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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. E3 is on Wen, iirc. I wouldn't except to get to much answered between now and then. You'll get a s*** load answered then tho, at least compared to what we know.
  2. someone will believe you then.....look out
  3. I wouldn't mind Vandar himself, though. Especially if we get to kill him. As I said in the other said, a DS yoda-type-guy could be some good comic relief!
  4. if there is a yoda like person, he better be on the DS. That could be hilarious!
  5. Hey, thats fine, but is large charaters arn't touch on in some form, after the horrible endings of kotor, that would bother me.
  6. If you are going to really use the ending of KotOR 1 in a meaningful way, why wait 5 years? if your not going to, why only wait 5 years?
  7. No, since you are not revan in kotor2, the simple thing is to ignore the old coot. If it was a dark side ending, he got carved, if it was a light side ending, he got carved after the ending. That IS the easy way out tho. Not that I'm demanding Jolee return, or all npcs should be back as npcs or major plot points, but what was the point of setting the game 5 years after KOTOR if you plan to kill off or generally under use NPCs and characters from the last game? Whats the point of trying to satisfy everyones ending if charecters end up dead or backround fluff. It's uninspired. Not saying that IS the case, but it could be, and is a concern of mine. Hopefully it's unfounded.
  8. Uh, didn't Tandi get kidnapped and threatened with death in Fo1, iirc. If you never save her, well..... While I see your point anyways, the devs still made assumptions about people and places. Just because something is complicated, doesn't mean it is good. You think just because the devs are working around all the senerios with these flags and trees, that the game will be better. When that isn't nessasarily the case. It's not liberating, I wouldn't think, but more like having to run uphill now instead of on level ground. You cover the same gorund, but one is harder to accomplish. Does that contridict what you said on the quote above this one? Killing jolee is the easy, non-complicated thing. Making him take some major part in the game for LS people, but not DS people is the hard thing.
  9. Well, they usually don't in a crpg. KotOR2 is similar to FO2 in the way it has a fundamental dissconnect between the characters in both. There is a connection, but its far enough removed not to burden the developers with a lot of dialog and event trees. But thats the thing, because they don't pick an ending, they have MANY more event trees to worry about. Unless they just kill people off that lived and such to save them the trouble. I have a feeling it will be something like this: If you pick the ds ending, canderous will give you quest X. If you pick LS male, Mission will give you quest X. Using NPC for space markers, rather than following up on them. i hope I'm wrong, and I'm not claiming I must be right either. Just my current take. And FO2 did follow up on a lot. Besides all the dialogue about the vault dweller, you find out the fate of vault 13 and its people, the male statue of the VD in NCR, you find out about dogmeat, tandi (assumed you went to shady sands and didn't kill her), harold (assumed you met and you didn't kill him), The fate of the VD (arroyo), why the waterchip was missing in FO1, etc. So basically you are told about what happend to some very key people and places from the first one. Not to mention FO2 is set more than 5 years after Fo1. Most of these people are supposed to be dead. And I was fine with that. EDIT: Things like Diablo 2 tell you what happened to the main charactor and many of the towns folk. hell, even FF games are doing it now. Not saying it's imposible to do it the way Obsidian is, but it just strikes me as something that is very hard to do without taking "the easy way out" with characters
  10. In one of my games Malak is still alive. Never did finish that one.
  11. I'm not talking about past years or future years. I'm talking about this series. If you followed basketball, you would know that both these teams have changed very very much in the last few years. It's not like they have been the same for the last 5 years. You can't compare them over that time period anyways (as a lump, you can year by year). It's silly to try. The hole in that logic is, the NBA isn't going to vanish or fold if the Lakers arn't in the finals. Hell, if they never get to the final again the NBA will still be health. The ratings issue isn't an issue.
  12. A lot of people are toast It's gonna be interesting to see how they explain all this. Those choices/questions that tell the game how you ended Kotor will have to be damn good to cover all possible scenarios. Yea, having a feeling it's going to be a love/hate kinda thing. I for one finshed the game game both LS and DS, etc. So no matter what, your stepping on one of my games toes, and I could care less if you did. Give me a good game and good story, and write history however you want it, my expirence from kotor won't be come horrible because the "offical" way it ends isn't the same as one the way I played it. I don't like the idea of having to work around all this BS, I'd say pick an ending and go with it.
  13. Hey, we could have a florida and a socal hockey teams in the stanley cup finals. Talk about low ratings. anyways, basketball isn't a soap opera (someone remind the Lakers), it's not about ratings. Thats why the Spurs are the better team, because they are just that, a team. Having the Lakers win is prolly worse for the sport than the low ratings (tho Detroit and the Pacers will draw heavy from places like Chicago).
  14. The Lakers already got their summer fishing trip planned out. It's over. Spurs vs. Detroit in the finals, Detroit in 7
  15. anything is possible, but the white haired girl isn't known from the start to be her.
  16. For the sake of not having a thousand threads like this, can people try and put one question things in the "questions to devs sticky". As for Hk-47, one magazine suggest he will return, another said a robot that looks just like him will be in the game. It is still unknown if Hk-47 or T3 will be playable NPCs. T# will be used in the tutorial at the start of the game, not sure if he stays in your party after that.
  17. Thats why he gets the M in MCA. someone got that Halloween picture of MCA? or whatever it was.
  18. be nice to be able to drag a drop in the pc version
  19. I've played starfighter and obi-wan for a bit, I don't recall much about the music or the game frankly.
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