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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. delaware= first state KOTOR2 = first game and it's sorta like the BIS habit of naming games after presidents
  2. I thought we had something special here. s***, after counting, I just realized that Feb is a long ways off. 10 months (thats like 6 months using the metric system)
  3. I want to know if the X-box live DLs they talked about will be X-box exclusive, or will the same things come in patch form for PC users.
  4. How long do I have, doc? Whiskers is a jedi?!?!
  5. Where was that said? Uh...isn't that the difference between LS an DS? Perception and views of evil and all that? She was acting on her own free will, Malek wasn't controlling her mind. She was a Dark sider, just as Vader was. It doesn't mean they are past redemption tho, or have no good in them. You forget that Revan can just as easily keep her on the DS, she sure seems to buy into Maleks "lies" then.
  6. I disagree. She turned to the DS once, and then Revan (her love) takes off in the middle of a war....who knows
  7. I could see her being a sith lord... in fact, i'd bet one of the jedi from the first one is a sith lord. Maybe the masked DS jedi is one of them
  8. besides FO1/2, kotor was the only RPG I ever played twice, period.
  9. 100% agree, the endings of the first one were just...bad. They felt rushed and VERY anti-climatic
  10. do you have to beat the sith lord in a linear fashion, or are they the equivilent to star forges.
  11. Imagine Annah triple-wielding lightsabers, one in each hand and one held by the tail to protect her back a la general grevious?
  12. Will there be more varied char models? All those Twileks looked alike to me last game
  13. now that I think about it, I don't think any of the jedi npcs (minus revan) survived, at least not through the war Otherwise I have to assume they would join you in the game, or their with Revan. Since we already know of 2 jedi npcs, I can't see there being to many more. I have to assume there is at least one DS jedi that joins you this game.
  14. well, I'd bet different guys show up depending what ending you tell the game actually happend
  15. It seems not only can't egm/cgw get it right ,niether can gamespot
  16. Yes, how does this effect the chances of Fallout 3 being your first game? its a trick to throw you off the trail. MCA said it before, they will be the first company to announce a game after it hits stores.
  17. There are 2 logos for the game so far, one is the first games logo with II behind it. The other: not sure which is "right" anymore
  18. I don't think we'll be hearing much today guys, a dev posted that cited the name of the "chick in white" was removed....
  19. What the hell is with egm/cgw/gamespot not getting their facts straight
  20. ya, the memory loss thing, if true, won't be a popular choice around here. It will feel over done. We'll see how they handle it tho.
  21. Can you comment on this: gamespots take on the world/planet thing: also, just a heads up to everyone, from gamespot:
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