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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. I stand by this statement I get your point, and your right. I was just giving you a hard time, to the best of my ability No, he's a prick too. We had him for 10+ years in chicago.
  2. Being a celebrity himself, Volourn would know I think he was refering to game 6 against the Spurs where the Lakers forced some season ticket holders to give up their seats so that other "special cliental" could sit there.
  3. you didn't take the highroad, you just tried to save face. anywho: How many "Sith Lords" are in the game? Will party NPCs still be able to create something for you? Like Jolee and medpaks. Will stealth still require a stealth belt?
  4. Yes, I did know that. Again, how? Just like you "knew" the below? Electronic Gaming, pg 81 which says "The only recurring characters we know for sure will have sizeable roles are.....T3-M4 and another 'bot ...::who looks like::....HK-47." Never does it say they are playable/party NPCs! So we don't know that. Other articles, like the Gamebanshee one, suggest he is in fact not playable: slightly down from that... So again, how do you know? Or do you not know and you assumed and felt the need to tell people these things as current facts. You may be right in the end, but as of now it's just a guess.
  5. Sure, thats great, if you in fact have your "facts" straight You claimed in the other thread that you were about to post that there were more than 10 NPCs in the game, but a dev beat you to it. This you did not know until a dev posted it. You may have read it on some fansite or on a meassage board, but this doesn't make it fact or trustworthy. Especially when major publications have been wrong on numerous things. Now you claimed to know that party NPCs from kotor, other than T3, will possibly join you. Again, something you do not know. Or at least did not hear from a source that you can back up the comment with. When I asked you to come up with one, you would or could not. So, I ask you, please stop jumping the gun with misinformation or unsubstantiated claims. Thanks If you would like to say "I think" or "My guess is" before what you say, that would work as well. Like this: "I think that you are in fact correct about other kotor party npcs joining you in K2, but it isn't something that is known to be true" All that has been in numerous publications or has been commented on by the devs. Most people can safely say those things.
  6. Atton Rand: just pretending to be gay to "get chicks"
  7. What? They've had to wait two years for a championship. Cry me a river. Try being a Red Sox fan. <_< Try being in Chicago. Bears, Bulls, Cubs, Hawks, Soxes, o my! Sure, had a great run with the Bulls, but have had many many horrid years since then
  8. I am just implying that if you choose to answer a question posted here, be prepared to back it up and Maria has a tendence to make stuff up it seems. That being said, I would be shock if T3 was the only joinable party npc from last game, but you never know.
  9. Would you like to point me in the direction of proof?
  10. No comment. NPC characters and details about them are the type of things that are more likely to be revealed through press coverage of the game than here on the forums. Sorry! -Akari butbutbut! It WAS reported through press coverage! I'm just looking for conformation or denial of that report! Actually, that suggest T3 isn't playable after the tutorial
  11. What's all this inside information you appear to have Ms. Maria? It's called EGM and CGW + dev posts
  12. Gamespy (I hope i'm not mixing up previews) suggested that T3 is the only ::party:: NPC from last game that will join up with you in K2. Is that the case?
  13. I don't understand what you are asking, isn't it the same thing as the initial question?
  14. what do you mean "if"? You mean "when"? :D
  15. Seriously, did you have to post that RIGHT after I said RIP? Anyways: Any chance, if we go under water again, that we won't have to move soooo damn slow? Sea cucumbers were racing past me...
  16. I'm just hoping Star Fox 2 doesn't suck
  17. not to my knowledge, I'm not sure if they even know just yet.
  18. not to get a GC discussion going, but fyi, Mario is 29.99 and metroid is 19.99 Players choice list
  19. Cool, then please make some reference to who you are speaking to, if it's not the above post.
  20. ya man, he nailed that math on national tv, good for him
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