I searched "Arren Kae" on yahoo, nothing, so it's a new SW name....
  15. Hypothetically, that's probably it. Or maybe he is trying to trick us! But he would know that we would think he was trying to trick us and therefor there actually isn't something special about those images. .....but he would suspect that someone would think that he was trying to trick us and figure that he would try to reverse logic and hence there is something special about the images. .............but I assume that he knew that someone would see through that little riddle, so he might try to break our logic by telling us the truth! oooooo your a tricky one Avellone....
  16. wait a dang minute, does that mean they change the name from Atris? OR Atris was wrong? and the white haired chick in Arren Kae now...guesses?
  17. If they got rid of webber (hence his cap room), honestly, sacramento They have noooo problems passing and have the shooters for the double team both existing centers can player power forward Denver has alot of cap room and could use him out east: Magic, but won't happen The Cavs seem like a great fit if Lebron can pass.
  18. Not sure AI can carry a team anymore like he did a few years back, he gets beat up and injured alot. He's young, but as Indy said: it's not the years, its the mileage. Plus, I think the Lakers may have to absorb a bigger contract than Shaqs current one (not positive tho). News bit: shananana shananana heyheyhey goodbye Dallas is more run and gun, while the kings can do that, they shine in the half court with picks and passing, imo
  19. First, what spoilers people? The last bit of text in the video says: So, no spoilers 2nd, because this is the "E3 walkthrough" we don't really know if the release date on it is any good. I mean, they switched the date what, less than a week ago? Who knows when this video was done. Plus, I can't image (if Commandos is really slated for Feb like some site indicate) COmmandos and K2 droping near each other.
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