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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. From I gather the shadow generator just raised the gravity well to the point the planet itself was crushed by it. Everyone in the surface was crushed and ships in orbit were pulled into the planet were they were crashed.
  2. Lucas is ignorant of combat tactics, many times I just wish he would shut up instead of making stuff up to explain his ignorance. The lightstaff is a more defensive that a single lightsaber since its easier to block with it as for dual wield its also a defensive style since the purpose is to block the enemy weapon and strike with the other. Both are more complicated that using a single weapon but superior, the Jedi would have no reason to practice more advance saber combat tactics since only they would have lightsabers, also it would consume more resources since in the lightstaff case its a more complicated weaponand having two lightsabers will natural means having two lightsabers.
  3. Possible (even if I doubt it a bit), I doubt its translated to export since there is really not much profit on Hentai games and I really dont feel like wadding over hentai games descriptions to find out. Not a Hentai game but the DS have a dating sim (forgot the name, it was done by Ubisoft) that from the walktrue looks to be two seperate plays, in one we play a guy and the other we play the girl.
  4. Yes ... I could offer the advice to run for your live when they get that way but you will never be given the option of thinking about running, let alone doing it.
  5. That s why I am very amused with the saying "males think with their <other head>" as women are as bad as we are, if not worst.
  6. What? You dont know women can get that scary?
  7. Were that damn Orbital Ion Cannon when we need it ...
  8. And people could use their ... Come on, the Star Forge was a mass factory and are you REALLY going to tell me that Revan/Star Forge robes we get in the game (that ARE done by the Star Forge) are originaly a Rakata design? Because it deep down shows the Star Forge was capable of making ANYTHING as long it had the blueprints for it, from robes to a starship.
  9. And Saul was kind enough to supply him with means of transportation of the ship after he was done with his homeworld.
  10. http://www.lucasarts.com/products/swkotor/G_characters.html As for the Revenger ... I dont care enough due to its ISD wannabe design to look for a anwer, the mandalorians says it bears the marks of mandalorian weapons and it was scarvanged at Malachor V. Think whatever you want from that.
  11. BioWare used obvious themes from Star Wars original triology and even the prequels. That is why the Sith have "Star destroyers" and "TIEs" as the Republic had "Correlian corvettes" and "A-wings". No matter what the Leviathan was a Republic Ship.
  12. Many of us joined when this was still "Project X".
  13. Zilod, please stop making stuff up. The Levianthan was a republic ship, he turn it to Revan that used the Star Forge to mass produce then. Only thing that come out of the Star Forge that from the Rakata were the Sith Fighters and some battle droids, even the "Sith Shuttles" were Republic transports.
  14. Yes, you do. The Sith Empire was destroyed by the Republic in the Great Hyperspace War, the only reason Korrian is not a wasteland is because it was a wasteland that the Sith Empire used as Tomb world and nobody really lived the. After they were gone so were the Sith Empire, the closest thing to another Sith Empire was Kun trying to rebuild it.
  15. You are thinking right, the Levianthan was a Republic ship, Carth served on board of it before Saul defected to the Sith. BioWare did made changes so its not such as rip-off to the Star Destroyer, the Revenger is a near clone of a ISD.
  16. Since the Internet there been a recession in terms of sales of dedicated game magazines, they simply cannot balance even with magazine sales only.
  17. Driv3r reviews are a example of the current problems with the so called "professional reviews". Game magazines get most of their revenue out of advertisement, if LucasArts pull off all ads they had with KotOR II and Mercenaries it would hurt then. So yes, LucasArts did pay for the awards and reviews ... even if the check is about "advertisement".
  18. One thing is modify a light transport and another is modify a fighter. Modify a fighter that could only carry 1 person so it does 3 without any visible changes is near impossible, worst is call it a "shuttle". OE reclycled resources, they could had recycle the "Sith Shuttle" for that instead of the G-Wing and they used the Sith Shuttle model in the game.
  19. BioWare never intended to make a series, I dont call it shortsighted because its not since it works that way. If BioWare wanted to make a series they would make the game diferently. KotOR sequels could make references of how Revan destroyed the Sith, OE are the ones that decided to walk down the path of "all ending are possible" that leads to complications. What they did was making KotOR III story with "Revan goes to fight the real Sith" and make TSL a irrelevent part of the seres, you can go strait from KotOR to KotOR III and not miss a thing. Open ended does not mean irrelevent. It was meant that way, we could say the same with the Bhallspawn in BG series and a lot of people missed the hints. KotOR III would have to explain a lot, OE decided to needless complicate KotOR story and introduce errors. There are many ways that KotOR III could deal, it could ignore the obvious trap of "all endings are possible" and decided how the other games ended, they dont even need to use The Exile since TSL is irrelevent. Best way to deal with KotOR III is ignore Revan and do their own work, one reasons that TSL fails is because its too depended on Revan. No, its not. The problem is the "DM pet NPC" syndrome, player characters turned NPCs tend to be characters that the DM uses and tends to be "protective" of then and gives then a central role ... something we can understand since the DM used that character and its not playing the game as a player and so ends up using the ex-PC turned NPC as his player character. What DMs avoid is taking control over another player character and turn it into a NPC since the player knows his character well and will resent "poor roleplaying" from the DM part of what was his character. What OE did was poor roleplaying of Revan because there were too many possible Revans leading to the "all endings are possible" trap.
  20. Wrong. In morrowind the character we play could be the Nevarine but there were many failed nevarines over the years. Also being the Nevarine does not invalidates the character entire background.
  21. BioWare made a game they intended to be a stand alone game, they never meant to be part of a ongoing series like Baldur
  22. The Influence system appears to be born out of the cry babies that wanted to turn NPCs into the dark side. I only see it done well in BG2, with Anomen and Virconia and those were scripted events, Juhami in KotOR could have been turned at one point. As it stands the system does not work for two reasons. First, the NPCs dont change their personality reguardless of were they stand on the force aligment. Second, the NPC influcence the player and not the way around. Now the easier way to solve would be to strip the LS/DS point gain of infuence replies but that would not be a fix. The real fix would be make LS and DS replies that influence characters and make such characters have a LS and DS behavior.
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