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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. Plenty of new Old Republic footage from PAX East: Developer Walkthrough Space combat seems completely out of place. Looks like a arcade mini-game.
  2. Apparently rebels lost control of Brega. The war seems pretty much decided. Not sure what good can the no-fly zone do right now.
  3. Or not. I know that if I had any say in what to study as a child my math skills would end at multiplication.
  4. That
  5. Looks more like a card game. A shame too as the subject could make for a good strategy title.
  6. Does it really involve ? I hope that
  7. Why BS? Moderator confirmed that's possible.
  8. Sure it does. We just need the laptop-guy and rebels may yet win.
  9. Gamespot previewer earned achievement/feat for refusing to use a known password. Is this the perk-every-minute approach like in AP and NV?
  10. OT - this has been bothering me for a while: are we done with helmets? Don't think I've seen a single one in screenshots so far.
  11. Fights with sharp pointy objects would sometimes take better part of an hour. The 6 second round system was already lightning fast, it just looked very dull and static due to poor selection of combat animations.
  12. Of course they can. Graphic for instance are very easy to judge. What importance I place on it's quality is irrelevant, I can still judge it on the resolution of textures, polygon count, amount of dynamic lighting etc. If you communicate with other gamers at all you'll know what differences there are between your taste and general baseline.
  13. Then you are not doing your job as a reviewer. Opinion on overall experience should be an important tilt to the final score but if you cannot see (and thus judge) anything beyond what is of interest to you then your opinion has meaning only for a small group of similarly inclined people.
  14. Or maybe you just realize that despite your personal enjoyment of the game (or lack of it) there are various other criteria you can judge the game by.
  15. I don't think they do (on pc), but in any case it would be better to patch the game. gain. I'm not sure steam will allow for DLC download without updating the game.
  16. If true that may be just a game of appearances. Rebels cannot afford to be seen as western lackeys. So far neither side is desperate enough to seriously harm hostages.
  17. Why not? You could certainly make an anti Call of Duty. Would anyone buy it is another matter however.
  18. Isn't that how Gothic 3 started?
  19. That's because MoH and Battlefield are the same. Multiplayer atleast... Developer and gunplay are perhaps the same. In multiplayer vehicles do make a difference.
  20. Looks more MoH rather than CoD.
  21. It works the same for orks.
  22. Any source for this? Aside from Hugo Chavez I mean. I know that China is already en route but AFAIK no official word on US humanitarian effort has been given.
  23. it hasn't? I was always under the impression that it had I doubt any serious research was done on the subject. Especially for active forms of entertainment. The best I could find was this.
  24. Finally finished it. It's a good game overall but sadly feels schizophrenic. Old school action senselessly shoehorned into a modern shooter campaign. The design would work much better with some sort of mission design like in Painkiller. And it could definitely use more content.
  25. Are thoes just negative highlights or does the reviewer really complain incessantly before giveing the game an outstanding score?
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