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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. I think many are going to like T3M4 better in this game. He has substantially more personality. -Akari Is that because of the AK-47 in T3 theory?!?!?!
  2. What are somethings being considered for a X-box (and hopefully patch) live release? Is one of the new saber colors silver/white? Do you guys have a better idea of the amount of gameplay hours? What is a new alien race we might run across?
  3. Here is a NPC that was flashed in the trailer for a second at the end
  4. Not for long. Soon it'll be under Sheep Rule! I hear they rule with an iron hoof.. All hail the Golden Fleece! The sea creatures might have something to say about that. (inside joke)
  5. It deserved at least a full season chance, I think. Cancelling it after the 3rd or 4th episode was dumb. Yea, but fox has a habit of cancelling any show that people seem to really like that isn't the Simpsons. Firefly, Wonderfalls, Keen Eddie, Andy Richter, some would say Fastlane and didn't they do Roar too? I'm sure we can come up with more.
  6. I've been DLing Wonderfalls, and while it's better than average, I don't think it deserves the press it got. It's easy to see why it failed too. During the third episode it starts to abandon it's "rules".
  7. Not that I dislike the scene, but how do the rocks relate to her father? I just thought she brought them to help give the guys with her courage
  8. I noted the spoiler thing, you have no one to blame but yourself
  9. They say the Coucil on Coruscant's deserted on the developer diary...also, it is believed you are the last Jedi, I mean what about Kreia and Atris? kreia isn't a full jedi, iirc and who knows what atris deal is
  10. I'm just going to start out by saying I liked it, not amazing, but a good little flick. The audience reaction in general was poor. I'm curious of what others thought.
  11. great little show! I bet they couldn't afford to keep Will Farrel (sp?)
  12. You mean like a civil war drama? Say.....Cold Mountain? Which was also dominated by foreign cast members (tho Nicole was born in Hawaii) But back to Batman, I can't think of many things that better show of American "core values" (that don't always come through) better than it's comics. It's close to being up there with apple pie and baseball.
  13. ahhhhh yes! I have to say, back in the day I didn't think the Evil Dead Series would be any good
  14. I think the devs have made it very clear that they are working hard to add more bullying to the DS. In fact, at last check, you could steal milk money from a young rodian
  15. the one with sion fighting is new I think
  16. Shows that didn't last long, but were great. My favorite 2 shows that came and went were: Keen Eddie and Andy Richter controls the universe.
  17. damn it, does anyone know when The Office and Spaced have their 3rd seasons?
  18. If it makes you feel any better, Mos Def has been acting professionally a lot longer than he's been rapping. That doesn't really, no. The main reason I'm not positive about this film is that it's so American-centric. The book is so abundantlty British in it's language, tone, humour, etc. I mean, you can't read it without adopting some faux British accent in your head. As an American film, I just can't see it working. O come now, how many British actors play American roles? Hell, Batman Begins cast is almost entirely British. It's hard to find a more american film than that. Besides, not that I care to see it or want to, but didn't people bit@h about the same thing when it can to Bridget Jones Diary ("she's the quintessential British women") and Renee "squinty" Zellweger (sp)? And by all accounts I remember, they ended up liking it.
  19. Yes Anyways, I thought they had originally cast the guy from The Office for that part
  20. it may be a reflection from the lightning
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