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Everything posted by MonkeyLungs

  1. Are you serious? You honestly don't see what's wrong with randomly attacking people and making personal attacks at them just because they like a game that you don't? If you think they are praising it too much then actually debate the mechanics with them, you know civilly and properly. Instead you make gross accusations and then claim that it's just your opinion man (DO YOU NOT SEE YOUR OWN HYPOCRISY?!). Seriously dude, this is too much, just stop, don't pretend you've done nothing wrong cause you have. If you can't learn to be civil just move on. People are alot more harsh to me on a personal level than I to them. I get attacked multiple times a day in multiple threads. I don't care because this is the internet and we are debating a video game. You guys can attack me all you want, bring it on. It won't change the fact that this game is medicore and selling horribly. I just criticise the parts of the game I want to criticise and make a couple wisecracks every now and then. You guys take this so seriously its like I personally offend people when I slam the game. You have as much reason to 'move on' as I do. And, I do think people are intellectually dishonest here, not everyone of course but plenty of the most adamant defenders aren't about to engage in actual discussion. I have made my stance clear as day around here: I don't hate the game and see a solid foundation in it. However, it needed another year or so of dev time because the feature list is extremely slim and the MP is the Ultra Gimp. By feature list deficiencies I mean precisely that this game is missing: Free Mode for single player or MP. MP PvP. Trading. Persistent Character saves. Newgame+. Large maps. Individualized quests for the premade characters. The game's MP camera is a serious technical deficiency that warrants an instant refund for unsatisfied customers in my opinion. The game's severely lacking feature list is an insult to ARPG fans and Obsidian's failure to heed fan warnings before this game was released has cost them. For the record: I have not done anything wrong. I'm just debating on an internet forum about a game. There was guy the other day insinuating all kinds of make believe things about me, and how I must be some kind of horrible person, or a thief, or someone who tries to cheat restaraunts out fo their food. His comments were 100% fantasy and also 100% ad homimen. I don't think he did anythng wrong, he's entitled to his opinion. He just couldn't come up with a better way to argue with me or maybe just lost his cool, happens to us all .. the guy is probably a great guy in real life so I'm not sweating it. It's not my fault that this game is tanking hard and getting so much criticism across the internet and you guys don't have to get mad at me for pointing out the game's flaws. If you love the game and think its the best ever that's great but your taste sucks and I will continue to explain why. Heck I love Too Human (although I'd still only rate it 6.5) and you should see some of the stuff my own friends say about that game. You guys need to lighten up around here.
  2. You can check Amazon.com (the north american amazon ie largest games market) and easily see the ranking for dungeon siege across all platforms. I posted the info yesterday for all platforms in another thread. I'll go copy paste it into this thread. EDIT: Here's the rankings for DS3 from Amazon: Xbox 360 - #53 PS3 - #50 PC DOWNLOADS - DEMO is #1 on downloads . FULL GAME is # 13 on downloads. PC DISC RETAIL - #24 Source: Amazon.com 26 june 2011 The free demo is a number one download though for PC and that might mean good news for the title. The console sales are abysmal though.
  3. The horribly crippled online camera is a technical deficiency. Even if it is working as intended is not an excuse. I believe that issue alone is worth a refund from SquareEnix.
  4. I made up a Sesame Street rhyme for a game development law that should never be broken: Gamers only share a screen when they share the same machine! The devs can even make up their own little song about it and sing it to each other about 100 times a day until it sinks in.
  5. What are you on about Greylord? Seriously dude wtf? What do TV's have to do with this? You keep throwing out all this what if's about me that are not only nonsensical but have no grounding in anything I have ever said. I bought an HDTV a couple years ago from BestBuy and it works like a champ! I was stoked on my purchase, it has way more features than I even need, SWEET! Do you realize who is actually being ridiculous here? You're just tossing straw man after straw man after what if after you probably at me like that is an acceptable way to argue.
  6. Many people are only going to discover this when they purchase the game. Very few folks like to hang out and do discussions on video game forums. To the OP: The reaction to not having pertsistent character saves has been bad. Check any forum about DS3 and its a recurring theme. There is no reason that benefits the gamer for this decision. this decision was made solely to benifit Obsidian's developers because it allowed them to get couch co-op or local co-op (aka co-op on the same machine) working in a stable fashion and then just make online just like local co-op. No effort was made to enhance the online multiplayer above the same machine local co-op.
  7. For the record, and because some of you are real dense: I have never demanded a refund for DS3. Not once. I have made the statement, that is like just my opinion man, that people who are unhappy with their purchase SHOULD be given a refund by SquareEnix. So #1 I have never demanded. #2 I haven't advocated for a refund for myself. I don't want a refund. #3 I believe people who are unhappy with their purchase SHOULD be given a refund Car dealers are total crooks, of course they don't like to do full refunds.
  8. They were just in the streamlining groove. All streamline, all day. Customizable PC UI and controls are just features that PC games have had since ever since ... they wanted to evolve or some kind of marketing words.
  9. I wouldn't hold my breath for any big changes or even DLC. Dungeon Siege 3 is ranked 53 on Amazon's Xbox 360 top sellers list. I didn't check the other SKU's ... guess I should. Here's the rankings for DS3 from Amazon: Xbox 360 - #53 PS3 - #50 PC DOWNLOADS - DEMO is #1 on downloads . FULL GAME is # 13 on downloads. PC DISC RETAIL - #24 The above is from Amazon.com (the North American market) June 26, 2011.
  10. If the game is broken, or destroys a computer, I may agree with you...but a game that works, your crazy. What, you're going to go eat at a Restuarant and if you don't like the food that you chose and ordered and was made according to regulations, you won't pay. I believe that's called Stealing. Then again, maybe you are one of those criminals and should be put away. IF it doesn't work or breaks your computer, I'd be all behind you, but to try to get money back on a working product is simply criminal in my opinion. At least you aren't as bad as the pirates. I don't know what inspired you to label me as a criminal but it is competely baseless and just makes you look a fool. Also personal attack and stuff. Its ok I understand though, I can feel the desparation in the fanboys arguments. On to your example/straw man: If the food is horrible I wil go and talk to a manager and the chef if they let me. I won't steal but I will voice my discontent and inform them that I don't believe it is fair to charge me for the meal. Obviously I won't eat all of it either. Whether they have the will to refund my food/not charge me is up to them. I would still tip the server in the above described situation. I never pirate video games. I play on Xbox 360 and I don't alter my Xbox either.
  11. I believe that if you sell something you should stand behind it. If you don't have enough faith in your products to offer a refund if customers are unhappy then I think that is on the person/company that lacks the testicular fortitude to stand up for the quality of their products. Consumer protections were put into place because many companies are greedy and will readily shovel crap to the consumer. There are no such protections for games, unfortunately. What is mind boggling are poeple who stand up for companies/corporations like those groups have the people's interest at heart. They want our money, that's all. It is our job to be vocal and critical of the services and/or products offered to make sure that those products and services become better. You can talk alll the blah blah you want though toasty ... the longevity (or lack thereof) of this game will tell its own story. A half baked game like this should be released for half price. Its an OK game that does some things well but lacks ambition and longevity and is missing features I believe to be central to the genre. Finally, I've never asked for a refund I have simply stated that other people who are unhappy with the product should receive a refund from SquareEnix.
  12. People are intellectually dishonest here. That's, like, my opinion man. The dude said this was the best hack n slasher ever. I had a solemn duty to tease him about it. Why do you guys get your panties alll twisted up over it? Yes people might like the game, believe it or not I think it's an OK title. I don't hate it at all. I just think all you fanboys gushing big praise here need to be counterbalanced because the game has serious issues. People have differing opinions. Shocking! Seriously, you're obnoxious and your answers are bordering on bannable offences. Bannable offense for what? I just teased the guy about calling DS3 the best ever! You know, asking him if someone was forcing him to say that. The OP is perfectly entitled to say that DS3 is the best hacknslash ever and I am going to call BS on that every time I hear it. So what if I think the guy has horrible taste in hack n slash games it doesn't mean I dislike the guy. I just think he is wrong. Some of you guys sure are sensitive ... A little DS3 co-op should cheer all you guys up! You should go play with each other. Local co-op is a good thing.
  13. Persisten character saves would solve this.
  14. Well Kinect sucks. I hate that POS and its going to drive me away from Xbox gaming. DS3 is a mediocre title that appeals to NewFans and has zero ambition for being anything other than a quick summer time filler title with no real lifespan or community building features built into the game. This game might be right up there with other releases this year but that is because basically every single game created is a pile of garbage.
  15. For next game or food for thought or whatevers: 1. Single Player Story Mode 2. Single PLayer Free Mode (You can run all the maps without quests but with randomized monster spawns) ... This could be an unlockable game mode. 3. Multi Player Story Mode 4. Multi Player Free Mode 5. Multi Player PvP ---- All the above need to feature multiple difficulty levels. Easy, Normal, Hard, Really Hard, Iron Fist to the Nuts ... whatever you want to name them just have at least 3 difficulty modes. 6. Trading Lobbies that can host up to 32 players on consoles, more on PC. Let he players set them up but have dynamic client/server process where if the player who started the room quits the Host(server) becomes the player with the next best connection. This way the room doesn't collapse just because the starting player leaves. This method is consistent with certain creative XBl titles. RDR handles the client/server set up for public matches this way (not a trading room but if the starting player leaves for whatever reason the game automatically assigns a new host Xbox. 7. Persistent character saves. These can be pre-made characters in concept, name and lore just like now only we would get to save our own version of that character and bring them with us into other gameplay modes. 8. Increased level cap and expanded ability trees. 9. No corridor maps ... OR if you just can't figure out how to make bigger maps with your spiffy engine then make more maps, way more. 10. More armor with varied looks. 11. Weapon and armor crafting. 12. Weapon and armor socketing. 13. Personal quests for every character/class/archetype. On the highest difficulty level each quest upgrades and changes and becomes that character's Epic Quest. 14. Follow game design law 101: Gamers only share a screen when those gamers share a machine. I made this one like sesame street easy to remember, it rhymes and you can make a little jingle out of it! 15. Allow the camera to zoom out way more. Let us have a full top down tactical view of the battlefield. Either that or make a proper over the shoulder 3rd person view. ------------------- Alternative Plan: Make a proper RPG and stop playing around in the ARPG genre unless you are going to respect it and make a fully featured game.
  16. Dungeon Siege 3 is the best hack n slash ever ... in your opinion. Is there a man at your home with a gun to head right now? Do you need me to call the popo?
  17. You fanbpys know why gamers get so angry about bad games? Developers and publishers don't stand by the products they create and refuse to offer refunds for unsatisfied customers. So people complain ... it's all they can do and even then it falls on primarily deaf ears only to be met with vitriolic fanbboy responses from intellectually dishonest individuals.
  18. I believe that responsibility lies with Square Enix.
  19. I just think this should be like a gaming law: The only time you are forced to share a screen when playing games is when the gamers are sharing a machine. This should just be a development maxim that cannot be broken.
  20. I wish everyone would do that kind of stuff Bendu. I love the rulesets for RPG's ... they are as much a part of the fun for me as the gameplay.
  21. Feature list for the game is too slim. Solid mechanics and stable gameplay is not enough. That's just the foundation for a game. If you compare the feature list for this ARPG to a the feature list for many ARPG on the PSP the feature list for DS3 is excrutiatingly bare bones. I'm just speaking pure gameplay features/ and options (ie modes of play and stuff) because it is a non subjective point from which to discuss the game. The game needed another year of development.
  22. I remember when I bought Fallout 1 brand new from the shop. The manual was incredible and very detailed. Its cool to save on paper and everything but why don't developers make a really cool interactive PDF or something similar that comes with the software. Perferably something you could open up in game and out of game and just read. A real in depth explaantion of the rulesystem and game mechancis ... extended tutorial type information could be included as well for new players. Give us the same attention to detail and care as the old games but just put it in digital form if the paper is an issue.
  23. Even Feargus made it clear that the way forward is streamlining. It was stated in an interview recently that gamers nowadays wouldn't even make it past character creation in Icewind Dale because you had to roll 6 AD&D characters before you ever got to the game. People today that love streamlined games don't really like anything about he old games except the cool characters and the stories and the levelling up. All the in depth mechanics and reading and having the ruleset be such a part of the gameplay are just aspects not respected by NewFans.
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