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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Why does the game have to be called Torment though? The Torment name came from a very specific element of the plot; is this new game going to share the same plot, or is the name just going to make no sense (aside from a marketing standpoint)? You have a bunch of guys who both worked on and love PS:T wanting to do a game they consider in the same vein and worthy of being considered a sequel. Why wouldn't they use the Torment name if they can?
  2. I was a fan of Bards Tale's dialogue in the hour I played it, but the environments were a giant pile of garbage and the controls were crap. The screens of Wasteland 2 shows they have improved on their level design.
  3. Oerwinde


    One of the better songs from the Todd and the Book of Pure Evil musical episode.
  4. Oerwinde


    The Bells of Notre Dame is my favorite. I found out about Lindsey Stirling over my holiday break and have become a pretty big fan.
  5. You've never seen someone complain about FF sequels? Apples and oranges, very different thing here. If you can't see why on your own I don't know how to explain it to you. This is every bit as bad, in my eyes, as opening up Black Isle studious again . . . with none of the Black Isle people involved. This isn't a sequel or a 'Torment' like game or anything of the sort, it's just name dropping to get attention for a completely unrelated project. You might want to say, "Well that's Final Fantasy" but you'd miss the point that, "Well that's Final Fantasy," Their games were never meant to be direct sequels (until they started doing that with X-2 and XIII-2). One of the first things pushed by this "Torment" game is that it "is" a sequel . . . part of the "torment franchise" despite not being a sequel, or even having access to any of the same resources. If I were looking for a Planescape: Torment game i'd sort of expect it to be set in Planescape, and have some actual links to the game. This game has no such links, they legally can't have such links. So really what they're saying is, "We're going to try and make this game like Planescape: Torment" only "it won't be Planescape: Torment" at which point the only reasonable response, in my mind, is: "Then you should sever all ties, not tout it as a sequel or any of that other nonsense, and just make a game, with its own 'not a cash grab title' and say that it was simply inspired by Planescape: Torment." It's all in the wording. They could have presented it as something inspired, in the same vein, which is what you're hoping it is. That would be fine - but they didn't do that. They went the cash grab, name dropping, 'look at me look at me' route . . . and it's despicable. I'm sorry, I must have missed where the game has already been made, released, played, and its worthiness as a successor to PST can be firmly dismissed. My point with mentioning Final Fantasy is that they are still considered sequels because certain thematic or symbolic links exist between the games. Summons, Chocobos, a character named Cid/Sid, etc. And you can't say Torment isn't like that because it hasn't had a sequel yet. If this game comes out and is a piece of garbage then so be it, but literally the only info we have on it is the setting, which was created by some of the talent behind Planescape, some of the talent involved, who worked on PST or were part of projects compared to PST, and that MCA supports the project.
  6. I don't get what the issue is. No one complains about Final Fantasy sequels. Every game has an entirely new setting with new game mechanics, characters, etc. but they had to make one an MMO before people complained that they weren't real sequels. If Numenera: Torment comes out and has: deep, intense, personal story memorable characters characters growth is based more on my dialogue choices and the interactions I have with others rather than how many beasts I can slay unconventional setting and cultures Anything like the stuff with the unbroken circle with Dak'kon (scads of dialogue discussing things important to a character where my character's arguments and points can make a difference in their beliefs and outlook) I will be satisfied that it is a Torment sequel.
  7. I pretty much paid no attention to anything that wasn't at least 50% off. Which disappointed me about Xcom. 25 bucks might have been the level I needed to finally shell out.
  8. Well, it looks promising. I kind of like the idea of the "xxxxx:Torment" being the link between games. I don't think you can get exclusive rights to a subtitle so its a good way of letting people know exactly what it is without having to license anything. It also means if Obsidian wants to do one down the road they can too.
  9. I must have read it wrong when I looked it up a while back. I thought the federal rate was flat at 15% and it was the provincial rates that scaled with income. Good to know. Yeah with CPP and EI deductions I essentially lose about 26% I suppose. At least you guys only pay GST. We have the 12% HST right now and I think it goes back to 7% PST plus 5% GST in june.
  10. I lose closer to 33% of my income to taxes (in large part because I now make more money). I still feel the motivation to earn more money because I'll still make more money after taxes. I thought you lived in Alberta? don't they have a 10% flat tax? I'm in BC. 15% federal tax plus 8% provincial. I make less than 36k per year so I'm still in the lowest tax bracket though.
  11. Your dad just seems like an incredibly snobbish and negative person. People leaving to acquire alcohol is an incredibly common thing at gatherings. Usually one of the hosts and a guest. Its generally called a Beer Run. Someone needs to call your dad on his generally being a lousy person. Maybe direct him here so he can see what he looks like to outside observers.
  12. Have you watched Two Towers with director commentary? I know a couple people who were pissed at some of the changes that after hearing Peter Jackson's reasoning for making those changes were much more accepting.
  13. I currently pay $32 a month for basic coverage, deducted from my paycheck. Meaning all my dr visits, hospital treatment, surgery, etc. is covered. Through my wife's employer we have 100% dental coverage (cleaning/polishing/extractions/fillings/etc), with some exceptions, and like 80% prescription coverage after a $40 annual deductable (first $40 is on us, after that the plan covers 80%). I believe we also have 80% optical coverage. This is entirely covered by her employer, we don't pay a cent for that plan. One reason I like living in Canada. Sure I lose 23% of my income to taxes, but I won't go bankrupt due to medical concerns.
  14. Was sick with the flu yesterday, and the little one got it about 6 pm, so not only was I sick, but he was throwing up in bed with us till 2 in the morning, then got up at 7 ready to go. The wife by that time was sick so I had to get up with him and our 4 year old as well. On the bright side I went to Allposters.ca to buy this framed: http://www.allposters.com/-sp/Map-of-the-World-Nova-Totius-Terrarum-Orbis-Posters_i5129655_.htm Was 69.99 + shipping -22% off coupon for a total of 95 bucks. Then I found a free shipping coupon for allposters.com. Went there, and the poster not only was 20 bucks cheaper framed, but with the free shipping coupon, I saved another like 30 bucks. So my total was 50. I'll have to pay taxes and customs when it arrives, unless they ship from their canadian warehouse, but thats only an extra 10 bucks. Still saved 40 bucks.
  15. Saw Madagascar 3 today. I actually thought it was the best of the 3. Though why Monaco's animal control was allowed to operate outside of Monaco I don't know.
  16. Jumping between Crusader Kings 2, Victoria 2, Company of Heroes, Walking Dead, and LA Noire. Wow the facial animations in LA Noire are amazing.
  17. It only made a couple million in the UK too
  18. Indeed. Very much looking forward to it. I heard he was interested in tackling Dr Strange for Marvel as well. Would love to see that, but his Justice League Black one will have to do.
  19. Boxoffice mojo is where I get my info too. I could have sworn BB made a lot less though. Oh well. Hellboy is another example though. First one didn't even break even on production budget domestically, yet got a sequel, I'm assuming due to DVD sales. 2nd did well considering Dark Knight came out a week later but still didn't make a ton, and talk is Del Toro is trying to make space in his schedule for number 3
  20. Yeah, my info was off. Was going by memory and obviously remembered wrong.
  21. Batman Begins made 90 million domestic, sold stupid well on dvd due to word of mouth, then Dark Knight made 500 million. Obviously Dredd won't do the same numbers, but hopefully it sees good enough sales for a sequel and the sequel makes upwards of 70 to 90 million.
  22. Its sad that such a universally loved movie couldn't break 15 million US gross. Supposedly a 50 million take would have greenlit a sequel. I figured that was an easy task then it debuted at number 6 or so behind a damn re-release of Finding Nemo. It should have done a lot better. Alas, what could have been. Maybe it will pull a Batman Begins and sell enough on DVD to get a sequel
  23. Its sad that such a universally loved movie couldn't break 15 million US gross. Supposedly a 50 million take would have greenlit a sequel. I figured that was an easy task then it debuted at number 6 or so behind a damn re-release of Finding Nemo.
  24. Grabbed the QFG games, master of magic(Atill waiting for a sequel/spiritual successor. Elemental was a failure in that sense) and all the Sam and Max telltale games, which were like 7 bucks cheaper than steam.
  25. I like achievements on Xbox because it contributes to my gamerscore. So even if the gamerscore is mostly pointless, its something I can compare with friends and such who don't play the same games as me. Steam achievements I find pointless.
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