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Everything posted by Nitron

  1. The Exile turned his/her back on the Force, completely. After the trial, they made the decision to abandon it and no longer use it or even sense it.
  2. In the Shyrack caves. Keep clicking on the dead Jedi.
  3. But the Queen said you could come back again later. I thought I read somewhere you could return again. If not, no big deal.
  4. I heard that if you tell Grenn about Czerka helping them, they wont show up and are replaced by some Mercs.
  5. Supposedly yes, but you would need some time for it. So that is too late.
  6. Suging Illrey
  7. PC version--I just checked and the WIS bonus works with robes, but not armor.
  8. The damage subtracted is per hit, not total. Use it and you can have a whole squad of troops blasting you for no damage. Even in Trayus Academy I was hit for zero points quite often.
  9. Yeah, as a Male Guardian I felt there was no closure with Disciple. You meet him at the Academy ruins and when you return to Khoonda he's talking to Carth. After that, nothing!
  10. My first time I sent Atton, Visas and Bao-Dur. Handmaiden and Mandalore came with me to the Palace.
  11. She kicks ass. She was in my party more than anybody else. And as far as computer characters go, she's hot despite the haircut.
  12. Then it must be Force Crush. Thanks.
  13. No. But talk to that female Twi'lek for an easy quest.
  14. I defeated Vaklu and his thugs and talked with Kavar. He agreed to meet me with the other masters on Dantooine, and they did.
  15. I finished the game. The only part I didnt complete is post-Civil War Onderon. I finished the part with the war after Dantooine and half of Nar Shaada.
  16. Exile--Cyan (main hand) and Viridian (off hand) Visas--Violet Kreia--Barely used her, but gave her Freddon Nadd's I didnt train any of the others my first time. I was a Guardian, so I didnt need Bao-Dur or Handmaiden as additional ones. Picked up Mira late, so didnt have enough time for her. Not enough influence with Atton to train him.
  17. My first time, I got LS mastery after finishing Dantooine, which I went to right after Telos academy.
  18. I seem to have missed one of them. On the list, right above Beast Trick. I also have Force Sight, Precognition, Battle Precognition, Breath Control, the seven Lightsaber forms and Force Channel. What is it and how do I get it?
  19. Level 28 on my first try. Only used Kreia when she had to be in the party, so I probably could have had another level from her mentor ability. Guardian/Weaponmaster with Light Mastery.
  20. I beat Nihilus, Atris, Sion and Traya all on the first try. Force Enlightenment (Master Speed/Basic Valor) + Master Flurry and I knocked off half of Sion's health in one round. 26-44/13-36 damage range. I had more problems with the area outside the tomb on Dxun than any boss.
  21. At Trayus, my Force powers worked just fine. Granted, my WIS was 32. I was a Guardian/Weaponmaster with LS mastery. I could stun a whole platoon of commandos with Stasis field or Force wave. Even the Maruaders and Sith Knights failed their saves often enough.
  22. That's too logical. (w00t)
  23. Well, the Qel-Droma family must be quite extensive, cause there are mentions of them all over. Even in that detestable Attack of the Clones, Padme and Anakin's marraige had to be a secret. Obi-Wan and the Council did not want him getting attached to her.
  24. Well Taran'Atar, I believe in part one, HK-47 could translate 6,000 languages. Remeber, he did suffer some severe damage. I dont recall wether or not he said his translation capabilities were damaged or not, though.
  25. Wasnt there a line something like "I'd rather stab myself in the eye with a lightsaber"?
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