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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. Question: CGW says you'll have 10 npcs to choose from, but it also says taht you will get different ones depending if yoru light, dark, male, female....so does that mean there are more than 10 npcs that will join you, in total? and why are you using the logo with the II ebhind it, instead of the Sith lord logo found in CGw?
  2. Question: EGM said 7 planets, CGW said 5 worlds, which is it?
  3. I saw all these devs coming on the boards and I was like.....blood in the water..
  4. that assumes the main guy knows he is revan from the start, and that is obviously not the case.
  5. I still wouldn't expect Obsidian to say to much guys, specially not till e3
  6. It wasn't leaked, it was emailed to insider members. According to that, the big unveiling is TOMARROW to me this was leaked, as it was posted on the internet, and people who aren't in that inner circle have seen it by the tons. --- but we it shouldn't matter in the next 18 hours anyway. :D It's not an "inner circle". It's lucas arts insider news letter, and its free to sign up for
  7. ok, lets not start this little arguement now (gore and "insider")
  8. I did think Gore would win the election so...
  9. It wasn't leaked, it was emailed to insider members. According to that, the big unveiling is TOMARROW
  10. No, the low water mark will be the poems and love letters to the female NPCs in the game.....that was bad
  11. The magazine articles say that via your early conversations, you dictate to the game how kotor ended. I assume the NPCs, locations, and revan change with your take on kotor.
  12. I just got that announcement in my email, so I guess the annoucement is offically tomarrow
  13. I can only imagine this means jedi booth babes and sparklers
  14. Oh, I know you know it's not FO3, talking to everyone else
  15. she is also the cover art of CGW. Obviously of some importance, npc maybe
  16. the game might even be annouced to yes, you will
  17. No, if I didn't make it clear, thats apparently the offical logo. I didn't make it.
  18. actually, last I heard, VERY few people are attached to that project as of now. I'd expect it to kick in to full gear near the end of the summer (7-6 months form KOTOR release) EDIT: It is NOT FO3, trust me
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