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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Get this: Wait, Phil Jackson, who has Shaq and Kobe, is complaining about a double standard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O man, phil knows their in trouble
  2. Well, as of game 3, they didn't know how he would play. They need him, as he is thier best defender for R.Wallace. Hence trying to play him, but now he should clearly not play in game 4 if he is still in pain.
  3. I could not hope for a better situation for the Pistons. Just as long as they keep it out of Shaqs hands. When that happens, shaq gets frustrated and fouls. If shaq is sitting because of fouls early, then I promise you one thing, kobe can't single-handedly beat these Pistons. Luckily for the Pistons, Kobe is just stupid and arrogant enough to try to beat them without Shaq. Kobe after the game It's funny how the mentality of players that went to college is very different than high school stars. Even in regards to KG. Ha read this malone pokes fan in face
  4. Hey JE, I hope you didn't bet all your winnings on the Lakers!
  5. btw, Malone didn't play alot that game, why is everyone ragging on him for it? It's not like they have anyone else capable of guarding Wallace #2 You can almost see the tears
  6. it's only fair if you get a new spider and feed your cat to it (in pieces). Go out and get a dog while your at it.
  7. I was out drinking and celebrating the BLOW OUT <-me My favorite part of the game is when they talked about how the Detroit fans drove around the Lakers hotel all night honking and shooting from the parking garage tp wake the lakers until the police finally broke it up. amen
  8. you can't get more opposing than the Cobra Commander look from K1.
  9. just got home, and would like to say that the pistons not only took a game at home from the lakers, but the lakers won game 2 by the skin of their teeth. I mean, Kobe and shaq played about as good as you can play and they BARELY won it. Lets send this one back to detroit
  10. In the demo video from E3, you cna clearly see a "defensive stance" option. Not sure if it makes it into the game, but theres something
  11. So cute! stop hitting on fandom forum members........unless its doomy, because that would be funny
  12. somehow I feel like my childhood was stolen from me....and very cold
  13. But Darko is like thier secret weapon. The man will score 99 points in game 7! I think they draft via name coolness actaully, the draft is even worse now that they have sheed, they don't need a PF, but he's young (aka the future)
  14. they will keep yet another team under 80 (maybe under 75)
  15. Ironically, if the pistons win this series, i think I still win my basketball pool. As I'm the only one (i think) to pick the pistons to win it all
  16. so much for stopping biting my nails....
  17. QUIET YOU! go knock on wood! now! ::knocks on wood::
  18. Hamilton just got mugged (aka, legs cut out), wtf But Kobe got blocked! B) EDIT: say what you will, when you can get the lakers to commit a 24 second violation (and Medvedenko touches the ball), you are playing good defense
  19. We'll see then. I may still back up Detroit, but thats rough, I may require more incentive how about that lakers 3rd quarter push B) go D troit
  20. Yea, but I have to hear from him before this game is "decided"
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