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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. That is not exactly true, Ravel says exactly why TNO was looking for imortality. There are no expecifics about it but TNO signed a contract that made him have to fight in the blood war when he died, that was what TNO was trying to escape from.
  2. Its actually amusing that two people had the need to adress my post. Another thing I find amusing is OE is the developer of NwN2 and NwN2 forums were here until they moved by, it seems, the request of NwN CCC. What I have towards NwN2 is not "apathy", considering the game rules, the setting and the developer its dificult to me to have apathy towards it.
  3. I think it was cut because Disney would sue ...
  4. If you really want to know how I feel about OE ... I was not too happy about KotOR II anoucement, I was suprised by the anoucement listed as gameplay alterations since in my view that sould be the last thing they sould be doing. KotOR2 was released, you can all blame LucasArts for it but OE is to blame as well, I doubt LucasArts was that involved in such decisions as BAB progression and epic levels ... not to say the game ends up trying to be "better" that KotOR in relation to ideas and it stops being Star Wars, like it or not Star Wars is a B movie plot ... not a Stanley Kubrick movie. I have to say this, I find it very funny how OE tries to brush off KotOR failures when its about NwN with such comments as they are diferent publishers. Atari is no diferent that LucasArts ... people that played NwN remenbered the game was riddled with small bugs and that later patches introduced new bugs, also Atari published ToEE and we all remenber what happened to that one. I hold no love over LucasArts but I am not going to excuse OE from what they did, as a first title they appear to be the another Troika.
  5. First KH sold very well and if you look at Square-Enix releases you see they are not exactly making a lot of new RPGs, its sad they are just sticking to the well known series. I never played KH and I dont intend to play this one.
  6. Its pretty decent, my biggest grip is the presure controls idea since my PS2 controler have long lost his sensitivity. My other problem is they listen to the "fans" over the amount of story thrown in, you get very little idea of who the Cobras are and you are playing in the dark until you reach the first reserach facility, then you start to get some idea of what is going on. Also Young Ocelet is pretty cool, expecialy when we realize who are his parents.
  7. You need to know what part? This game is many things but one thing I am sure its not, being Star Wars. KotOR messed with EU continuity, TSL also messed up with EU continuity but not feeling happy about it also messes up with KotOR. The fact you dont know why GameFAQs Star Wars forum users would eat you alive if you posted that simply shows you dont visit that forum, they are (rightly) much anti-KotOR due to all the KotOR that sprung up during release. And I would join then, I dislike TSL story and the crack pot revisions it done to KotOR game and Star Wars universe ... I just hope KotOR III gets released soon and end this series so it finaly dies.
  8. Try to post that in GameFAQs Star Wars forum and you be eaten alive. And I would be joing for dinner ...
  9. Problem is storytelling, its possible to make a good ending as long the game is story focused. Problem is they rarely are and try to be character focus, add open character generation and we can see the disaster ... now add multiple endings and we can see its simply not going to work. VtM:B tried to be story focus and we all see how well it was taken, it seens people today are simply not happy if they are not playing some kind of super character that the world resolves around and are unable to understand a ending were they were simply a pawn (VtM:B ending is not liked because they either get blown up, thown to the bottom of the ocean or realized they were used as a pawn in someone else game).
  10. "Rebalancing" this game means having to remake large sections of it.
  11. The problem with that is the Republic after the Sith attack would never allow such problem to remain. The reason we dont see the Republic fleet turning the Sith planets surface into glass is because the Republic is the "good guys" and genocide is not something the "good guys" sould be doing. Yet logic says they could not allow the Sith Empire to remain since they would rebuild and attack again, leaving the Sith planets alone would mean they would simply rebuild their fleets and attack again. Some Sith might have survived but not their Sith Lords, without then they would simply degenerate like the Rakata did (or the sith in Yavin IV). Also making the Sith return is simply going over EU mistakes of the past (Superweapon of the week and Palpanite clones) and that is bad, if people want to know about the Sith race there are those comics over then, just like if people want to know about the Vorg there are those novels about then.
  12. Considering the Sith origin as a organization. They lost against the Jed Orideri and the Sith have the whole "the strong have the right to rule over the weak" thing going on. The Sith always try to beat the Jedi because the Jedi are the reminder of how the Sith are not stronger, it reminds then they were formed by people that lost against the Jedi and the Sith exists only because they originaly lost against the Jedi. Its possible (then again what is not?) but doubtful from a writer point of view its ends up just introducing the same thing again. That is why I am so against using the Sith race outside the Great Hyperspace War, to me it would be the same as fighting the Nazis in 1785. The only ones that had contact with the Republic and the Jedi Order were the fleeing fallen Jedi, as they died and other generations come it became a myth. Its possible to happen again but not in the same way. No because "The Sith" are both the Sith Race and those Jedi, if its just those Jedi is simply a bunch of dark siders. The Sith are a fusion of the Sith race ideas and the fallen Jedi ideas, in order to have the Sith there is the need to have both. A Sith will always be a darksider but a darksider does not have to be a Sith.
  13. I prefere MGS2. MGS3 is not as heavy in plot, also the solitron radar is gone and you are stuck with the motion detector and sonar that are near useless. Also changed some of the controls, grab someone for me is impossible because of how its presure sensative, I just end up killing then if trying to grab then. Now there is a camo system and a cure system, the camo system biggest issue is that we need to go to the menu to change paint and camo with is a break of the action, the cure system is pretty good and I hope its be used in other MG games or just MG type of games. Anyway its more MGS:SE that MGS3.
  14. There are two things I hate, ignorance and the dutch. (Ok there are more) Now I hope this finaly sink in ... I doubt it because some people are so blind with the ignorance that even when exposed to the facts instead of trying to prove such facts as wrong (and since they are not they realize they were wrong in the first place) keep pressing their ignorance. The sith race was a primative race when discovered by the fleeing fallen jedi fraction that lost in the "argument" (more like internal war) of the use of the dark side of the Force and when they seen those former Jedi they worshiped then as gods. And do the Sith Empire was born, eventually as millenia passed the Jedi Order and the Republic existence became a myth until Marka Ragna funeral that lead to the Great Hyperspace War and the destruction of the Sith Empire.
  15. The Database just put KotOR material because they were spammed for it. Another thing to keep in mind is that as EU have to adapt to the movies it does not when its other EU that comes along and decides that was already done was wrong and goes around re-writting Star Wars history. I personaly dont give a damn... I am not saying that I do not get somewhat anoyed when they get some EU and TSL story managed to piss me off in so many levels (a lot over the "Cult of Revan" going on, it was sad the game ends up to be around some NPC that never shows) that EU consistence is the least of the things that bothers me.
  16. Well I found some things funny but its another "guy-girl relation that goes around in circles" comic and I seen a lot of then. And I fail to find the humor on it (if I did I would find my live hilarious and I dont).
  17. Well its not like TSL bother to maintain consistence with KotOR ...
  18. Yes the Great Hyperspace War (that happened about 1000 years before KotOR take place) ... its great idea! As we are at it lets also have a cancellor that takes control of the Republic, declares himself Emperor and builds a weapon able to destroy planets ...
  19. I bet one of the first is going to be "nude Lady Grey".
  20. Of course it is. One of then is about order and the other about chaos, keeping the word no matter what means order as the other means chaos. If not in error Open Palm=Order, Closed Fist=Chaos. So 1) Open Palm and 2)Closed Fist.
  21. That is not "grey", its simply Order vs Chaos. That is the problem I have with the open/closed aligment, its does not have a good/evil concept that, like it or not, its the basic of human morality. Its sure not based in ancient china ... unless BioWare thinks that ancient chinese culture was amoral.
  22. Here is something over why I have so many problems with the whole thing BioWare is doing over religion and aligment in Jade Empire. http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia/china/pop.html
  23. Oh but we know what was cut and it amounts to the Dragon and about 3 random quests.
  24. Unfortunalty from what I read they look to have a influence of mechanics and as a good/evil system is easy to understand what BioWare did was come up with a rather odd aligment axis that serves no purpose if they did not build a system around it. I dont mind aligment systems that much but they are always a complication to the game mechanics and BioWare just made one based on some weird notions. That thing look stupid too me and it looks to be put in just to copy Final Fantasy. Jade Empire was anounced at Tokio Game Show, MS was thinking of boost Fire Hazard sales with JE in japan (or at least JPN region) seeing were it was anounced. They given that idea at start ... Yes and I always get somewhat pissed when I seen the japanese despiction of european culture in anime. Besides it was BioWare/Microsoft marketing system that thrown the word "china", not the press covering the game. Now they sing a diferent tone ... perhaps MS is a bit afraid they will piss off the entire chinese, japanese and korean market by insulting their culture ... JE appears to being marketed to western audiences that know little to none of chinese culture. Its its even based in chinese mytology it sould be, it was very important at a time and even japan had a varient of it. True things evolved and changed over time but its similar ro remove druids away from something based on european myths.
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