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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. We assume and have heard of ways DS and LS are different, but will Male/female and being "grey" create large differences as well?
  2. Your list is incorrect Silver or White could be a special one
  3. Can we expect more things like the duel tournaments on Taris?
  4. Placing bets this won't get answered, since it sounds like press release material.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> not askign for names, just yes or no
  5. I forget if this is answered but: Besides for T3 (and maybe HK), will it be possible to have any party npcs from Kotor join you in K2?
  6. he means white and silver, for those curious
  7. Just an idea: Remaking the Ebon Hawk into the image of Austin Powers Shag Plane (spinning bed included)
  8. There is just waaaaaay too many things pointing at Dec (dec 6)
  9. I'll leave it at this: Nipple Clamps are an inventory item. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> are they upgradeable?
  10. Will my idea for a periwinkle and pink polkadot lightsaber with special L33t handle make it into the game? and who is the masked sith? Paul Hogan? EDIT: Hi Akari!
  11. If you think, I'm sure you can come up with plenty of reasons. O, and if you had thought, I'm sure you could have come up with a better way to try and make your point. He doesn't have to tell anyone anything. Remember that.
  12. Can a mod freaky sticky one of these things.
  13. 1. Has anything been done to directly improve stealth? I know you guys are trying to give everything it's chance to shine, but I had a feeling you guys might tinker with how the belt is used and such. 2. Is MCA still with K2 at this point, or is he over on NWN2 now?
  14. It deserved at least a full season chance, I think. Cancelling it after the 3rd or 4th episode was dumb. It's almost as though Fox has something against Tim Minear, cancelling Firefly after one episode, and Wonderfalls after just a couple. Ok, im in the 9th episode (of 13 I think) and the series REALLY got good at episodes 7 & 8. The 8th episode had talking animals for about 2 seconds total, and it turned out to be the best one, easily. I found that funny. Anyways, I can see why people were upset by this being cancelled now. It's much like Keen Eddie: Starts alright, then kicks it up a notch. sooooo, I guess I eat my previous words
  15. Better edit that man, if Feargus sees it, he'll think he's paying you to much Something that got mixed reviews (at least in the FO community) was the way party members would stop and talk with each other at certain "hot spots". I enjoyed it for the most part, will we be seeing a greater number of those? The amount of spoken dialogue would be staggering if thats the case, with so many NPCs.
  16. Damn! It failed Old School Just to "double clear up", Kreia was never afull jedi, but was kicked out of the order, correct? Is how the "love story" went in Kotor something you will be able to dictate to the game in K2? Can you tell us a joinable NPC that will not be returning at all in K2? How many bottles of water does Morgan really have?
  17. Ok, honestly, was it really that funny? Besides, I don't feel comfortable dicussing "Akiri's pet thing"
  18. how many jedi in white or with white hair is there!!!
  19. Is there 3 sith lords? At least, ones we will know about.
  20. What is this pet and dismemberment stuff, whadda a miss? anyone?
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