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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. Also known as nightstalkers. One of the new monsters in new vegas.
  2. Yes, why not have giant crocodiles, mutated balloons and exploding digeridoos as well?! Which would clearly be a travesty. Unlike coyote-snakes that surley make a worthy contribution to the franchaise.
  3. What average gamers thinks he wants and what he would be far better with are usually two separate things. Apparently in video games people treat endings as a reward for hard work. It's a rather unfortunate tendency as games should be entertainment in themselves partially due to storytelling. The end result of such approach is that when target audience fells entitled to certain outcomes the overall storyline becomes predictable.
  4. Was there any confirmation of mental illness? Failing a suicide bombing does not automatically amount to crazy. How so? He might not have been a certified crazy person, but suicide bombing should be enough to tip the scale to the loony bin side. No more than any suicidal action. Simple explanation like that excuse us from seeking more in-depth answers. Were attacks in Spain more "reasonable" because they were not suicidal in nature? Attacks like this can have similar function to self-immolation - they also serve as a self-destructive means of protest.
  5. That assumes that underlying motivation for these acts is religious fanaticism. Too often that's a very simplistic outlook even from outsiders perspective. Some studies have shown that it's the sense of community under attack and notions of glorious self-sacrifice that culminate in such events. In short - you can't convince them they are making Muslims look bad and hampering their interests when they believe themselves and the whole Muslim world to be under attack.
  6. A depressing end game from Bioware? Never. If I put 100 hours into a game series, I expect a happy ending. I'd really be ticked off by anything else. It's understandable that storyline should somehow reflect players acomplishments but insisting that ending should always be happy on account of work put into playing is a bad idea. This can only lead to every game ending exacly in the same predictable manner making storylines supeflous. The best/most memorable endings IMO have been the likes of Fallout1 and Planescape which stoped well short of "happy end".
  7. Was there any confirmation of mental illness? Failing a suicide bombing does not automatically amount to crazy. We have very different views on mental illness, anyone willing to kill himself to further nothing is definitively not sane. I seriously doubt that furthering nothing was his objective. It's more of a result of his failure.
  8. Was there any confirmation of mental illness? Failing a suicide bombing does not automatically amount to crazy.
  9. I'm about a third into Resonance of Fate. It's curious to notice how little jrpgs have changed during the last decade. Admittedly combat system is a pleasant surprise, it's just too bad that all the rest is same old mess.
  10. Hopefully they'll try to do something to differentiate the setting. Oblivion and it's empire were painfully generic. And it seems that gamebryo is getting reused again. That engine will likely stay with us for the whole console generation, we might even see Fallout 4 done in it. At least it means modding tools will be available.
  11. The first two games in Realms of Arkania are actually interesting from historical perspective. The design followed p&p mechanics and forced you too carry things like tinderboxes, water and even set watches during camping in the wild. I was always curious about what other models of crpg were conceived before the standards became set.
  12. Because you still need a free hand after every shot to reload? More worrisome are other tendencies shown in the video. It's very sad that even blizzard decided to forgo common sense and promote spiked armor. And why was it necessary to drop helmets in favor of hoods? At this rate chainmail bikini can't be far off.
  13. Yes, logically there is little reason as to why torture should not be applied. The same could be said of collective punishment. After all you can always find it necessary to sentence a terminally-ill masochist. But perhaps reason and logic have little to do with functioning of justice systems or human societies? The basic ideas of humanism and retribution are in themselves non-rational and based upon strong emotions. Pretending that one side is more right by calling upon logic will do nothing to advance the discussion.
  14. No, we really shouldn't. That's the part that makes us human. Stubborn insistence that life is sacred and should not be taken as part of judicial process is also unreasonable and illogical. Stubborn insistence that the judicial process should not result in the government murdering innocents is unreasonable and illogical...? *snort* No. Stubborn insistence that capital punishment should be treated specially is. Ultimately no punishment can be guaranteed to be justly declared, you just insist that death penalty should be treated differently for no logical reason.
  15. No, we really shouldn't. That's the part that makes us human. Stubborn insistence that life is sacred and should not be taken as part of judicial process is also unreasonable and illogical.
  16. That’s quite a claim considering the leaks contained very little previously unknown information and so far have all been centered around US. Because the US (and the west) represents the good guys. While there have been leaks from countries like Russia and China, they're haven't even been as much interesting, since they are the bad guys. Or maybe because the scale and level of secrecy of said documents is incomparable to those form US? Right now it simply looks like that people behind wikileaks have an axe to grind against United States. As for realpolitik I'll be convinced when top-secret documents start leaking and not before. Publishing regular discussion notes is all well and good but the real dirt is undoubtedly on a higher level. And people on that level have much more interest in keeping things secret.
  17. The problem with arguing "humanity" of punishments is that you can always declare lighter punishment more humane. You can easily argue that life sentence is not as humane as 40 years imprisonment.
  18. That makes little sense. Obsidians whole MO was to make sequels to various publishers IPs. How much rpgs sequels/spin-offs can Zenimax need? Outsourcing one game in fallout/elder scroll series is one thing, acquiring whole three-project studio is completely another.
  19. While I played BoD to death I wouldn't call the combat any of those things. Not to mention that differences between characters were absurdly unbalanced. Besides there is no way today’s games can handle allowing monsters to damage one another.
  20. Combat also requires you to manually block and dodge so it's not exactly the same as Witcher.
  21. In graphics maybe. The fundamentals are exactly the same. Not according to people I've seen post on this very forum. They've mentioned rather significant changes that cause a drastic difficulty drop. One thing I heard was that in the old game, particular spells and arrows couldn't be dodged. They can in DKS. That actually was trivial in vanilla as well. All you needed was an obstacle and projectiles would rarely reach you. I'd say difficulty change was more a result of toning down skills like charge which no longer kill in 1-2 hits.
  22. In graphics maybe. The fundamentals are exactly the same.
  23. There are demos available for both games. As far as combat goes they show pretty accurate experience.
  24. Ranged and foot combat is generally terrible in m&b. It's not worth pursuing. Whatever your wish. As any open-world simulation it allows you to assume various position in the world. The hardest to attain is likely that of a king/emperor but the sheer number battles that need to be fought to reach it is simply staggering.
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