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Everything posted by MonkeyLungs

  1. ... ancd that just isn't good enough in my opinion.
  2. DS3 is not made for multiplayer on any machine, PC or console. The tethered camera is a technical deficiency of the highest order and destroys multiplayer ... tethered camera is only TOLERABLE in couch co-op games because until a console can run two instances of the game at once and output to two devices then we are stuck with shared screen or splitscreen for couch co-op games. For online the tethered camera is inexcusable. Lack of persistent character saves also hurts multiplayer. And of course MP is not the only reason to pay a agem but the OP clearly stated that MP was the focus for him and his friends.
  3. War in the North is a dungeon crawler. Also I was mentioning all those other games because they happen to be games that will draw RPG fans, and in context with my earlier statement means that people's focus will NOT be on Dungeon Siege 3. You are welcome to dispute that all you want but how many people are currently playing DS3 on Steam, on PSN, on Xbox Live? In relation to my prior point this means that IF there is to be any DLC (which there probably won't be) it really needs to be released prior to the fall releaser lineup. It doesn't matter if you classify these games in different ways because my point was that DS3 is going to fall off the map and soon. I'm guessing Torchlight 2 will grab ARPG fans attention when it releases. Now maybe you and 20 people from this message board will still be playing DS3 come next year but I somehow don't think even you will still be playing this game.
  4. Are there people arguing that the sales for DS3 are good? Bec ause they are not. We have discussed some things that could mitigate the lower sales though, namely development efficiency (potentially low cost of project -- this is unkown though) and the creation of Onyx engine as a development assest. These are two factors that could help to make the low sales of DS3 not such a negative. I don't think it is disputable that the game in real numbers though is selling quite bad. Just go and look at any online retailer that has sales rankings and see how well the title is stacking up against the competition. It's really not an argument is it?
  5. I thought we all knew how to access all options for every game we play? I know I do, I RTFM and experiement with the options and stuff. The more of this kind of stuff that's optional then the less I can complain even though I wish quest compass never made it into game design normalcy.
  6. Yes this is NewFan streamlining mumbo jumbo added to Oblivion because people didn't like having to look for stuff in Morrowind. I can't stand it, it pollutes my rpg and detracts from my fun. If these kinds of things are optional then they obviously don't offend me as much because I can turn them off but I still lament their existence and use in modern games. I also wish games would let me toggle off the mini map. I would prefer a series of checkboxes at the outset of a new game that allows me to turn off all the hand holding stuff right at the beginning of the game and then it should be completely inaccessable during that playthrough.
  7. I 100% disagree with you. Staying power was not built into the game. Your theory is testable though. We'll see how many people are playing in 1 month. Diablo 2 has a larger online community than DS3 and that game is 10 years old. EDIT: Also ... Dead Island Rage
  8. War in the North by Snowblind (aka Dark Alliance, and CoN and Return to Arms).
  9. Deus Ex ... um Torchlight 2 (for PC), skyrim ... there's more. Also tons of action games like Arkham City and more. Dungeon Siege 3 isn't popular at all right now, right after its release, come this fall this title will be forgotten about and even defenders like you will be off playing other games. EDIT: Amazon.com Sales Rankings EDIT: 30 June 2011 --- DUNGEON SIEGE 3 Xbox 360 = #67 PS3 = #81 --- For comparison: FALLOUT:NV Xbox 360 =#19 PS3 = #39 --- ALICE:mADNESS rETURNS Xbox 360 = #5 PS3 = #1
  10. Has the patch been cancelled? Has there been an announcement for a console patch? Just wondering ...
  11. Amazon.com Sales Rankings EDIT: 30 June 2011 --- DUNGEON SIEGE 3 Xbox 360 = #67 PS3 = #81 --- For comparison: FALLOUT:NV Xbox 360 =#19 PS3 = #39 --- ALICE:mADNESS rETURNS Xbox 360 = #5 PS3 = #1
  12. Item Pack DLC's ...hmmm. Free ones? As pure item pack DLC's I would say no and boooo but if they add new items to quests and make you adventure for them, cool and yay!
  13. Gearbox are my champs of DLC this console generation. So far the added value to gameplay and replayablility+patching added in post game support by Gearbox for Borderlands is pretty cool. I like the stuff Obsidian has done with NV too. I just don't think DS3 has sold enough copies or has enough people still playing the game to warrant releasing DLC. The longer they wait the more trouble to sell it as well, we have some great titles coming up starting in late August. From then on out DS3 will be an afterthought in even the most fervent NewFans mind.
  14. Well I said practically zero...anyways in comparison to other arpg's yeah the replay just isn't there for me. I could see myself playing once more through...maybe. Perhaps replayability would be greater if there was more exploring involved, if not all the terrain was corridor-like. Some people even complained about the ultra-efficient quest system(press R), similar to how people very angrily complained about the yellow highlighting in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, things like that eliminate exploration. I don't mind the yellow bread trail to help me find quest objectives, nobody likes to be lost for 20-30 minutes trying to find a door they keep walking by or something like that. How do you get lost ...corridor maps brah ... you cannot get lost, let alone for 20 minutes. Also I am against all forms of quest compass and magical GPS tracking systems in games where it does not fit with the game lore. And, I hate mini maps.
  15. No it's not, it's a game you can be completely done with in a couple days... it comes down to simply being a weekend game. There is no aspect of the game that makes you want to come back and give it another go. There is no multiplayer mode to extend the life of this game, no way to continue building your character after the main quest is over (whether this be new game+ or simply replaying parts of the game with your char), etc. So that's why it's practically zero, to call it moderate would be saying there is replayability for 2-3 months after release for the core game... there is not. Even the cheerleaders will be done with this game soon. All the replay features that really increase the fun of building a character in an ARPG are absent from this game.
  16. My money is on 'no' for a toolset.
  17. Dark Allaince 2 has a much richer feature list and more replay oriented gameplay though. Multiple difficulty levels ... with unlockables and stuff. Drizzt was playable as an unlockable rewards for instance. DS3 pales in comparison to Dark Alliance 2.
  18. The horror! Edit: It was unfortunate heavy use of the name I shall not name.
  19. I said it is, like, totally weak as an action game. Its "Super Advanced" for an ARPG though, according to many folks from Obsidian forums. I compare 3rd person action games to Ninja Gaiden (original reboot for Xbox 1). That has an in depth combat system and um really nice animations which is very important if you want to make action combat. I find DS3 combat animations to merely passable, Anjali's spear attacks are pretty lame though and look really strange. Lack of controller feedback shows lazy design ... there are also tricks to making controller feedback more a fun part of gameplay and less of annoying random vibration. You can tell when a developer knows what they are doing in this regard. Minimal amounts of alternate builds and hence alternate skill sets to use in fights weakens combat as well because there are less options available to me. Characters with predetermined weapon choices is less fun than being able to choose whatever weapon you want. Your special abilities that are weapon based should work with any weapon, like Sacred 2 (you can even fight unarmed in Sacred 2 and your special abilities that are weapon based work then as well). Animations for the special abilities should be different for each weapon type. DS3 feels too streamlined.
  20. I would be surprised if this game gets an 'expansion' of any kind ever. Small DLC a little bit more likely but I'm leaning towards no on that as well.
  21. Alpha Protocol didn't have a sequel because Sega didn't allow it, they have the rights for it as far as I know. Another publisher could have seen that there was something fresh in the design and the cult following would have at least got some DLC. There's an Obsidian interview knocking around somewhere that says Sega didn't want AP2 or further support for AP, but that's not to say that the mechanics that made it such a hidden gem wouldn't find their way into another IP of a different name... Think maybe Sega would have allowed a sequel if the sales for AP were satisfactory? I do.
  22. I play on Xbox 360. My stance from the get go has been Dungeon Siege 3 should be a $20 - $30 title. That's how it stacks up against other ARPG's. There isn't enough here to keep people playing and as such I don't feel there is enough offered to be worth full price. I think they should have releaased it on PSN and Xbox Live as downloadable titles right out of the gate. Start at $30 dollars and drop it to $20 after a month or two.
  23. I'm really quite intrigued by how the more action style combat (even though it is, like, totally weak as an action game) is enough for some fans to overlook all the mising features. **There is nothing wrong with that BTW I just don't agree. For me though, DS3 is just missing way way too many things to make it anything other than OK. EDIT: (------------RUMBLE SUPPORT FOR XBOX 360----------------> SUCKS! This takes away from the combat big time for me.
  24. AP didn't sell well enough to get any post game support or a sequel. So you guys thinks that's good? Sounds rubbish to me and especially sad because it was a great new IP. It didn't grab enough cross over fans because the shooting 'was too weirdo rpg hybrid' or whatever peoples complaints are. I liked how the shooting was heavily influenced by your stats reminded me of Deus Ex. Alpha Protocol is also a much better game than DS3, the story reactivity is extremely fun. Regardless of whether or not its better it needs to sell better to have a chance for post game support or a sequel. Slim chances I reckon but I may eat my words later.
  25. Or if Obs/Square feel like it won't be worth the effort.
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