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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. "Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Plus I have with me here this legally binding marriage certificate,"
  2. She probably will. Yavin and Korriban. Probably not. Dantooine. Definitely. the voice actor for the game are not know yet, nor do we know if bastila will be in the game
  3. Just because you don't buy HK-47 doesn't mean he isn't around in K2 He doesn't explode or something
  4. iirc, thats the arcade flight sim for GC, right? That was a solid game. EDIT: ooops, just caught on
  5. Yea, since good dvd players go for about $30 dollars nowadays, can we expect a possible DVD release of the game?
  6. You know the member thing was a joke right, damn you people need to lighten up
  7. according to a gamespy article, carth will be in the game.
  8. ok, I was wrong uh, go Kings/Minnesota?
  9. I have the lowest member number here, so all of you shut up! HA, eh?
  10. actually I didn't say that, I said but I still say the Spurs are the better team Go spurs
  11. i can already see the dark road this thread is going down edit and its this long <------------------>
  12. yea, but would require me to run around to find one, while not terrible, it would be kinda annoying.
  13. You'll just have to pay like the rest of us for that anyways, it would be nice to have a post tracker
  14. it's not over till it's over That Pistons/Nets game was amazing
  15. yea, but the female jedi in that shot is a NPC, so I am assuming what you see are her base clothing
  16. the funny thing about the turret game is, if you just started firing rapidly as soon as it kicked in, you could kill most of the fighters in the first 2 seconds.
  17. I dunno, I kinda liked the "casino" feel to it. The idea that the odds are technically against you, but if your careful, you'll win anyways. I mean, did anyone have serious problems winning games after they got the hang of it? Specailly after you got those plus or minus cards.
  18. You obviously have not seen the man play Pazaak. It's like god himself is working through him. Really tho, Pazaak was fun enough. No reason not to put it back in.
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