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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. The game simply makes a new .ini file, I know because it what it did to me. Funny thing is the new file does display the movies seen and not add movies we dont seen yet. The monitor shutting down is because it was set to a refresh rate or resolution it cannot display, its a simple matter of using the lancher and select configuration and set it to something like 800x600 60.
  2. Its look like a Virago, I played SotE enough to recognize it. This strikes me as odd as well. The "mandalorian shuttle" that we use is the same as the "G-wing" that Bastila used in the Unknown World temple, OE recyled the model. Problem is that if you go DS in the Temple Summit Bastila states that the G-Wing is one person only so there is no way the "Mandalorian Shuttle/G-Wing" would be capable of carry 3 people on it.
  3. Still "Matrix Reloaded" explained what "the one" was ment to do and its role on The Matrix. TSL looks like a side mission, like playing KotOR until the Leviathan and then it just ends.
  4. BioWare was making a engine (or a engine adaptation) so when it come to put stuff on it they already had a good idea of what would be or not. There is a cut planet and there are some models in the game files but its not at the state that TSL with recorded dialogue not being used (you know, there is Atris saying the same lines as Kreia of the end), areas maps not being used (HK factory), NPCs not being used (Atris have a party portrait) ... So far the only thing that was restored in KotOR was the Carth Romance Dark Side ending, I remenber that the Twi
  5. Well I played it but grown bored with it, its a diablo killer in relation to multiplayer if not for the countless bug, also I prefered it since it have more quests and does not force us to play about 10 levels to see something new.
  6. No. Quit pulling stuff out of your ass. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But regardless its a droid, meaning its capable of operating on its own. What is on TSL is a ship, it does not look capable of acting on its one and movement appears to be flying like a ship. In a way its a loss, that part could have put us in a mini game like the Turret back in the ebon hawk gunning down tank droids just to show the firepower those things are capable off. So much potencial ... wasted ...
  7. There are a lot of places. If she gone to the wookie planet (that only few people knew about) she had a entire planet fill with live that would make her hard to detect.
  8. I never completed FF X-2 because I simply could not relate to the whole "Girl Power JPop style" that was going on ... did managed to reach the concert in Tunder Plains but that part was just waaayyyy too much for me to continue.
  9. "JRPGs" simply deal with the story being character centered by making all characters pre-generated. It allows then to go over all the little details and create a complete character with his own notivation, skills, goals, attitude, etc ... By doing so the story is tight and complete. The downside is there is no freedom, you follow the story as it progress and have not much of a input on it leads, also there is the risk the player will dislike the main character and so unable to want too see the story progression. And another thing, "JRPG storytelling" have been in the PC for a long time, its usually adventure games (and not RPGs) that use that type of storytelling since its the ideal way to tell a story. Of course we have seen a good amount of "JRPGs" in PC as well ... Septerra Core, Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse, Betrayal at Krondor, Betrayal in Antara and Return to Krondor all use "JRPG" storytelling system.
  10. Kreia is a lying witch and thinks she knows everything. The films show first hand the impact of death at that scale, when the Death Star destroyed Alderan. Yes, it have a impact for force sensatives as Ben explains but not in the scale Kreia mentions and former Sith planet or not it sould not have such a impact. Also Revan was a Jedi until the end of the Mandalorian Wars, he became a Sith after it and no matter what Kreia says that is what happened in SW:KotOR. Plus Mandalore was not at Malanchor V and the Mandalorians follow Mandalore, the Mandalorian Wars ended when Revan killed Mandalore and acording to SW:KotOR that happened in Mandalor, the Mandalorian homeworld. Besides there were many Republic soldiers that returned after the Mandalorian Wars, Carth served Revan during that war and if not in error what happened after Mandalore was that Revan send his fleet into hyperspace looking for the Star Forge with the excuse it was looking for Mandalorian remains. Revan power was inspire others to follow him, he did not need some idiot planet to be blown up to bring people to followed since he was a natural leader. Besides he had the Star Forge, he could make a neverending army of droid troops and he did hunt down Jedi.
  11. There are errors over Malachor V. HK-47 says its was Revan plan to get rid of the ones that would not follow him as a Sith but I dont think HK-47 knows that because on his own words he was build after it and it makes no sense Malachor V being the end of the Mandalorian Wars since HK-47 was captured by Mandalorians and sent to kill Mandalore, since it goes from Mandalore that Revan killed to Canderous Mandalore so he have to been captured during the Mandalorian wars and so before Malachor V. So its safe to disreguard HK-47, my guess he is simply guessing what happened due to damage or because he wants to paint his idea of Revan. What I can guess from Malachor V is that Revan used it as a way to divert Mandaloran forces away from Mandalore (it have to be, KotOR said it ended at Mandalore) and so he used the forces he had less trust on since he needed all he had to attack the Mandalorian homeworld. Of course he had no intention of helping then, Malachor V was the end of the war because it was the last battle, I can guess as Mandalor was captured and Mandalore killed by Revan the battle of Malachor V was still and not going well to the Republic.
  12. Its not completly out of the question, same as I being producer of KotOR III. Chances of that happening ... snowballs in hell have better odds. Also I expect Halo 3 being a Xbox 2 launch title, not "2.5" ... of course reading TeamXbox stupidity (3 diferent Xbox models) makes me wonder f TeamXbox are plain idiots or of MS are just not able to develop a console to win against others.
  13. Its old news now ... Now notice how its on BioWare forums, one of the worst places in the internet to talk about games (I know its bashing but BioWare forums are not a good place to talk about games, not with their current moderation system) and were he would be safe from obvious retaliation from posting it ... saying that here would open a can of worms. Yes LucasArts as publisher sucks but then again lets look at the wonderfull work Atari did in NWN (setting the release date in stone several months before release) so lets all relax because its not mean LucasArts ... Its sad to see the truth in my sign ...
  14. Problems with that. 1) Halo 2 is a Xbox exclusive. 2) Halo publisher is Microsoft and Halo developer is owned by Microsoft. 3) LucasArts have nothing tp do with Xbox besides publish some game for it. 4) SW:KotOR 2 is a PC title as well as a Xbox title. 5) LucasArts rarely re-releases old games with new content, the only games I remenber they did that was X-Wing and TIE Fighter collecters edition and TIE CD special edition (X-wing got updated to TIE Fighter engine and TIE Fighter got a new campain as well X-Wing vs TIE Fighter graphics).
  15. For all its worth, I agree ... it was not the best way to deal with the story using the influence system. I think its one of the "we run out of time" issues that this game have, the influence system is flawed because as it stands not only it keeps key plot points of the story locked away forcing people to use guides and take choices against their current playstyle just to unlock then and in the end its the NPCs that influences the player character because even a full darkside character turned into the light still wants the player to kick puppies in the street.
  16. Visas dialogue is bugged, if you tried to get it and had a influence:failure its removed as a option. I remenber Kreia second lesson, I think many things are trigged by finishing planets (meaning finding Jedi Masters) and so you might not get it until you finished another planet.
  17. I dont think so, Kreia did not (she could be pretending but I doubt it, she shows she does not understand him when T3 says he repaired the Hawk and she had no reason to pretend that) and Atton did not (at least for a good part of the game). I think besides the Exile only Bao-Dur understand him, besides the other droids since binary is their mother language. Still ... I dont understand binary, I cannot make sense what *beep* *beep* *woosh* means and to me T3 could be ordering a pizza as well saying Revan send him to find the Exile.
  18. Agree. Disagree. Mira have a problem with killing people and she starts to kill under the Exile orders. Either is the force bound (I disagree since she did not knew the Exile that well before joining) or because The Exile is a natural leader and she follows him becaise of that. Disagree. You only get Handmaiden if you are male so it means one thing, she is attracted to him. She also wants to follow her mother path, the Exile is (or was) a Jedi capable of teaching her down that path. She hides behind her training and there is nothing warrior about following the Exile for her, she loves him and needs him to train her into her mother path. There is a lot of depth into her but you have to really read within the lines to understand her, too bad there is not much dialogue to make that more noticible. Agree to a point. Bao-Dur is following his old friend, of course he is the one more likely to be under the force bound. Kreia is the Exile Mentor, she is trying to mold the Exile into something to serve her purpose. No. Visas sees in the Exile a kindred spirit, they both watched a planet die and Visas wanted to serve the Exile when she seen the Exile the first time in the force (not when they battled in the Hawk). She also sees in him someone that can destroy her former master. She personaly explains why if you are a LS male just before going to see Atris, of all she is the easier to understand because she says everything. I disagreed, I also explained why in brief (perhaps because there is really not that much, I almost turned Mira into a Jedi and I cannot read much out of her except her doubts when mind reading and the others are really not much better except Kreia and Visas for obvious reasons) as the very last thing I think of the characters created by BioWare are anything that can be filled in one liner as to motivation, they are more complex that BioWare characters even if they are not as exposed as BioWare characters ... and that is a flaw.
  19. Kreia was Revan first master, he also turned to her before going to the Mandalorian Wars. So Kreia was a Jedi until the Mandalorian Wars. However ... Looking at the council members comments it looks Kreia ideas were not very popular with the rest of the Jedi Master, I guess when the Mandalorian Wars ended and Reven returned Kreia became a Sith Lord but that does not mean she followed Revan, what I can guess is that Kreia looked at Malachor V for the anwers she was looking for, the "Sith" we fight in TSL existed at the same time that Revan (and later Malak) Sith (that we can call "true Sith"). I think Kreia "students" were also a creation of Malachor V, with the end of Malak (or Revan return) their Sith broken into fractions and one (or more) fraction followed the "new Sith" Lords as the rest turned against each other (or followed Revan and wait him). I think people are forgetting T3 repairs, when you fix it and it displayed the message in my case it displayed Bastila and one of the convertations replies (for a LS male Revan) is that Revan send T3 back for the Exile. To why ... well I guess Revan felt the "new" Sith and send T3 to someone that he knew to be able to deal with then, another reason is that he send T3 back because he needs the Exile help against whatever he found but I dont think that would be true since some convertation path with T3 would lead to it and I see nothing but who knows what *beep* means, I dont understand binary.
  20. Same with me, Revan ignites his lightsaber and offers less that a fight that Malak. Perhaps is because of the choices I made during the tomb, I chose to join the Mandalorian Wars but not join the Sith, remove the mines and defend Kreia and I was at Light Side Mastery.
  21. Doubt it. But the player gets some idea of who he is and why Malanchor V is such a painful memory to the survivors. I dont like to be keep in the dark, in KotOR we already knew Revan role in the Mandalorian Wars as well in the Sith Invasion (I refuse to call it Jedi Civil War) well before Malak comes out and say "You dont remenber? well you ARE Revan" with drives the player to seek revenge or redeption. What the game is asking is pretty the equivelent of feeling sorry for being in Iwo Jiwa without knowing what happened in Iwo Jiwa.
  22. Both. He is a Zabrak (race) and Iridonian (home planet).
  23. Sorry but no, OE left many things unexplained unless we had high influence with other NPCs. It was not handled very well, in Telos they could very well put a "hall of records" (instead of that understaffed "hospital") to put in what happened in the Mandalorian wars (Revan and the Exile place on then) and in the Jedi Enclave sub level they also had the chance to fill in the background over the Exile and Revan as Jedi. I dont like half guessing the choices, I had no idea who was that guy calling me general and even less idea of how did I know him so well (the exile own words). One thing is going to Onberon and not knowing who was the Beast Riders and another that I had fought in Duxn during the Mandalorian wars.
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