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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. There was a Dragon-type-thing in one of the early images
  2. I did an interview with MCA and FrankK for winterwind, I was shown the press website hence where i get HQ images, like other press sites. Hence how I knew the image was Iziz
  3. huh? I have no idea what your making fun of
  4. you mean you don't think they are from teh same ship? Possible but they are named: So I assumed all one ship
  5. Wait, they changed the year difference from five to two? Good... where did you read that?!?!?! Ummm, from the link that you provided... the written part got put up after I got there lol
  6. Wait, they changed the year difference from five to two? Good... where did you read that?!?!?!
  7. Seems like a ghost ship to me..... Medical Facility Engine Bridge
  8. According to the Gamespot Designer interview, yes. yep, just saw that
  9. Note the arch...same city? The Gamespot interview confirms this is Iziz
  10. This is the city of Iziz on the planet of Onderon:
  11. http://www.gamespot.com/features/lucasarts04/index.html
  12. It is NOT. I am sure. proof coming shortly
  13. ****.....is it? Why the "skull" x-ray in the top left?
  14. Its amazing what one night with atton rand will do to you, ask Morgan man
  15. Of course he will, maybe not with the Lakers tho. I mean, the guy has a last name that refers to the act of hitting someone in the balls to check for protective gear. You just can't buy entertainment like that.
  16. So you don't get to choose your first force powers? They are chosen for you? That sucks, unless there are more than one... I'm sure it depends on what "class" you choose as well
  17. other than that, I swear they copy and pasted this interview from all the rest
  18. ok, i wasn't looking for an answer from you guys. More of a cursing LA kinda of question
  19. there goes the 1 sith lord for every planet idea
  20. is it a big article or a half page thing?
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