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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. HEY CHU! Make you a bet! If the Pistons win the series, you answer one K2 question (with in reason) that I ask. If LA wins, you can pick my avatar and sig for the rest of my time on the Obsidian boards. eh?
  2. Damn, I should have made a bet with Chu or JE
  3. Careful, they might use that as dialogue!
  4. Arkan, come back to the good sports fans, cheer for detroit! There is good in you! I can feel it! Chu? It's too late for Chu....
  5. Well, sheed hasn't played for 3/4 of the game so far. not bad, not bad at all really, besides for shaq, i think detroit should get the credit for the lakers being slow. Rather than the lakers taking a day off. Prince seems to be doing a good job.
  6. whew, thanks, i was worried there for a moment <_<
  7. ask kobe and malone edit: shaq got two, they might sit him till the half, otherwise they HAVE to go at him
  8. Yea, but if they are close at half time, and the scores are under 40 or so, you are playing towards detroit
  9. huh, well, going better than I thought...or hoped ::knock on wood::
  10. Or as I like to call it: "the day the lakers lost game one of the finals to Detroit in a major upset" or "TDTLLGOOTFTDIAMU" for short I wish TNT was broadcasting the game, abc sucks
  11. This thread? I think this thread can only give the force a nasty rash
  12. Strip poker, hence why only JE is in the picutres
  13. You are not the first to suggest that. Hopefully, it's not true. I don't want Bastila back... Not unless Bastila changed her name BTW, Kreia = old white haired jedi mentor you meet early on, brown robes "White Haried Chick" = younger white haired chick from the cover art, wears white, assumed to be a jedi
  14. I'm more impressed by this interview than the above preview. The interviewer seems to have been reading our questions. He may even walk amoung us
  15. Steve Kerrs take The whole break down Go "D"-troit
  16. He meantioned FO fans in direct response to a question asking about FO fans in part 1.
  17. what were you playing? Wasn't Hold em obviously.
  18. Eldar called me an uber-doofus one time......and fat......and I've seen him kick a puppy.
  19. Another interview (has more about the endings)
  20. ahhhh Bio fans and FO fans, living together in harmoney........ .....I'm gonna be sick
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