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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Honestly, I doubt it. The pacing was good until Jack of Blades shows up and then the game simply rushes to the end. Even if they put some of the cut content there is a lot that needs to be done from scratch, the world map must be bigger and some things (like aging) must be corrected even if that means removal. Fable for PC might have some "extras" but its no Project Ego, in order to come close to Project Ego basic ideas they would have to redesign the game with means 1-2 years of extra work into it.
  2. Its at times like this I thank that I dont create anything for other people IPs ...
  3. I wonder Volourn if its going to be that good. I heard many things about Shenmue and when I got my Fire Hazard I decided to pick up Shenmue II and ... lets say I found it boring, still the things I disliked over Shenmue was the "press the key on the screen before it vanishes" and not so much the combat system (then again I never got far enough to get a feel for using it) so JE might not go down that path. There are three things I dislike of JE so much. 1) "The open foot" and "the closed mouth" ... we have aligment in D&D because the original system was based on it, aligment systems sould be avoided ... 2) The airship (this is not Final Fantasy). 3) "This is game is based on chinese mythology ... and japanese ... and canadian", I know that BioWare avoids the critics over how "based" its actually is but from what I seen so far it does not look like its based on it, it look they simoly made the game visualy look like some place in china and put some "mythology looking" stuff on it but that is about it. Of course they keep a tight lid on the story but I doubt such things as the 5 elements (wood, iron, water, earth and fire) will be featured on it.
  4. Fable is decent until the Arena, it goes downhill from there. In a way it looks like KotOR2, it shows that at a point they run out of time and just completed what they had with ends up being bizarre (like your character is 60 and everyone else its still the same age that you started ), also there are some ideas that are not that good.
  5. The only thing that was confirmed was LucasArts FIRED the team doing KotOR III as it was still in pre-production.
  6. Perhaps because the fanart we guys make cannot be posted because it violates the forum age rating?
  7. Really? So tell me, how many players go across a dungeon alerting everyone in their path to unlock a chest ...
  8. Not all, the sniper remenbered. Also it was explained that it was caused by GF junction. Besides it was done so Edea looked to be the main enemy even if the game hints that Edea part is not what it seens. It come all together in the end ... do you realize who Squall parents are?
  9. Ultimecia was not that impotant in the story, it was Squall/Riona relation. I think Ultimecia wanted to compress time so she would never die, that is what I understand when Ultimecia passes her powers to Cid wife (forgot her name) in the end and vanishes.
  10. No, its a good ending for KotOR since it shows Revan retaking his title as The Dark Lord of the Sith. KotOR is self contained, BioWare did not had a problem with doing that since they knew that even if KotOR was made part of continuity it would go with LS ending. The real problem was OE decision of reworking Revan into some kind of "dark hero" for no reason, one of the things I feel about TSL it takes itself too serious and tries to add needless complexity.
  11. I am damn sure the Republic would just left then alone and allow then to rebuild their fleets so they could attack again ... NOT.
  12. This is somewhat easy to miss. In the Star Forge "Turret Level" if you go the other way instead of to the lift you end up in a room with 3 consoles. In each you can make the Star Forge to create a item, its the only place you can get Darth Revan/Star Forge robes but the console also gives the option to create armor (nothing special about then) instead of robes. That is why the Star Forge would not "rakatanized" anything, it simply produces what its ordered to do, if someone ordered to make Ravanger copies it would.
  13. My solution? I would never design KotOR II as it was, I could salvage the ending by change the "true Sith" nonsense and simply state that Revan simply hid as the rest of the Jedi and send T3 with the Hawk to stop the "new Sith" since the Exile. It would work fairly well since those new Sith would eat on Revan Sith as well as in the Jedi so even a DS Revan would want then to be away. At least I would have a ending that is not around Revan, in the end I felt that the control I had over my character was strip away. If I was given KotOR III to develop I would have no choice but to completly disreguard TSL since it would be my game, OE was a bit too keen in setting up KotOR III stoyline and plot to offer me the freedom in develop.
  14. Problem with Revan and The Exile is how powerful they became, having then joining would simply shift the story to then instead of who we are playing. Killing then would create another problems, same as making then NPCs (expecialy since The Exile is no Revan, he does not have a name or dresses in a way nobody can see his face). Looking at TSL I am suprised at how it make so many mistakes, not only the game lacks a ending, make the whole start and end around someone called Revan and makes it impossible to use the character we played in a sequel (too powerful for the players to start with).
  15. Problem with that is we seen Rakata design in the form of Sith Fighters, also its complete nonsense since the Star Forge had no problems in duplicating any type of armor. Another thing is we dont actualy know the Ravanger abilities, there is a 5 years gap of when the Ranager was used as the Levianthan was build, as far we know the Levianthan was build out of the experiance of the Mandalorian Wars and was far more capable that what the Republic had being used.
  16. Its a good question, I like to see what is the excuse they will make if Kyle starts with few force powers again. My guess is they will be reworking the Force system to have more powers and so allow Kyle (or Jaden) to gain more powers as s/he goes along.
  17. I guess he comes from Troll land with a name like that.
  18. That LA forum moderators must be really stupid if they posted that. Academy started as a expansion pack for Outcast and later was turned into a stand alone title (its not even Jedi Knight "III"). Anyone that disagree with me on this must never played those games since Tavion shows up in both games (in Outcast as a aprendice to Desann and in Academy as the one using Marka Ragnos staff/sword) and Tavion dies in Academy, also there is a lot of references her role in Outcast, expecialy that she became that way because Kyle spared in Bespin. And Dark Forces ended in Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight that is also Jedi Knight "I" but that is just the series names, its the continuation of Kyle adventures but Jedi Knight II: Outcast is NOT Dark Forces IV.
  19. Americans ... They dont even know their own country states.
  20. 1) Continuity rarely changes, TSL just gives the wrong impression of the Sith Empire. The Great Hyperspace War is not going to be changed just because someone decided to ignored it. 2) The Revan/Malak Sith empire existed as a political force as well as a military force, even if they are made of former Jedi the bunk of their forces would be made of former Republic forces making it far more a "Republic Civil War" that a "Jedi Civil War" since there was no split of the Jedi Order, they remained unchanged despite some members join the Sith side but that makes then defectors. The Sith Empire ended at the Great Hyperspace War, Kun and Revan/Malak tried to recreate it but they were ultimatly defected by the Republic.
  21. What the hell are you talking about. Academy is a sequel to Outcast, after Mysteries of the Sith Kyle turned away from the Force and the only Jedi Kyle trained before Academy was Mara Jade. Also Dark Forces line ended at Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, all games after it are the Jedi Knight series.
  22. There is a number, its hidden however. Every NPC you pick up starts with 50 influence, from what I can gess every "influence:gain" adds 10 points and will max out at 100.
  23. Well is what OE would like to do, I doubt LucasArts would want to change the combat and rule systems since its KotOR III. Besides OE already shown how much they stand up for publishers, if they do KotOR III they will do exactly as LucasArts wants.
  24. Yes and then they found the Sith race and created the Sith, before that they were just dark siders. The issue is the Sith are the result of those former Jedi and the Sith race, before it there was no Sith in the sense of idiology, teachings and technology since it only happened when those former Jedi and the Sith race meet. One of the major oversights of this gane is the lack of references to the Great Hyperspace War (Republic vs Sith Empire) and it gives the (wrong) idea the Sith Empire of old is still around as the Republic destroyed 1000 years before the game takes place. Also I found the "Jedi Civil War" being a really stupid name, its would be the same as calling WWII the "European Civil War".
  25. I refuse to play RPGs that require FPS reflexes. Too bad, I was looking for that title but I am going to give it a go ...
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