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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. As an 28 year old, my RL situation is the worst it's ever been. It's been downhill from 21. I'm very thankfull for great friends!
  2. I can really sympathize with you, I live in the boonies here in Sweden, and every two years or so I get power outages that are several days long. Real pain in the arse when it's below freezing in the middle of winter! I'm really grateful for the wood burning stove and the fireplace at those times.
  4. Lot's 'n lot's of sleep? "Ooh, shiney butterflies, WEEE!"? Spoiled brats of a race with very low birthrate? I'm assuming you're talking about D&D and as I usually stay away from D&D games myself, I've never really thought about it. But it could also be that they are just really sociable, spending lots of time with friends, partying and listening to stories or whatnot instead of feeling any real need to get things rolling in a hurry, afterall you've got an eternity. Then again, it's a level system, they don't make much of any sence in this regard whatsoever. They're not made for that, they're made to keep the game easilly balanced, and nothing else. I've seen level adjustment used in the Warcraft RPG, wich would help alleviate things somewhat, but it still becomes stupid. I prefer the unbalanced systems where an 100 year old elf is more powerful by himself than the rest of the party, and an 5000 year old "Mist elf" is so powerful that the first thing that happens at the start of the game, is that the Emperor of Chronopia kills him before he was ever born. R.I.P Hleirathr.
  5. You have my sympathies, LadyCrimson, it's awful to have to do it - but atleast he's not in pain.
  6. Daymn... the No one lives forever craving I got just now is out of this world!
  7. "Aw, not again..."
  8. My sis took an overnight trip to Denmark to buy cheap booze for the rest of the family, but she also decided to buy me a present; "Valhalla Mjød". Really nice gift, and I'm honestly surprised!
  9. If he does'nt want to promote homosexuality, the man better put on a shirt. I'm feeling all homosexual from just looking at that pic, hawt. Rawr.
  10. He does go off on that tangent, but I read it more as the pacing of the combat is off and that the game is bug-ridden.
  11. Google did'nt find any russian pro-homosexual beatings on their first page when I tried a search. I suspect the gay-lobby is hiding it somewhere on page 241.
  12. Correct, my bad, I did'nt read through that article properly, because I did'nt think they would leave out that part. I originally read it on a Swedish site where it was more prominent. http://www.theverge.com/2013/8/7/4595246/russia-anti-gay-neo-nazis-bully-teens-on-social-media-occupy-pedofilyay They point out that police does'nt act on charges brought to them.
  13. Well, when police refuse to help and assist teenagers getting assaulted by neo-Nazi's when they try to go to dates, what else can you say? http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/russian_where_tortured_they_social_jYNN6UejKkxWOVdl4fO9jJ
  14. Really? Compared to what games? Because neither DAO or Mass Effect have any choices worth mentioning, especially not compared to the Witcher series.
  15. RPS tore into it pretty heavilly. Based on this, I'm actually pretty glad that I did'nt kickstart Jagged Alliance...
  16. Russian Olympic medalist shows her true colours. Not only is she a homophobe, but she's also against others expressing their opinon; "She said if athletes “are going to propagandise homosexuality on the street then that will show a lack of respect for us," and they should face criminal charges."
  17. You're a Fin, it's your duty to have blades! Don't you realise how dissapointed us Swedes would be if you did'nt? :D Also;
  18. Religion creates buildings? You might've read some crazy "Freemason" version, but I think the bible "kind of" failed to tell us anything about how the tower of babylon is constructed, while it does mention eye for an eye. I don't know about you, but when a builder tells me that the skyscraper "Is done by the book" that he really means an Engineer's plan. And science does'nt dictate what is right and what is wrong, religion, does.
  19. Hehehe! I want that on a T-shirt! ****ing hell, I don't know wether to laugh or cry, or both... That's some really heavy ignorance coming out of her mouth.
  20. I've been staying awake and am hoping for a clearing or two in the cloudcover here, but no luck so far. The radar says there's a thunderstorm heading this way though, so I could always hope to get some long time exposure shots of of lightning instead. I'd really, really like some pictures of my own of meteorites though!
  21. Yeah, my cats have names but I rarely use them in favour of whatever comes up. Common terms they respond to more than their names at this point: Engelbert Humperdinck, Doctor Droolababble and Binkulinus the Third of Poofington. Huh, my cats only listen to "You", "Want", "More" and "Food".
  22. More civilized people say "flodhäst" though. ;D If you really want to have fun at danes, you should explain how you count things. *Shudder*
  23. But they had to outsource stuff so that they could ruin Aliens!
  24. Back then when drivers actually had to drive the cars on their own aswell, manual transmissions in F1, no antispin, no launch control or such driving aids. It was really impressive to see drivers drifting through corners, actually fighting their cars, looking for every little bit of grip they could find! 1994 was a really ****ty year aswell, Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenburger both died at Imola. And Justin Bieber was born, but that's a whole'nother horror. As you say, racing is too clinical and soulless nowadays, I don't have the same respect for it as I have for the golden years. :/
  25. I never could get into that series either, it never captured my interest after watching the first 4 or so with some friends. Same thing with Star Trek.
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