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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Hey, you can bring the horse to the water ...
  2. reminder, heres the link. It's free, but you need windows media player. http://www.gamespyarcade.com/livewire/
  3. You start as the last KNOWN jedi, apparently. So just because your the only known one left, doesn't mean there arn't others. Think Yoda.
  5. and this is in the sith lords forum....why?
  6. have you ever heard of lucasarts or a x-box game being handed out for beta testing? I havn't, so I'm guessing no.
  7. Hey, I think it was CGW that said they thought they would be pushing hard through june, then playtesting and balancing the rest of the time. Thats 6 months to Dec, 8 to Feb. I suppose anything is possible.
  8. anyone know where I can get mods for armor/clothing that arn't more powerful than their unmodded counterparts. Just a visual change up?
  9. I've only seen windows media player versions
  10. You mean the red haired rogue ?!? I hope the girl with the blue robes isn't supposed to be the silver haired Jedi from the concept arts, she looks petty generic in the game... Yes, you see the red haired rogue several times for a second or two. Clearly near the end. As for the blue robed girl, thats not the "white haired chick" This seems to be her
  11. You have to assume they have a plan for him....I hope whats pissing me off is this lack of memory stuff that keeps coming up. I assume the Lead Dev know what he is talking about, but why does every freaking story keep printing otherwise?
  12. The only one returning to your party. I agree, that is sad, maybe he gets his memory switched with HKs . That would be amusing. Anyways, HK has been confirmed (in some form) and it seems Carth is a sure bet to be in some games.
  13. I just promised quality, not quantity
  14. IGNs galleries have the best quality photos I've seen, click me
  15. ign Interesting bits: So T3 is the only old NPC returning ::to your party:: wtf? Ok, something is very fishy here. How the hell does preview after preview get this wrong? but we keep hearing take after take on this memory loss/black out BS. Whats up?
  16. I found this on the IGN radio line up for tomarrow, may 13 2:51 p.m. PDT: Feargus Urquhart of Obsidian Entertainment on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
  17. the gamespot ones are alot better, but their quality is terrible. I hope IGN gets some soon, as the host good quality videos.
  18. Ah, missed that. Kinda looks, weird, like the guy is freaking out well it's "good" like KOTOR was, but thats the problem, it really doesn't give us anything new of any substance. No biggie tho, we're along ways off.
  19. another sorta interesting thing is that guy that looks like a sith trooper is still with your party in the closing npc pan around. His armor is clearly not basic sith troop armor tho. Not sure if they still havn't adjusted his costume, if the guy is really an npc, if they are using the armor to cover up a surprise npc, etc.. EDIT: One more thing is there seems to be a girl a little bit behind atton in the closing npc pan around shot. you can see her near the top leftish before the film ends. She looks like the new npc girl, but she is alreayd standing on the other side (you clearly see her). Not sure what it is.
  20. It's nothing you havn't seen in KOTOR, minus the new backrounds and new droids that we have seen in pictuers before. The combat animations seem to be non-existant at this point. You'll see what I mean. Kinda boring at this point really, but nice to see something. The only interesting think is that you catch glimpses of the new NPC girl (the one from the concept art that got posted). My Webpage there also seems to be a giant bat creature, which is new, look in theback of the Dark jedi attack scene
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