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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. Seeing this trailer on my HDTV was nice.
  2. Holy mother of God, this trailer was forking awesome.
  3. I'm sure. It happens sometimes.
  4. No, you're the one who initiated the fights, as you got experience from them.
  5. I wouldn't agree with that. I'd say most of the people playing dolls are fairly good as well. It's one of the best things about Whedon's shows. Regardless of whether they're good shows, they're all pretty well cast. I'd say the casting is probably Firefly's biggest strength, for example, even if the courtesan chick was a bit incompetent.
  6. Pidesco

    Prop 8

    Funny you would bring up floods and tornadoes for in the last two years we have had plenty. I think Australian did something wrong last year because God's really punishing us this year. "VEGEMITE"
  7. My CRT died on me!!! What will I do now? Proper CRTs are, now, almost impossible to find, and my budget is rather limited. I'm probably going to have to buy a 100
  8. Since Saturday: Escape From New York Fast Times at Ridgemont High Dazed and Confused Dead Ringers All around awesomeness, although for very different reasons.
  9. I just saw the GT video, and it kind of fills me with dread regarding QD's screw ups with Fahrenheit. They seem to drink to heavily from the crap psychological thriller school of writing, and I can still see them going all idiotic and mystical as the story develops. I hope they focus more on the characters, rather than the action or the Hollywood plot.
  10. You just get 2 experience points for beating a guy two levels above yours?
  11. It seems to me that, if graphical realism is one of the main goals of the game, then they should release this on PC, and make PC the main platform.
  12. Why eat Pringles when there are cheaper, better crisps available on the market which are actually made of potato?
  13. Wolff is pretty impressively attractive. And also, she has a good name for an Alpha Protocol character. "Fryda Wolff, German Super Spy."
  14. Pidesco


    I remember this show from when I was a kid. A scene of some woman shedding skin and showing reptile scales underneath.
  15. Don't all the DLCs for F3 suck, anyway?
  16. Yes, I assume there's a linear progression in effectiveness within each weapon class, so unified ammo within each class is The Right Thing To Do™.
  17. I think Zoma means that, say, the SMG category doesn't have different ammo types for each SMG model.
  18. Didn't Bioware say that that wasn't a dryad, but rather an actual vegetable?
  19. I went to Skeeter's and stalked your posts there, but couldn't find anything on your PC.
  20. It's the same game with more features, better graphics and better performance. What's there to decide?
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