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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. They use more insidious methods, such as "Evolution is just a theory" campaigns, or "Abortion is murder".
  2. I don't mean to sound... well, mean, but have you perchance crossreferenced with any other scales? I mean, you look massive in all your photos. Are your bones hollow? Or is it that you have your own gravitational field that is somehow interfering with the scales? ^^ Then again, I'm 193 and your weight..
  3. Anders Breivik also had police equipment, it's not unlikely that they'd have that to try and blend in later or confuse people.
  4. Which demographic commits the most crime in Sweden? Or Norway? You'll have to ask the Swedes. Swedes. And Norwegians.
  5. Would've been fun to meet new people, but I'm not part of the PoE kickstarter.
  6. The risk of them missing the bowl is infinitely smaller than when sitting aswell. Something that seems to be a common problem throughout the ages to be fair. Atleast a friend in daycare mentioned this when it was brought up, never has it been about a feminist agenda. I'm all for it, I hate seeing those "mysterious" wetspots infront of the toilet. Working with removing grafitti and gangmarkers I quite often got attacked with nasty mean words. ;_;
  7. Looks to me like the dust comes from just underneath the policemans head, so either it's from the bullet digging into the ground or dust from the pavement agitated by the gas expelled from the gun.
  8. Well, he might've glanced down enough to confirm a hit and not having to shoot again. I've read people say their marksmanship skills were quite high and they were diciplined. From the video he might've shot above the officers head, but he's tracking the head pretty spot on and the camera does'nt linger long enough to see if any blood starts pooling. Another thing the conspiracy nutter says is that the head would rock if it was shot; Not necessarilly. The officer clearly had tention in his neckmuscles before the shot. Also, he might've not had a clean headshot, he might've hit the base of the skull, neck or spine. About those mexican cartel images, we don't know what they might've hit first, if it was ball, or hp bullets and such. Pretty damn gruesome though, as you say.
  9. I'm not, this falls in line with all the touchy feely poo the corps wants. I do doubt that they'll get it passed though, it's far to invasive. But they'll try, a few years down the road the might actually succeed.
  10. Line up a few jugs of water maybe? Or is it possible to go to the scrapyard and get hold of an old engine and see if you can get any cracking done? =P I've handled one straight pull rifle my entire life, a biathlon rifle, but I don't remember much of it since I was ten. But I do really like the feel of bolt action rifles, that manouver has some sence of finality to it when you pull down the bolt, so it'd be fun to feel the difference of the actions. ------ https://www.full30.com/video/82efb579fd3c93d177205966ef3d3c9d Couple of guys try out explosive WW2 german and soviet ammunitions, and all I can say is damn. Daaymn.
  11. Either 3% or the natural non homogenized milk if I get it from the stores, sometimes I get myself some milk directly from a farmer I know nearby. Now that's the good stuff!
  12. I'm mildly curious, what bluehaired idiot?
  13. I wish there was raccoons here, but I've got... well, foxes. Two of them, or atleast I had this summer. They scare away my cats to steal their catfood only to be chased away by the badger. Thieving bastards. We do get the occasional drunk moose though. :D
  14. Straight pull? I've heard of a Swiss one, K31 or something. Did you shoot any of those slugs yet?
  15. Three engineers, microprocessors and mechanical. And an DNA analyst I think it's called, she's offered to have a looksee but I don't want to know what might be hiding in there. Pff, too tired to play games, and definetly to tired to read and bored out of my mind. Don't want to go to bed though, since I don't want to mess up my sleep rythm.
  16. Generally speaking, I read some science journals and books I borrow from the local library, if I hear something interesting from people that I feel I need to know more about I go looking for more information about it. I have a few friends at Chalmers and Astra Zeneca that I speak to now and then that can clarify things for me if need be. Not really sources of information but I also listen to the Skeptics guide to the universe wich is quite entertaining and I do read Bad Astronomy and Neurologica blog now and then.
  17. The thing that I'm the most worried about is what my friends might do to me for my birthday. They tend to do things big and crazy, and as much as I love them, crazy wild days is'nt really my cup of tea. I'm a sucker for scientific concensus myself, I don't trust my own observations enough about most things. I might purposefully ignore scientific concensus though, I don't give a rats ass if milk is bad and increases my chances of prostate cancer. I will still drink two litres a day.
  18. Well, we all are mutants to some degree, it's what drives evolution afterall. And while luck might not be an actual magic force as such, it's much easier to say luck or chance than saying you've not met contagious people or been exposed. I'm fairly certain that if you'd have french kissed me shortly before christmas that you'd have a pretty sore throat by now. Edit; Oh, and thank you for determining what movie I'm going to have to watch tonight!
  19. Luck, fitness and genes I'd suppose. I have'nt gone nine a half months in my life without some illness or the other. I really do envy people that rarely get ill
  20. Man, that sucks, here's to hoping that atleast you get cared for by many pretty nurses!
  21. Yeouch. I'm glad to read that you dodged that bullet Ros, are you home now or writing from hospital?
  22. Hope I'm not posting old news, but I might very well have missed it in all those quotepyramids. https://eu2015.lv/images/news/2015_01_11_Joint_statement_of_ministers_for_interrior.pdf I'm surprised it took them this long to put something like this out there. This did cheer me up though; Syria Strategic Communication Advisory Team (SSCAT) They really did'nt think that one through, did they?
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