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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Well, considering you could have pretty much an combo of bad to good, or good to bad and back again, I don't think he can assume you won't see a guy turn bad again.
  2. Why? Are you talking abotu Revan (who didn't have to be bad in the end) or Bastila (who didn't have to be bad in the end)
  3. Well howabout this: Will we see some more art tomarrow in the new gamespot article? and do all the npcs/sith lord have art like that or was this kind of a display thing?
  4. Why should the thread disappear? in reference to a dev post that was removed prior
  5. D'OH! The Lucas Arts Secret Police arn't gonna like this.... ...I bet they break all of his pencils EDIT: and so dies my bastila theory...or maybe its a trick...
  6. Maybe we could have Atton respond to your choice of attire with appraisals and suggestions. It'd be a good job on the side, "Atton's Eye for the Jedi". Ha! Thats fantastic! I would love that! "Oh girlfriend! WHY OH WHY are you wearing those pleated front pants with that forceforsaken wrap shirt!? And those shoes! Did you get those at Yavin Off-Rack or something? What were you thinking? You're killing *me* everytime I have to look at you, sister." Whats the point of killing sith if you can't do it in style?
  7. Wait, arn't you the one who kept saying the game wasn't kotor2, because some x-box magazine started the rumor to sell more x-box's?
  8. The magazines stated that you would have 10 npcs to choose from to fill out your party, and that you could get different npcs depending on your sex and ls/ds status. Does this mean the total number of NPCs in game are more than 10, but depending how you play, onyl 10 will be available to you?
  9. Not true, T3 is apparently the first NPC you get. iirc ,or one of the first or somehting like that. what was said in the magazines were that not all npcs from kotor1 would return/play a big role
  10. You're posting on a Star Wars game message board, pal. Geekiness comes with the territory. I can't be a geek, did you see how cool my low member number is
  11. This was in KotOR 1 already. There are storage containers on the Hawk. Ya, did you try using them? I'd still be playing...
  12. Search your feelings, you know it to be true...bastila is EVIL! edit: feel like such a geek now
  13. How do we have members that are listed as #1039+ and such, but we are still 50 or so people away from 1000 members?
  14. Did you? What happend to her once Revan left tho....::cue music::
  15. It's funny, while I think Hk-47 and Jolee were better characters, you don't really wonder what became of them that much. You want to see them agian, but personally I'm not curious about the state you might find them in. You do wonder what happened to Bastila tho. Chalk that up to the crappy endings, I think.
  16. who says its the "main" bad guy? Could just be one of the sith lords. Tho, I assume an evil bastila would be a person you couldn't face till later in the game. With luck Bastila will just be a non combative NPC. Someone to help you "reconnect" to the force no matter which side you're on. nah, I think it would be fun to face some of your old NPCs. Maybe Canderous went goody two shoes (like he seemed to be at the end of his dialogue) and you have to mess with him if your evil. Regardless, I really think you'll end up facing off with one of the jedi from last game, and since Bastila is the only one who can survive either ending (jolee and juhani die no matter what in DS) I'd say it's her.
  17. I thought you are unable to kil carth as a DS male.
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