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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Such juicy things as their libel laws and now this. Britain really likes free speech it would seem.
  2. Bulletstorm 2 cancelled. Shame really, the original had a nice idea.
  3. Yeah, this. I would buy New Vegas and DS III immediately. Well, immediately being when next months paycheck comes. Bloody Wasteland 2. :&--#60; In other news; http://www.rockpaper...irefly-ey-game/ I wonder when Sega will kill the Alpha Protocol servers? Don't dare uninstall the game. Not that I want to though, I still play it from time to time.
  4. I'm skipping it aswell, but with different reasons. Characters stored on servers? Asshats.
  5. Well, as someone pointed out on RPS, Blade Runners Directors Cut did rewrite itself. Don't know how valid this claim is though, might be someone here that has seen both versions. That said, I do agree with your point. Rewriting the ending is a really bad idea. I really find it funny to read all the peoples wishful thinking and denial-fu theories about what the ending really is. Just so that they can feel good about the ending!
  6. I'm curious, I never played Wasteland or such, is that game abandonware or anything like that? Anyway, the outline that is laid out means it'll get my 115$ as soon as I figure out how to do it.
  7. I would scalp myself if I wasn't bald http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecdOPiWopUU The trailer. The amount of American patriotism makes me cringe.
  8. I think I've made my stance on Steam known previously, I've whinged about it plenty, and refuse to buy any more steamworks games. I still can't play Empire; Total War, and their customer service keep shafting me hard enough until I bleed and I can't sit straight.
  9. Oh, **** no. If anything it shows what big wankers they really are behind the scenes. I would actually play that kind of game, and probably like it 10x more than Call of Duty.
  10. Far Cry 3 trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE9EpmDMZtA
  11. Dunno, I've never seen any good numbers on it, and how do you outweigh it with regards to goodwill from gamers and such? If anything I'd rather see them (Not specifically Obsidian) produce games that you don't want to get rid of.
  12. Industrygamer interview with Chris Avellone. Was dissapointed to read;
  13. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 in a state of halflife.
  14. And that does'nt fall under the category of bad planning?
  15. Exactly, you don't get any actual information about the game. Except that you could surmise you'll get a quest from that girl in the game for finding Deckard. You don't get to know how the game looks, plays or sounds. Gameplay is preferable in my opinion. Don't know for certain if that's where Nepenthe comes from, but I reckon I'm not far off.
  16. wat? doesn't... compute I meant from an artistic standpoint. I couldn't care less about its script or directing, it's only a trailer From a game perspective it does suck. Only tells us Blizzard is awesome at CG, wich is no news.
  17. I'm not keen on using bad planning as an excuse, I doubt they could'nt have managed to get more of it in there, but I am biased against BioWare in this case. But yeah, it was the least of the games worries.
  18. Just should just download it instead, you've payed money for it. Don't join the dark side! :<
  19. Depends on what you mean by their reputation, I can't speak for the entire fanbase and I have'nt visited the BioWare DA2 forums since the information about how the game was turning out to look and be played, but the people I spend my time with who are also gamers mostly considers DA2 a dissapointment and have lost interest in that series. Their faith in BioWare is dwindling and they are looking at ME3 with exitement and dread at the same time. Where I stand is pretty clear by now I reckon. If you mean by some kind of Metacritic score reputation, that's pretty much worthless no matter wich way you swing it. Bloody hard to tell how the buyers of the games feel about the game since all forums are generally speaking filled with the vocal minorities from both sides. Nothing I disagree with, though I hope that SWTOR badly. Mostly out of childish spite, because I found it to be pretty damn boring, and also out of childish spite for wanting a proper KotoR that does'nt have a monthly fee. I never found anything in DA2 that was better than those two games, well, with the Original Campaign qualifier there I would say they're equally fubar, but NWN wins on the other parts in the game in my opinion.
  20. You kiddin' me? People gonna literally throw themselves over ME3 when it's released, 2 million+ Beta testers for SWTOR and a huge-budget PC exclusive with cutting-edge tech funded by courtesy of EA tells me BioWare is now stronger as ever. DA2? Why, pretty good game overall, considering the short dev cycle. Just wait how fast DA3 is gonna sell, regardless of the usual whining of course. BioWare gets lots of puplicity, that's the best thing that could happen to them. The worst thing would be just getting ignored. Sales does'nt necessarilly equate to any particular quality, Beta testing is'nt exactly a measure of success either, but a pointer towards interest. We'll see in 6 months time or something wether it goes Age of Conan or not. DA2 is nothing but mediocre, even though that does'nt mean it is'nt entertaining to some people, but yeah, any publicity is good publicity or how goes the saying? As for C&C Generals; I would'nt have batted an eyelash if it actually turned out to be Command and Conquer; S&M, with Bi, Gay or Straigth upgrade trees.
  21. :lol: ****e, just noticed now that I missed adding "just" before Bioware. >-<
  22. if that is true, Stalker 2 is one of the VERY few games I have looked forward to. Since Stalker 2 was looking to become a consoleitis infected stinkhole, I'm a bit torn. Best shooter series that's been released the last few years, and this happens? Why can't this happen to some uncreative ****ty series, like CoD or Bioware instead. There are alot of vicious rumors running around, and I can't find anything on their own website about it either. I really hope not, I'd rather it be dead than risk turned into a zombie like the Fallout franchise.
  23. Poisoning the well AND Godwin's law, all at once, nice. :D I trust the Swiss government more than the US or French. And a good thing their country is'nt a former penal colony, I mean how could you trust anyone decended from criminals?
  24. I did finish it, and I hated it, I liked how Origins played and hated how DA2 played. And before you ask why I finished it; I'm unemployed, and wanted to play it through to the end incase someone called me on it. Heh, also; It's good to have an open mind, but don't open it so much your brain falls out.
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