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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. This is KOTOR2....it will get PLENTY of free advertising from gaming sites and magazines. But advertising costs are covered by the publisher (LucasArts) usually.
  2. I don't know...lets discuss it here....but this thread is already kind sorry.....maybe we should make a new topic.......but what would be the point....whats the point of anything anymore...*BANG*
  3. An X-mas release will help it MUCH more than EP3 ever could
  4. Kobe has no one to hide behind anymore
  5. Yes. I know. I got the Insider newsletter also. Guess we are going to have to wait. Or maybe me and Darth planed this all out! Seriously, if we make them wait any longer thier going to shoot us man. There isn't any annoucement guys!!!!
  6. For the record, it is honestly supposed to be updated today, I'm sure craftman or someone can confirm.
  7. If laughing at others, feeling good about yourself, and...and and....WINNING are all that matter to you, then my side doesn't want you anyways. :angry:
  8. Are you still mad for getting taught by the Morgan Man? Whos side are you on!
  9. http://www.lucasarts.com/insider/archives/ you can sign up at the above, but the annoucement is not there, hence being an "insider" you pathetic non-insider. it wasn't time specific, im sure someone will post when its up
  10. I really think, dependign on choices, Bastilla shows up a sith lord.
  11. Nono..not at all! Ok, when you click the below link it will open a "browser". Now this will have images that appear on it, don't be scared, it's not trying to steal your soul. Similarly, try not to yell or hiss at it. K2 site
  12. to the K2 website? The info isn't up just yet. The announcement I posted is mailed to "insiders"
  13. ok, i'll check it out I really should have put the intial post in quotes
  14. thats what the devs told us, they wern't sure on names
  15. Not entirely impossible, but then they should give T3 some sort of an ability to speak like a normal, ehum...droid, instead of the blips and blops. I suppose "meatbag" losses something in the translation
  16. You spelled "you're" wrong, professor. I shall dub thee "Morgan Man".... The Morgan Man got you there kumquatq3, you shall need to redeem yourself.... I understand. This isn't over Morgan Man <_< ! Not by a long shot! Fine, I'm a Bulls fan! I just hate the Lakers
  17. well, they posted a picture with the last profile (mira)
  18. You spelled "you're" wrong, professor. You ba$tard! Akari...I need you to do that post delete thing!
  19. What? No! I posted the insider press release in the first post, thats all it says! Nope it's free. You just have to give them your S.S. number and promise to fight for Lucas if he calls apo.....wait a minute...
  20. But not before I pointed out If Morgan strikes me down, I shall become more powerful than he can possibly imagine. So now I can delete posts and he can't. -Akari He can't, eh? Hey Morgan! Your mean and you smell!
  21. read the the thing, it says "area", take that as you will
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