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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. You were cheering for the empire in SW, wern't you? At least tell me your not a Yankees fan Good god, no! I hate the Yankees with every fiber of my heart. So you like Zelda, hate the Yankees, where did it all go horribly horribly wrong? What happened to the good times? When Kobe cried a whole bunch and wasn't, to quote the AP: "At best, Bryant is an arrogant boor; at worst a callous rapist"? actually, heres that interesting little perspective on Kobe: Kobe
  2. no, and my "not reading and understanding..." bit wasn't aimed at you. More at the fact that people managed to freak out when it was clearly said: just means you can have deep interaction with a NPC without going down the romance path
  3. no love letters to NPCs....yet and personal feuds were a trademark of the Iply boards too these polls got to go tho
  4. Ack! No romances! Yikes. While the rest of the interactions sound great, no romances is a bad, bad idea. His wording was 'aren't tied solely to romance'. He wasn't saying that there isn't going to be any, but that the NPC interactions are going to be based on more than just romance. -Akari 2) Why the heck did kumquatq3 sign his post with Akari? Well, aparently I did a s***ty job after all If you look at my post, it says "posted in dev questions:" Trying to show everything after was from that thread. Akari said that, not me. THis whole thread is for nothing, and due to people not reading and understanding what was said in the first place.
  5. posted in dev questions: Ack! No romances! Yikes. While the rest of the interactions sound great, no romances is a bad, bad idea. His wording was 'aren't tied solely to romance'. He wasn't saying that there isn't going to be any, but that the NPC interactions are going to be based on more than just romance. -Akari
  6. While I don't care if I see these npcs again, I do want to learn their fates tho, I think the logic people are using here is off. I mean, how many sequels to RPGs had someone who played a LARGE part in the story come back, without hurting the game?
  7. iirc, I think Mario 3 for NES has sold the most copies of any game
  8. *Raises his hand!* Alone amongst the billions, you just can't win. I'd play it, tho I think you have to choose jedi or non-jedi when making the game. After all, a scoundrel shouldn't be better than a DS/LS jedi in ...anything. I mean, he can't be more helpful than a jedi, or more under handed than a DS jedi, and shouldn't be able to best either in combat. Basically you have to power down the jedi, big time, to make it work. Not to mention drastically change the enemies you fight, depending on what you choose to do. After all, if my Han Solo guy is knocking of Sith Lords hand to hand....well, let's just say people have enough issues with all swords deflecting lightsabers. I suppose you could be a mandalorin or something, but still, your options are limited.
  9. ya, their all in court you just wait, damn it! You'll get yours!
  10. You were cheering for the empire in SW, wern't you? At least tell me your not a Yankees fan
  11. I find it hard to believe it beat out the likes of Ocarina of time, Mario 3, Halo, GTA3, MGS2, GTA:VC, etc
  12. ok, if the fake star forge can pump out ships like that, then WTF does the real star forge do? Make a great cup of coffee as well? It's BS
  13. tell me that you were at least born in LA
  14. I should make that my avatar. Ya, it shows the quality fans in LA.....
  15. the answer to that can't be more than 5 posts up
  16. well, word is you get different upgrade ablities depending on you repair skill and such, so that may be part of it. Also, you already have a lightsaber that you somehow lost, and one of the big quests is getting it back. So I have to imagine you don't create it from scratch.
  17. unless I'm forgetting something, i swear an article said that T3 is the only KOTOR1 party npc that is returning to your party. the rest are cameos, not that I trust any of these magazines anymore
  18. I'm not sure they lost him so much as they choose to use someone else
  19. Anybody watching this Dywane Wade play (heat/pacers)? Man o man is he something special.
  20. I'm not quite sure how, but that makes me hate the Lakers more.
  21. someone claimed it was the name of the masked sith lord, but no one has confirmed it
  22. ok, my bad, lets drop dvds here and leave this thread for dev questions
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