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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. ASUS P5QL PRO Intel Core Duo 2 E7400 2 GB Kingston DDRII667 RAM Gaiward 9800GT Onboard Audio Samsung 80GB 7200RPM Samsung 320GB SATA2 Seagate 1Tb 7200 RPM S-ATA2 32Mb Samsung 19" 923NW Gamepad XFX XGear Dual Reflex Upgrade time! New motherboard, new CPU and new hard drive. HDD: 81,50
  2. He means Rob should put on a garishly coloured leotard with a cape, tie a rope between his eyes and an unusually large, engraved golf ball, and at the same time, adopt a strange jumping pose. It's pretty obvious.
  3. The problem with the level design is that it turned the kick key into an autowin button. The game just became too easy and unbalanced.
  4. It's really sad that it was considered a failure, because in many ways it was damn fine game. It just needed better level design.
  5. As far as I can recall, Unreal was considered, at the time, a pretty lackluster game with an absolutely incredible engine.
  6. That seems a bit redundant. It's Transformers and not a complete and utter satire. How could it not suck?
  7. Suck it, Llyranor. I still love Kirottu, though.
  8. Like everything it jsut depends on how you use it. Both approaches can be good, although multiple main characters should be harder to do well.
  9. Not yet, but I'm guessing the system requirements won't be too different from other UE3 games.
  10. Night at The Museum - Not too bad, even if it was a bit of a waste of a good idea. Get Smart - A few good jokes here and there, but it completely failed to adapt the TV show to the big screen.
  11. Be Kind Rewind A sweet little film for movie lovers, even if it hams things up a bit towards the end.
  12. Anansi Boys I was disappointed by Anansi Boys, actually.
  13. Oh, bollocks. I forgot to reply to your PM. Sorry.
  14. Yes, just like KOTOR. Don't start this again, please.
  15. I'd say the writing in ME was in some ways a bit worse than in previous Bioware games, due to them shortening most main character dialogue lines in order to accommodate the VO budget. The vast majority of the main character lines seem to be variations of "Tell me about this or that."
  16. It's also freakin' huge. With reason though. That does look godly, but if its the size of a poptart, for example, it might become a bit annoying. Also, I don't know many people who need 160GB. I wouldn't say "need", but I do want the 160GB, or even the 250GB model.
  17. It's also freakin' huge. Well, a bit, but the Archos 5 is much smaller.
  18. If you can afford it, this is godly. If you can't, go for the Archos 5 instead which is almost as godly.
  19. If I could pick anyone I wouldn't care about cars. But I can't, so:
  20. I think this has a lot of potential for secret stuff. Like, if you dance the can can, you unlock extra costumes, or you have to do a front half twist in order to get two extra items from a merchant. It would be awesome to see the completists making fools of themselves.
  21. Pidesco


    Alien Nation was great fun and a great idea. I remember the aliens hearing sex between humans and thinking someone was in danger.
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