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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. As long as it's not a D&D4 game, I'm happy. *Secretly hopes for a Wheel of Time game*
  2. And there my interest went out the window. Bah.
  3. Well, speak for yourself. I do, the internet should be anonymous if you so choose, with all the good and the bad that comes with that freedom. Whatever happened to sticks and stones? Sure, it's not nice to be called all manner of nasty things, but this is'nt any different to the real world. A female feminist politician will get the exact same abuse and threats that Anita Sarkeesian got. And it's just as hopeless to actually enforce any harassment laws IRL as it is on the internet. This'll make you laugh though, but I think that discrimination laws are in of themselves discrimination. Implies that certain individuals are'nt capable of handling themselves. Also; Freedom of speech and all that. That said, I do think that developers should enforce their rules better in their games.
  4. So they're what gets blasted by the SK military across the DMZ? I doubt it, they follow the Geneva Conventions don't they? --- Quit smoking a couple of days ago, and now I'm really starting to hate myself for it, because everything I do at home makes me want to have a smoke. -.-
  5. Azdeus


    Hell yes, especially their specials. Love their Three Wise Men trip. :D And to keep slightly more on topic, here's a picture of what wankers do with sand. That cost me almost a month of work to clean out, then we shipped the engine off (Again) to get refurbished.
  6. Azdeus


    Also, as far as I can tell, the spoiler is optional. The quote is from wikipedia, but here's the original article from a Swedish car magazine; http://www.bilsport.se/news.php?id=36110 And here's a translation for you; http://davidnaylor.org/blog/2006/06/top-gear-koenigsegg-ccx-didnt-really/ As much as I love Top Gear, sometimes they talk alot of poo.
  7. Hardly, you've got way too much faith in the EU-bureaucracy. Both Steam and Origin can claim that they are providing an service rather than a licence and probably circumvent this ruling that way. If I recall correctly, Steam already calls itself a subscription, but I have'nt bothered to read through it in a good while. Secondly, if this comes into effect, you can most likely also forget OEM licences for Windows and such. Wich would hardly be an improvement. From what I can recall of the ruling, none of these service providers are actually forced to allow selling through their DRM schemes either, they're just not allowed to forbid trading, neither are they disallowed to regulate the prices of the games either, nor does it say they can't take the majority of second hand sales for themselves. I.e. you might have to pay Steam/Origin $30 or such as an administration-fee for moving the game through the system. They'll not forbid trading the games, they'll just make sure that either it's not worth the hassle or that they'll go the streaming way of things. I can't see anything good that will come from this, sadly, that publishers won't be able to get around one way or the other.
  8. Azdeus


    There's always a racetrack or the autobahn. I'd like a '65 Chevy Impala myself, I saw one of those drive by when I was little and I was in love with it. Well, it's looks anyway, I would probably modify the technology to suit my tastes and give it better handling and brakes. And just have it look like one basically. :D http://image.chevyhiperformance.com/f/30731199/0912chp_01_z+1965_chevy_impala_ss+aftermarket_head_lights.jpg Otherwise, I'm satisfied with a '69-'70 Volvo 123 Amazon. Ofcourse, modernized by myself.
  9. The first PC I had was, if I recall correctly, an 486 DX/2 66Mhz, 16 megs of RAM. A hand-me-down from my father, he upgraded his computer every year or two, so I got alot of upgrades. I got my very own PC in 2004, an AMD Athlon 64 3000+, 1GB RAM and a Radeon X800 graphics card, Asus A8V Deluxe motherboard and an harddrive I can't remember the size of.
  10. This. Publishers won't conform to this ruling, it's much more likely they will adapt and overcome. Either by as you say, that they implement service/subscription type DRM or payment model or worse, they all just turn to streaming/clouds instead. Or they change the license to a timelimited one. And consider the type of DRM that will be required to ensure that the software is gone from your computer.
  11. Azdeus


    386. It's a lot bit slower than when I compare to how long it took me to read some of those books, but that's paper, lying down and being in the "zone". And my native tongue.
  12. OMFGturnbasedwants! Oh, and the level editor details he mentioned sounded cool too.
  13. Why do they even bother calling it "Tomb Raider"??? That was awkward to watch, and I can't imagine watching the game-play itself will be much more entertaining. And what's up with the fricking Captain Obvious commentary? Why the **** does'nt she just shut the **** up?!
  14. True, I don't like it either, but atleast they've made the slight improvement from the previous games about skipping out on the cards bit.
  15. By the way, was'nt there catsuit wearing ninja assassins in Half-Life? And that trailer had been so much more awesome if 47 stole the first nuns outfit to infiltrate the rest of the group to take them out one by one. And also alot more fun, brought more PR and had made a remembering bit about disguises from the previous games. :D
  16. @Bos_Hybrid; Played The Witcher 2? And from what I've read so far, you've got a customizable protagonist this time.
  17. I'm sowwy... :< Admittedly not the kind of shooting that would happen if I went up against 8 scantilly clad "nun's" rockin' those guns, but I digress. I really did'nt get anything out of that "trailer", as you say, I'd like to see more gameplay, sneaking and such. Or possibly more Leon style than Equilibrium if they feel the need to have more action in their trailers. Have a hard time seeing it generate any real interest at all. Really ought to play through the old Hitman games again, it's been a long time.
  18. Leather and latex? I'm sold! I'm more than exited, I can't wait for that to be released! :D
  19. No, I had'nt even heard of it, I'll check it out, cheers.
  20. Started playing MechWarrior 4 just now. Took me... 2 hours... to figure out that the game kept minimizing on me because firefox was running in the background.
  21. I call dibs on the first one!
  22. How about the ****ty style? Is that good enough or do I have to go back to the drawingboard? I got a lil' bit sick in my mouth watching it. Nuff said.
  23. 350$ for a boxed version? Thanks, I'll pass. If they add in a low-tier DRM free version I might donate as a happy birthday-present for myself. (DRM free means no ****ing Steam either.)
  24. Mmm... Privateer. I've got pleasant childhood feelings from that game. Learning to count in hexadecimal numbers just to be able to haxxor money together. Mmmmm... Nostalgia.
  25. Finally broke through the 600HP barrier together with my father on his car. Feels ****ING AWESOME! :D
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