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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. I don't think they do (on pc), but in any case it would be better to patch the game. gain. I'm not sure steam will allow for DLC download without updating the game.
  2. If true that may be just a game of appearances. Rebels cannot afford to be seen as western lackeys. So far neither side is desperate enough to seriously harm hostages.
  3. Why not? You could certainly make an anti Call of Duty. Would anyone buy it is another matter however.
  4. That's because MoH and Battlefield are the same. Multiplayer atleast... Developer and gunplay are perhaps the same. In multiplayer vehicles do make a difference.
  5. Any source for this? Aside from Hugo Chavez I mean. I know that China is already en route but AFAIK no official word on US humanitarian effort has been given.
  6. it hasn't? I was always under the impression that it had I doubt any serious research was done on the subject. Especially for active forms of entertainment. The best I could find was this.
  7. Finally finished it. It's a good game overall but sadly feels schizophrenic. Old school action senselessly shoehorned into a modern shooter campaign. The design would work much better with some sort of mission design like in Painkiller. And it could definitely use more content.
  8. Are thoes just negative highlights or does the reviewer really complain incessantly before giveing the game an outstanding score?
  9. I'm not sure I understand the case you are making. Is it that violent changes in government never last without outside financial backing? And I'd like to add that after WW1 allies had no interest in destabilizing Germany and many colonists fought for the British during American Revolution.
  10. Funnily enough the script is a work of a comic book writer Rick Remender. I sometimes wonder why do they waste professionals on games that could easily do without a story.
  11. I'm not sure if the demo is a good representation of the full game. It features only echo mode while campaign works a little differently.
  12. "Whole big new world" doesn't really make sense for a action rpg XBLA title. It could if it takes form of micro-transaction driven free-to-play mmo. Maybe the game is on XBLA due to simplicity of Microsoft points.
  13. Well the ascension in 9 seemed pretty final to me.
  14. Not sure I like those ideas. Ultima has run it's course and Storm of Zehir did not make for an promising demonstration of what Icewind Dale 3 could look like. But it's nice to see that he realizes how over ambitious Alpha Protocol was. Going first time from stat based to action and trying to meld three different gameplay styles in an unfamiliar engine was never going to end well.
  15. That's simple. He'd be killed for talking and can't refuse the offer. Here comes Godfather the RPG.
  16. It's too bad about Defiance. Sounds like it could have brought back some originality into fantasy RPGs.
  17. That is a question of personal opinion. I'm far less impressed by creating fire from nothing that say a localized earthquake or a explosive-strength shock wave.
  18. So how is the demo? Have they finally made some changes to the battle engine? There was some talk of heroes but I hope other things got reworked as well, especially since the setting is rather dull.
  19. Seems a little too soon for Dow3. Retribution will still be selling by then and how much can they show after 5 months of work? Company of Heroes Online cancellation notice supposedly spoke of “soon to be announced future installment”.
  20. And what kind of evidence could publisher provide? Save for occasional exception like Chaos Theory or Assasins Creed 2 crack times for PC games are very consistent. Difference between games cracked on day 1 and ones that took a week are unlikely to be significant. You
  21. Is that the same system and settings that old Realms of Arkania games were based on? Stats seem the same but there are no flaws visible on character sheet.
  22. Little off-topic but What kind of stuff? I never saw any dropped content with him even though it always seemed he was meant to somehow .
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