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Everything posted by MonkeyLungs

  1. Creating a solid multiplayer component was not the focus of the developers on this title. They should have just made it a single player game. Reviewers love to shred Obsidian games to pieces and this is going to hurt this title. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE GET JOBS MAKING GAMES WHEN YOU MAKE SUCH HORRIBLE DECISIONS? WTF Feargus????!!!
  2. So online MP is just local co-op with a client-server framework to connect ps3's, xbxox's, pc's ... This is a pretty WTF 'feature'.
  3. If it's a good single player game with Obsidian level writing and C&C it will be fun. It is just unfortunate that it won't be an epic with gaming legs like Diablo 2.
  4. Because a: story is their strong point b: it makes DS3 unique among rogue-likes. It doesn't make it unique. It makes it a throwaway title instead of a classic that can stand the test of time.
  5. This is going to be remembered as another horrible design decision by Obsidian entertainment. You guys make some cool games but come on. The way the MP currently works should just be one option for MP. MP Options: 1. Dedicated co-op for storyfans. Ie. the current way it is now. 2. Drop in drop out co-op with persistent character saves ----a. Story mode ----b. Free Roam Mode 3. PvP Mode(s) 4. Trading mode with larger lobbies so more gamers can meet up and trade.
  6. I don't know why they decided to do an action rpg with more focus on the story than the core gameplay and multiplayer. Definitely seems like casual gamer fare and bargain bin purchase material. C2B you souldn't be feeling good about yourself at all ... you are coming across pretty lame this entire thread.
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