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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. I stand by this statement
  2. well s*** , at least they didn't get blown out they were in the whole game As I said, didn't think they could take this one.
  3. While obviously not the majority, things like gay sheep are not uncommon. I'm not kidding either. besides, it's not like KOTOR didn't already touch on same sex relationships. In a few ways, actually. Wow, do you have a "Needlessly Anal Buddy" that forces you to type that?
  4. That, and he makes big 3s He should have made a few more.
  5. see the little things piss me off most about the lakers, like how Fisher needs to lay on the ground for 5 minutes everytime a flop doesn't get called his way.
  6. craig sager should be shot, btw EDIT: Good game so far, but I doubt the wolves can keep hitting these shots, and I doubt those traveling calls keep come int he 4th quarter.
  7. I just hope Gary Paton keeps trying ot drive on Cassel all night! 8 to 6, just run out the clock now!
  8. I'm going to have to disagree there, about the Shaq bit hassles a great defender, I think between him and wally, they can contain kobe. Maybe they will try Sprewell on him, not sure. Then you have KG on Malone Cassell on payton Shaq is the problem. Unless the Wolves have a Yao Ping on the bench they conviently forgot about
  9. eh, they are home court, but did you see how drained they were after game 7. I'm sure their still sore. anything is possible, and besides for Shaq, they match up well. They have 2 solid and decently big centers tho
  10. Exactly! That way, the players who chose to avoid these silly minigames should gain the advantage of a big payoff when we sell our first swoop bike while it's still in mint condition! Or we could just keep it and try to collect 'em all! edit: Sounds good tho
  11. Thats why I like him! But he makes a few very good points in regard to people calling Kobe a hero. Thankfully, I've never heard someone call Kobe a hero. I mean, to even begin comparing the guy to stalone is madness... tip off is in 35 minutes! Ready to lose punk! (even I don't really believe that)
  12. actually, yes, but couldn't tell you what for sure. I owned the first Crimson Skies and loved it, but that came out several years ago. The new one is a different game with much improved graphics, but as I said, never played so I don't know much more. Considering picking up a X-box to play that and Ninja Gaiden. Doom 3 as well, unless I cough up the cash for a new computer or some serious upgrades. Fable has my interest as well. I feel bad tho, having never owned a console that wasn't Nintendo. Tho my GC will gets lots of play with Nintendos upcoming line up.
  13. Thats why I like him! But he makes a few very good points in regard to people calling Kobe a hero.
  14. Freedom Fighters (though a tad short) is a good game. 720p as well on the xbox =) I just loved the simple put amazingly effective commands you had for your squad. Not to mention some killer AI (for your squad, at least). The enemies coud be lacking at times. They announced a sequel for 2005.
  15. Darth Garth: The Dark Jedi poet, who didn't even know it
  16. Maybe, but she has no problem ending the 'romance' when it suits her. The PC had no choice, as usual. The darkside fall was a result of her capture by Malak - before that I never even imagined a DS Bastila. Well, everyother dialogue with her was about how hard it was to keep awayfrom the darkside. She her self admitted having trouble, so it's not out of left field.
  17. Ikagura is completely under appreciated And which Crimson Skies? Any of the devs played Freedom Fighters? If not, pick it up for next to nothing and thank me later.
  18. I thought the thing with Bastila was she wasn't nearly as cold/stoic/up with the jedi code as she seemed to be. Hence the love and the falling to the darkside.
  19. So your upset a NPC act different than what you expected? yet, people complain their NPCs followed certain sterotypes to closely.....
  20. it's not... actually, considering Lucas had them made to bridge the story between episode 2 and 3, I think they are
  21. Will there be temporary party NPCs? NPCs that join you for a certain quest or you have to rescue them/lead them some place kinda thing. I can't recall anything like that in KOTOR.
  22. Any chance, if we go under water again, that we won't have to move soooo damn slow? Sea cucumbers were racing past me...
  23. There is no back and forth! If you say there isn't going to be romances, then your wrong!
  24. I'm really hoping that's sarcasm <_< Did people really do that? as I have said many a times: yes, o yes. I know it's hard to believe, but go look in the bio-kotor forums.
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