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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. go to the unoffical faq, I listed any differences there. There are some interesting differences of opinion between the two, it would seem. The pictures, btw, are MUCH better in CGW.
  2. I don't know if it was said yet, but CGW said that the x-box and PC versions will lauch at the same time.
  3. One thing I have been wondering about the whole "you have to track down your lightsaber" thing. I wonder how they will prevent you using a dead jedis saber or taking one from a jedi NPC
  4. Dude, for how much you seemingly hated KOTOR (the plot, combat, mechanics)...I have to wonder why the hell your here. The game isn't going to be completely overhauled, so your still going to be furious.
  5. EDIT:actaully, your right, I forgot what I posted 2 seconds ago I can only imagine that some planets are "sub levels". Kinda like the levitan (sp?) level.
  6. Not directly conflicting, I would just say it is unclear. Thats why I typed it up, seemed funny to me too....
  7. CGW said that there are 5 "game worlds" with numerous levels. Where EGM says there are 7 "planets". CGW said HK-47 is coming back, not a driod like him, specifically him. CGW and EGm both said that each NPC has a special ability. They mentioned Atton Rand can't be "knocked out" "thus sparing you the gameover screen you mighy get even with the most powerful jedi in tow" CGW says "you'll have ten charecters to choose from to fill out your party.....players who pursue the dark side may get different companions than light-side players, and in some cases, even your gender will determine what charecter you get" -note- That last bit from CGW seems to be....akward. It tells you'll have 10 NPCs to choose from, then it tells you that you will get different NPCs depending on the way you play. So I have to assume that means there are more than 10 total NPCs. Also, pick up the CGW issue, the pictures in it don't suck. Unlike the EGM ones...
  8. Look, I don't think I am saying anything shocking if I said that they DO have another project (that isn't being worked on heavily just yet, hence the hirings not having taken place yet last I heard) and it ISN'T KOTOR3.
  9. Arn't you the guy who said it likely wasn't KOTOR2, repeatedly? All because you said a X-box magazine started the rumor? Didn't I try to bet you it was? Let's just say what you "know" ain't worth much Anyways, if that IS the case, then all your NPC's are worthless against the last guy. They arn't going to let you bring an army in to battle, but not let you use your NPC's abilites for other solutions. They didn't in KOTOR. They made you go by yourself. So whats your point there? What if its a darkside move? Malak "killed" Revan with a freaking laser canon! Then tried to kill you with a small army when you tried to get to him, and when you finally did get to him, he ran and you fought droids. Not to mention (from a lightside view point) episode one had 2 vs. 1. Obiwan tried to do 2 vs. 1 again in episode 2. I am sure I can think of more. O, then we need a programming skill to right? Not to mention eletrical skills. After all, repair and build don't mean you know about current and binary. The guys who repair my roof, and build my deck don't do electrical wiring. Your idea of power gaming is my idea of balancing skills, so some arn't worthless or very under powered, just for the sake of nitpicking logic. Its a game, let these things go man. Fun over logic. After all, you are playing a game with laser swords and mind readers who use "the force". Lets just say logic isn't this games strong point. If logic is what you need, you shouldn't be here looking for it. So now repair and assemble are polar opposites or something? Come on. Of course your logic would require us to have "repair droid", "Weapon assembly", "assemble armor", etc But wait! A mechanic doesn't build stuff! He repairs! AH! I am pretty sure a "mechanic" didn't assemble my Toyota or build my chair. And I would know, because I was a mechanic. Never did I put together a car using all new parts. I would have a decent shot, but never did I do it. I do know mechanics that could tho, but they don't (usually). Generally tho, Mechanic=Repair/assemble. Not build forn near scratch. Which brings me to my point: If you know how to fix something, and therefor know how it works, you have a decent chance of building one from scratch. Have you seen "Monster Garage"? I rather have skills that make the game balanced and fun to play. I don't want INT divided into book and street smarts, because it makes "logical" sense.
  10. You arn't fabricating the metal for the thing, your putting parts together. repair is just fine Besides, you need to strengthen the repair skill, not make 2 weaker skills
  11. One Jedi would be fine, besides yourself. If you find two then the all-Jedi strike force becomes possible again. Maybe you could take on a padawan
  12. kumquatq3


    Back to Winterwind you!
  13. Does a shifty gambler destroying a Death Star and helping to save the Rebellion from destruction count? but I see your point
  14. Honestly, if its early enough in development maybe they can change this. I am hoping that Obsidian breaks away from their bhaalspawn/master jedi formula, which you're character secretly is. is it? Because if the story is already set, and you can't already be a non-jedi, then you have to rework a whole lot to change the story if it is jedi based. Besides, the magazine did already say you start off as a exhiled Jedi.
  15. I think he is kidding. Either way, if you need this magazine to know it was kotor2.......I mean come on. You must have been asking Bioware for a DNA sample so you can confirm your charecter was Revan....
  16. Phosphor just mentioned this to me: Please don't make me move around in those suits again! It was SOOOOOO boring and I dreaded every minute of it. It wasn't even fun the first time. Worst part of the game, imo.
  17. Yea, but gut feeling tells me I'm wrong.
  18. Interesting.. it also is saying the product is PC, not X-box. You would think if the x-box version was supposed to come out well before the pc that the x-box version would pop up
  19. Just out of curiosity, not nessasarily getting at anything, but I noticed no dev listed that they played KOTOR recently. I'm sure you guys just forgot, eh? B)
  20. For the sake of keeping things straight: The DS ending of KOTOR doesn't show the republic getting overthrown. Your assuming that happens. edit: oops, doomy already pointed this out
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