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Everything posted by pmp10

  1. Dawn of War 2:Retribution Multiplayer Beta - sadly the same old mess. Maybe the singleplayer will make up for it.
  2. Apparently the battle plan was to use tunnels. Not sure how they can go through the dam and cut off NCR retreat but that
  3. Did they change the skill so that you can't mindread everyone without point investment? If so I retract my statement. Otherwise you can do all that without retarding your combat skill progression. It's only a matter of cost vs. benefit and I don't believe the potential gain of a smaller XP debt justify putting a single skill point into mindreading.
  4. All of which is largely pointless as the game will cut your kill XP the moment you start to out-level monsters. The XP debt is meaningless - it's pretty clear the game was balanced to a non-wisom/non-mindreading character. It made some sense when damage was level scaled as 2 extra player levels made a huge difference in combat but in DKS I can't see any point. Especially in the expansion where most of my skill points came from books generously given away with completion of every quest. And I can't see why would you care about armor, the biggest problem I had was doing too little damage. Solutions that cost you XP and rewards that can have little to no use. That doesn't sound like reasonable trade.
  5. You seriously put 14 levels into mindread? It's one of the most useless skills in game. Not only are majority of quests are solvable without it, the XP-for-equipment trades will usually screw you over as they produce items for different classes. And even when mindread is at level 1 your XP debt is usually worth no more than few trash mob kills.
  6. you didn't even bother to read my post, did you? I asked to name only D&D games except IWD, ToEE, PoR and BG. try again He did. Eye of the Beholder games were d&d with race selection.
  7. At least we now know that dodge moves are in - rolling can be plainly seen in the video.
  8. No, I am afraid my english skills are not up to the task. I had to make do with a summary. That's good to know but I meant the letter itself. I was under impression that it was published after the Glorious Revolution, unless I got the dates wrong. I'm sure many people know that Qur'an contains passages justifying discrimination and violence. I just don't see it as reason to decry the whole religion. Bible and Torah also have parts full of aggression yet they did not make infanticide acceptable in respective societies. As for Islamic elites and their academic record - I can't say I have sufficient knowledge in those matters to pass a definitive judgment on it. I
  9. First of all - calling Locke work seditious is a bit of a stretch. He was not proposing anything extraordinary compared to political institutions in other parts of Europe at the time. Secondly - the concept of divine rights is a Christian invention. Islamic philosophy never claimed that ruler power was absolute. You may want to read about avarroe then. That Islam would become just as much a political philosophy as a religion was by no mean preordained.
  10. It's not. I was trying to point out that secularism is by no means a product of one age in the history of western civilization. It's certainly true that many enlightenment ideas and values are adopted by today
  11. And when exactly has such a moment happened elsewhere? Separation of church and state? A common soundbite found in western constitutions. Unless you imply it is actually practiced? Very, but I can't see how that makes your point. People after that time still insisted on living their lives according to religious dogmas.
  12. And when exactly has such a moment happened elsewhere?
  13. This whole game is starting to sound more like hack&slash rather then a diablo clone. And I still don
  14. If you are interested in multiplayer you may want to wait until Retribution is out. Besides Retribution should have a multiplayer beta very soon. I'd wait to see the game in action.
  15. The smoother thing is by no means guaranteed. Even with anti-stuttering mod the game can work more consistently on consoles.
  16. A project this size will need a sizable audience to pay back development costs. And given the failures of recent mmos it
  17. If you can avoid going broke within two weeks you can start moving south. Only once you'll hit the mountains the real fun will begin.
  18. So that means mouse-only was previously preferred on the PC? Not exactly control system suitable for hack&slash games.
  19. I'm sorry, but how did Fallout 3 reward exploration more than NV? By having more generic dungeons? Or scattering small nonsense locations like girdershade across the map? As far as I could see the amount of unique items placed at the end of caves was quite similar.
  20. Possibly. But nobody seen thoes stats used in the preview or published screenshots. It was mentioned that only derived stats (healt/magic/stamina) are now in use. Hence the speculation that old attributes of strenght/agility/endurane/intelligence/willpower/luck are now removed from game.
  21. I mean they may consider dropping SPECIAL completely. Many stats have little impact in F3/NV anyway. Makes perfect sense for them to just make it skill-based.
  22. AFAIK complete lack of attributes is still not confirmed, we just know you can't increase them during a level up. This may fix the character system as devs had no idea on what to do with them in oblivion. My biggest problem with this is that it likely charts course for Fallout 4.
  23. Rumors are circulating that attributes have been removed. Your level up choices are apparently limited to more health/magic/stamina. There is no dev confirmation but it certainly matches bethesda philosophy on not locking-out content no matter the choices made.
  24. This should work quite well in Elder Scrolls. Why? The melee system was never very good (especially in fpp) and now besides being largely unchanged it will feature more sill in form of dual wielding. IIRC that was due to console memory limitations, so it seems unlikely. I'm just unsure how they envisions dragon attacks on enclosed cities.
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