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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. pmp10


    I'll probably regret asking but can't help myself. Who are those puppet masters and what is their agenda?
  2. pmp10


    Actually right now they seek to enforce cease-fire. Unless those destroyed tanks found a way to fly.
  3. And total consequence is few mentions by NPCs, slight difference in few e-mails and possibly 1 reputation point gained/lost. The problem is that if AP allows player to fail at a major parts of the storyline then the failure is almost meaningless. Perhaps we derailed this thread enough? Could a moderator move the "failure and consequence in games" discussion to a new topic?
  4. It has been done before. Old origin games allowed you to lose the war if you failed at too many battles. Only thing you really need is a scenario where the player can survive the screw-up.
  5. Because it builds a sense of accomplishment. Otherwise you'll soon end up with "no game overs" gameplay and can't even die. I'd rather see a sense of accomplishment built over seeing bad things happen to characters you care about and the story taking ugly turns you could have prevented as opposed to 'you picked the wrong choice, you die, reload and pick the right choice stupid!'. Which AP actually does a good job with IMHO. Not sure what you mean by that. Failure scenarios rarely involved an instant game over (unless you did something spectacularly stupid when they are justified). Failing a quest or getting not the aimed-for ending used to be the common consequence of your actions. And I could not see much storyline affecting choice in AP or any failure options. AP storyline always demands a choice of lesser evil and leaves no room for screwing things up. I certainly did. The whole game I was supposed to save the world by stopping the plans of my enemy. Eventually the game allowed you to either ignore or stop those activities but all that eventually came to naught. Different voice-over during credits was far too little consequence for choices that were supposed to make monumental difference.
  6. Because it builds a sense of accomplishment. Otherwise you'll soon end up with "no game overs" gameplay and can't even die.
  7. How dose that even make sense?
  8. Now this ninja discussion managed to confuse me. Was "ninja" considered a profession or some kind of clan title/position?
  9. IAEA report warns that one of the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plan may have lost all water in it's fuel pool. It's pretty problematic as that reactor stores spent fuel rods that can catch fire and spread radioactive particles around sizable area. Isn't that a little paranoid? I can understand skepticism but I have never seen any reputable source connecting climate change with earthquakes.
  10. Have they finally fixed campaign AI? Since Rome it's been a case of always declaring war if player is a neighbor. And how do the hero units work?
  11. You know - linking to store entry of an audio book dealing with Greek-Persian wars dose not make a strong case for prevalence of Spartan pederasty.
  12. Sadly that's an unreasonable expectation. Tolkien was a scholar of etymology old languages and medieval period. Modern writers barley grasp the basics of those as it
  13. Cut us some slack. Some are new at it.
  14. Language use in fantasy settings never makes sense. It's what you get when you use living languages that evolved in real world to communicate in time-shifted fantasy. Or maybe they realize that (like it or not) Bioware sets industry standards for "RPGs". It pays to find out beforehand what calamity they'll unleash upon the gaming world.
  15. How does the game cover the loss of free weapon selection then?
  16. Plenty of new Old Republic footage from PAX East: Developer Walkthrough Space combat seems completely out of place. Looks like a arcade mini-game.
  17. Apparently rebels lost control of Brega. The war seems pretty much decided. Not sure what good can the no-fly zone do right now.
  18. Or not. I know that if I had any say in what to study as a child my math skills would end at multiplication.
  19. That
  20. Looks more like a card game. A shame too as the subject could make for a good strategy title.
  21. Does it really involve ? I hope that
  22. Why BS? Moderator confirmed that's possible.
  23. Sure it does. We just need the laptop-guy and rebels may yet win.
  24. Gamespot previewer earned achievement/feat for refusing to use a known password. Is this the perk-every-minute approach like in AP and NV?
  25. OT - this has been bothering me for a while: are we done with helmets? Don't think I've seen a single one in screenshots so far.
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