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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Wait, let me guess...cash? TripleRRR <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can I get a ZING for my brother?
  2. cheers <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe I missed it, but I don't think the devs confirmed that. I thought that was a rumor started by tyrell via some source or forum or something he heard it from. Not that it's wrong, just that I don't recall a dev backing that one up. Link?
  3. kumquatq3

    Level up

  4. Lies! He's trying to cover their mistakes! Zach Morris, listen to me: You need to take this fight to Lucasarts front door! They must pay...... ::starts crying and rocking in the fetile position:: ....sam...and....max........why.....WHY...
  5. I still think were onto something here, maybe not the sion=king, but there just seems to be some kind of connection
  6. it doesn't really clash with the timeline
  7. You posted it yourself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oops so I did. I just learned all this **** yesterday, cut me some slack! Anyways, maybe the Spirt of Nadd is using the kings body or something maybe that has soemthign to do with it. Maybe it's the kings kid if they had one...
  8. Everything you listed, while not suport the idea that that the king is sion, does support a connection between those two "individuals". Also, I have to disagree with them not looking alike and where did you read the soul stealing thing?
  9. True, but im probably wrong, and this probably isnt true, but even if it is, LA insist on leaving us without info for so long we are bound to come to conclusions ourselves, whether they are wrong or right, it gives us something different to discuss. At least if LA gave us a steady stream of small titbits, it would keep us occupied for long enough not to make our own minds up <{POST_SNAPBACK}> O come now, this isn't even convincing me! Look, if someone saw that little blip of info and we were getting updates, it still would have been post. I'm not sure how big of a spoiler this is, but I think someone would be hard pressed to say there isn't some kind of connection here.
  10. I believe the queen that is referred to before is supposed to be dead by the time KOTOR occurs
  11. ooooo, interesting, the king guy didn't offically "die". It seems he was left for dead....
  12. Ballpark, those events happend 40 years before KOTOR1, as far as TheForce.net shows
  13. I found a picture, guess which guy it is. It sure does look like Sion. The plot thickens
  14. I found this, not sure if this helps or hurts the theory the underlined kinda makes it seem like a set up for Sion, even tho it also makes the guy seem dead
  15. well, we know when KOTOR1 happened right? And kotor2 is 5 years after. So do the above events fit?
  16. while he has prolly give us the most info, a whole bunch of devs have talked with us in the past. Right now they have a new game and they are finishing K2. I think this is what you would call "crunch time"
  17. I like how the one question is conviently your question odds are it is too late to put anything new in that isn't very very small and very useful 1. Why would he know? 2. Remember how he always says LucasArts handles this stuff 3. Lucasarts really really really doesn't care about wallpaper ideas, sorry.
  18. I'm sure he is out enjoying his weekend, supersizing various meals, because he can.
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