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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Hehehe! It is awesome sitting and playing some awesome game when the wind is howling outside and the raindrops smattering on your windowsill... If I were to live down there I'd probably get some form of anxiety disorder, or just go proper nuts.
  2. People that know me and have observed my behavior usually ask wether I'm really a human or an alien being, but I don't have any problems with winter or darkness and neither have I ever heard my friends complain about it. Then again, they consume lots and lots of alcohol. And sex. Usually those two go hand in hand. Also as Ros says up there; Most people that have grown up here are used to it. When you've known nothing but dark winters it's business as usual. It's makes for a quack mecca though. Or how about light earbuds? XD
  3. He's just monumentally stupid, he does'nt understand the concept of sentimental worth nor does he understand anything about weapons. So a rifle is a rifle to him, and not worth anything - and noone, especially not his nephew wich spent most of his summers at the gunrange, could have any interest in it. He did'nt know either that the rifle was customized and worth thousands more than a regular mauser.. He did'nt even consider giving it to any of the hunters around here. *Facepalm* Yeah, friggin governments usually are shortsighted as hell. They don't seem to want to recoup money they've spent or make any effort into it. Such a damn waste of materials, time and money. It especially sucks for the military that could've gotten money out of it to spend on something else, hell, they probably could've traded them back to Steyr, and then Steyr could've sold them to another market. The 9.3*62 is a sweet round, well balanced all round case. Well, aslong as you don't want to shoot really long ranges atleast!
  4. Not really, if anything I'm more a fan of full rifle rounds, but the rifle is an impressive one! I really like the engineering effort that's gone into the recoiling barrel system, and having two bullets striking the same spot up to 100 meters certainly is impressive! If I had to say an caliber at all it's 9.3x62. I was supposed to get my grandfathers Mauser rifle but my uncle decided to hand it in to the police for destruction instead. ****ing ****munching asshat.
  5. Hehehe! Yeah, it does look a little silly, but it's an muzzlebrake from what I've been told. I thought it was some sort of blank-firing adapter the first time I saw it. By all means, scoff at the silly muzzlebrake, it still fires that neat 2-round burst.
  6. Smexy... Love old battle rifles! Parts of the FG's action are behind the triggergroup though, since the stock houses the recoil springs, extractor and whatnot. I'd reckon that it qualifies It's really impressive that they have the single shot configured to fire from a closed bolt and the full auto from an open bolt. It's impressive that the engineers managed to build the rifle despite the weird demands of the Luftwaffe! "Help I've FALlen and I can't get up!" One of my favourite modern rifles, the AN-94;
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcUi6UEQh00 I don't think I've posted this or seen it posted here, and it might not be entirely fitting for the thread, but I think this is funny.(And interesting!) What english sounds like to non english speakers!
  8. Surely, you must be thinking of the FG42? That rifle did have big recoil issues from what I've learned. I must say that I have absolutely no problem with the Nazi gear and such, and I absolutely love how badass their uniforms looks and their engineering skills. Their ideology is just plain retarded, but I really have a soft spot for Nazi planes, guns, uniforms and tanks.
  9. As an 28 year old, my RL situation is the worst it's ever been. It's been downhill from 21. I'm very thankfull for great friends!
  10. I can really sympathize with you, I live in the boonies here in Sweden, and every two years or so I get power outages that are several days long. Real pain in the arse when it's below freezing in the middle of winter! I'm really grateful for the wood burning stove and the fireplace at those times.
  12. Lot's 'n lot's of sleep? "Ooh, shiney butterflies, WEEE!"? Spoiled brats of a race with very low birthrate? I'm assuming you're talking about D&D and as I usually stay away from D&D games myself, I've never really thought about it. But it could also be that they are just really sociable, spending lots of time with friends, partying and listening to stories or whatnot instead of feeling any real need to get things rolling in a hurry, afterall you've got an eternity. Then again, it's a level system, they don't make much of any sence in this regard whatsoever. They're not made for that, they're made to keep the game easilly balanced, and nothing else. I've seen level adjustment used in the Warcraft RPG, wich would help alleviate things somewhat, but it still becomes stupid. I prefer the unbalanced systems where an 100 year old elf is more powerful by himself than the rest of the party, and an 5000 year old "Mist elf" is so powerful that the first thing that happens at the start of the game, is that the Emperor of Chronopia kills him before he was ever born. R.I.P Hleirathr.
  13. You have my sympathies, LadyCrimson, it's awful to have to do it - but atleast he's not in pain.
  14. Daymn... the No one lives forever craving I got just now is out of this world!
  15. "Aw, not again..."
  16. My sis took an overnight trip to Denmark to buy cheap booze for the rest of the family, but she also decided to buy me a present; "Valhalla Mjød". Really nice gift, and I'm honestly surprised!
  17. If he does'nt want to promote homosexuality, the man better put on a shirt. I'm feeling all homosexual from just looking at that pic, hawt. Rawr.
  18. He does go off on that tangent, but I read it more as the pacing of the combat is off and that the game is bug-ridden.
  19. Google did'nt find any russian pro-homosexual beatings on their first page when I tried a search. I suspect the gay-lobby is hiding it somewhere on page 241.
  20. Correct, my bad, I did'nt read through that article properly, because I did'nt think they would leave out that part. I originally read it on a Swedish site where it was more prominent. http://www.theverge.com/2013/8/7/4595246/russia-anti-gay-neo-nazis-bully-teens-on-social-media-occupy-pedofilyay They point out that police does'nt act on charges brought to them.
  21. Well, when police refuse to help and assist teenagers getting assaulted by neo-Nazi's when they try to go to dates, what else can you say? http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/russian_where_tortured_they_social_jYNN6UejKkxWOVdl4fO9jJ
  22. Really? Compared to what games? Because neither DAO or Mass Effect have any choices worth mentioning, especially not compared to the Witcher series.
  23. RPS tore into it pretty heavilly. Based on this, I'm actually pretty glad that I did'nt kickstart Jagged Alliance...
  24. Russian Olympic medalist shows her true colours. Not only is she a homophobe, but she's also against others expressing their opinon; "She said if athletes “are going to propagandise homosexuality on the street then that will show a lack of respect for us," and they should face criminal charges."
  25. You're a Fin, it's your duty to have blades! Don't you realise how dissapointed us Swedes would be if you did'nt? :D Also;
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