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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. I take it you never heard of mail order brides?
  2. I remenber I eventually quit because I got feed up with combat, managed to reach the dragons slaying quests and killed one or two.
  3. Not in portuguese. Perhaps in Brazil but they barely speak portuguese anyway ...
  4. I dont see any "facts" ... I see a lot of interpertation of dialogue that exists in the game. I decided that I hate Kreia character, not because she is a bad character but because so many players decided that Kreai holds "the absolute truth" to Star Wars universe as she is a crazy old women that manages to know lwss that I do.
  5. You can find the save and module area in here. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?...ht=droid+planet Remenber you need to download both the Xbox save (works fine in the PC) and the modules since the area intructions are set in the modules.
  6. Yes but I prefere MGS2 pacing ... MGS3 gives a bit of the story at start, then it gives a little more story and then explains everything at the end but it does not give background detail on the Cobras and you really have to guess Ocelot background. And I wish he drops the "you have x minutes to beat the boss", true that it raises tension but I actually got the MiGs because I run out of time against The Boss. The best game I played from Kojima was ZOE2 ... great story pacing and great action (even if it have that anoying "cross swords sequence ...).
  7. Not they would not do it. War is many thing but "clean" is not.
  8. True, I actualy got the damn thing when I got my PS2 ... thank god it come with MGS2.
  9. Being a Sims player ... no, it does not. The Sims are a lot of things, some people play for its house building and decoration as others just to play the families and such a RPG would have even less appeal that "The Singles".
  10. I can understand people not knowing things like the Sith Empire but I cannot understand why people dont use search engines to look for information. Yes KotOR is self contained and does not rely too much in other products to explain things, I find that TSL is based too much in KotOR (true its a sequel but still) and more in other products to explain itself. In fact I found amusing (not) that in this game we never face the Sith, we might face Dark Side users with some Sith Knowledge but no Sith (and I dont like the "true Sith" nonsense, is the same saying there are "True Nazis"). I can give you a basic timelime: http://www.darkhorse.com/zones/starwars/timeline.php Yes it does not factor KotOR but the Infinite Empire predates the Republic creation anyway and the game says it takes place about 40 (or is it 60?) years after Sith War.
  11. There is the Dark Lord of the Sith that rules the Sith, besides him there are Sith Lords that control their own Sith forces, be it force users or not. The only issue is there can only be one Dark Lord of the Sith. When Darth Bane became the only Sith survival he created the "rule-of-two" as they could only be two Sith at one time, a master and his apprendice.
  12. Actually we do, at some point they had that idea but they drop it ... there was also a small bug that made Mira saying the lines of how she thinks the Exile is hot to female characters and they considered not fixing that bug. I think they were right, romances options are nice and all but the ability to woo everything that have a reproductive system just leads to Fable like romances.
  13. M4-78 was the original planet were the factory was to be located, when the planet was cut the factory was moved to Telos until it was also "cut".
  14. Influence is screwed up at that, in some characters you can walk the fine line of not gaining any points and others you are simply not given that choice, you dont influence then as much as they influence you (influence is not a bad idea but was poorly implemented). Here is a infuence guide: http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/920601.html
  15. No but the files can be extracted from the XBox version. I played the factory on PC.
  16. Well it was cut, we seen pieces here and there and managed to reconstract some parts. Of the original ending only Mira and the Remote remain, all the rest was cut (including Hk-47 facing GO-TO) so there we can only guess what happened to Bao-Dur since he was not in any known cut ending scenes (there is one were the Atton, Handmaiden/Disciple, Visas and Mira face Kreia and are beaten). So since T3 is absent as well we can assume T3 part was fixing the Hawk, leaving only Bao-Dur to remain to be explained, so either he remianed with T3 fixing the Hawk or was knocked out of the game, either by injury or death. Since starting the Mass Shadow Generator was pretty much a suicide mission I can see him given the Remote the order to start the generators and wait the Exile command since he was the only that could do it and the only with the best chance to survive, seeing Bao-Dur was in a holo its possible that he was knocked out.
  17. You are right. We have another plot hole.
  18. We cannot, the ending was cut so Bao-Dur was either dead/ could not leave the Ebon Hawk due to injury/was busy repair the Hawk.
  19. Many? I given up when you started talking about Korriban, saying you are wrong is a understatement.
  20. You decided to take those comments literaly ... is Vegere "there is no dark side" ideas also to be taken literaly? There is no ultimate concept of The Force, Vegere, Kreia, Darth Bane, Yoda ... all have their own ideas of the Force and how it works but none is the "true" one. Besides when I reas that line I still see it as my original post, perhaps I am wrong but that is something only the writter of that comic can say as what Bane intended, I read it the way I original posted and I cannot offer any more "proof" as how I read it. And I am a bit tired of people taking things literaly, expecialy when its a character stating his ideas.
  21. First, the holo recording is not in the Enclave sublevel. Second, the holo recording is not of Yoda. Third, Yoda had "trained Jedi for 900 years" when he trained Luke, he was not even born when KotOR takes place.
  22. Its a question of credibility, the date is much as a fact as what its said to have happened on that date. If they made up dates what stop then from making up the events that were supposed to have happened on that date? Besides its not like you are going to be found how many years are off because no actual date was given for many events, there is no date over how when the Sith Empire was formed, only that it was after the Republic was formed.
  23. What is with you people and taking comments literaly?
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