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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. That really sucks, I don't envy you that. We're expecting 28c tomorrow and then a dropoff to around 20 on wednesday. But SMHI is about as reliable as wild guessing for their predictions, so I fully expect that by tomorrow they'll have done a 180 on that forecast.
  2. It has been the same deal here in Sweden, but atleast it's going to be cooler in the coming days.
  3. I'm going to have to try and change that angle then, and see if that helps, buying new parts sadly is'nt really on the table since it's too expensive. The bike is my primary means of transport really, more than an exercise tool. I suppose I have to get used to it aswell. I just wish I had that really nice wide as hell saddle that I had on my scavenged bike when I was young. Yep, had a shower here yesterday aswell that pushed the humidity up. And now we're getting a couple of splashes again, with enough thunder to force me to unplugg again. ****!!!
  4. What the hell is your arse made of? Depleted uranium? =P I biked roughly 20 km 3 times a week for the past few weeks, and my arse feels like it's gone ten rounds with a jackhammer... Wish I had enough money to buy a proper saddle.
  5. Whoa, what the hell? What's wrong with it? You need an entire new electrical system or something?
  6. That's not an unreasonable assumption Thanks for the tip. Generally speaking remembering dreams isn't a problem, it's just very boring dreams to remember. Dreaming that I am logging, doing chores, playing games or pen and paper RPGs is pretty tame. Though last nights dream did contain two women, but that's because I dreamt about the Conan the RPG we played yesterday. And they were fully clothed, because you can't trust wimmin to do things right! Not freeboobing in Conan... Right now I'm waiting at my friends place, waiting for them to finish visiting their family and such so that we can start playing Rogue Trader and continue Lure of the Expanse. See, there's always a silver lining! =)
  7. Apparently there were alot of AIDS researchers heading to a conference onboard the plane, shame :/
  8. No, he's not a respected climate authority, he's a creationist & a crank. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Roy_Spencer http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2011/04/review-of-spencers-great-global-warming-blunder/
  9. Really? The fact that I have no weirdness or even sexytime in my dreams is making me question my own sanity.
  10. Long, but worth it, and I don't think I've seen it here:
  11. Yikes, that sounds nasty as hell, I'm sorry to hear that. :/ Hope it works out and that you will heal quicker than so! What? I'm not good enough for you? I do know a few hot girls, but they live here in Sweden I'm afraid. Bah, that sucks, do you have any more vacation time?
  12. You want some hugs? I can give you some hugs. Why does your employer not hire extra help? My sister just squeezed out her kid, and as I expected she's asking if I can take her dog. Little whore. Story of her life, as soon as she get's something new and shiney infront of her she looses interest in all else. Poor dog.
  13. It's a nice teaser, is'nt it? :D I intend to share it, but it was a semi long mini campaign that is kind of hard to summarize nicely.
  14. Done
  15. A while ago our group finished up our old Only War regiment and the characters associated with it in a glorious way by dropping a high security heretic prison into a magma chamber, so it was decided to start a new regiment. This newly formed regiment is a bit... experimental... in it's setup, a cavalry "stealth" drop troop company riding flying maaru-beasts is a novel idea if nothing else. 5 players were present, we had two Weapon Specialists with grenade launchers, one Heavy with a RPG, one medic and a ministorium priest. Since this was their first assignment they got shipped to a Severan Dominate controlled planet where they got settled in, one of the weapon specialists managed to get herself into trouble when her comrade lit up a fat one and she snatched it out of his hands, just in time for an officer to walk in on her. *Trollface* Once they got their feet on the ground and settled in they were summoned by the company clerk, Faris van Spankelvink, for mission assignment. Tasked with dropping onto a plateau they and their platoon were to take out three artillery pieces covering one of the big passes that led up there. After getting their mission assignment gear and discussing things back and forth it turned out the priest did'nt have a clue how to actually ride the maaru, so they had to use more conventional drop procedures. They dropped onto the plateau, there was quite alot of incoming AA fire that tore up their ride pretty badly but they chose to jump early so they were quite a bit off course according to the navigator so they had to doubletime it. The trek through the rocky terrain was hard on the group and they stumbled onto a small patrol from one of the nearby caves, a lightly equipped group of 4 "guardsmen" that nearly managed to kill the group through catastrophically bad rolls and decisions from the players. Who could've thunk supressing fire and grenades would be that handy? Eventually they managed to get to the ravine and decided to go to the side and rappel down the side and attack the first emplacement from above, they did'nt bother to look for mines and did'nt have an auspex so the pointman managed to quickly walk onto one. This alerted the camp that sent out a patrol, but for once the group had luck with their rolls and actually managed to keep themselves hidden from the enemy, wich decided it must've been an animal. Eventually they managed to creep through the minefield to the ledge above the emplacement and climbed down the rockface and started to clear it out, they lucked out and managed to take out the defenders without much noise using melee and a flamethrower only. They noticed an opening into the mountain and followed it only to find the ammunition depot and loading carts for the guns, and decided to load a couple of carts with rounds of ammunition and democharges and push them down their rails towards the guns, using them as either a distraction or maybe even take out the defenders. Shortly afterwards they had managed to push the carts to enough speed that they could carry themselves to the emplacements and lit the fuses and ran, since they debated the fusetime and runspeed and such between themselves well enough that they did'nt have to do any technical rolls they got close enough to blow up both the other encampments. After the shells were exploded they surveyed the massive damage and tried looking for intel and loot, finding neither from the two demolished emplacements, they looted some guns from the first one and pulled out. Back at base they stashed their loot and reported to the mildly impressed van Spinkelvink of their success, being massively crushed that he was'nt impressed that they had completed their main objective but also dissapointed in them not taking out any AA or finding intel. Bastard. Overall the players were entertained, but pissed at the dices, but despite all noone died, but the average wounds level after the session was done was -3 or so wounds, even though they had their medic present all the time. The only person in the group that has some tactical sense decided to play a ministorium priest wich showed on the overall performance of the group, no find 'em, fix 'em, flank 'em or any tactics at all used really. They never really spread out once they had contact, so the enemy did employ supressing fire and their grenades plenty, and noone took the hint. :/ The group was a fun bunch of characters though and I have high hopes for the group. I might be GM'ing another session tomorrow or so, but maybe the other GM(The ministorium priest) will host instead and let me play.
  16. I tried looking for some lefthanded games for you to play, but they seemed to really need the right hand for... other activities. Playing football with a broken elbow can't be a good idea, you're one small step away from breaking it again. Just came home from my friends place, GM'd some WH40K Only War. I decided to ride my bike to town so that I would'nt have to walk all the way home in the middle of the night... I should've walked. It was warm enough outside that I don't cool off when I'm going fast and the blistering sun did'nt help. I must have lost litres of water after that, and it did take quite a while before my face stopped being just crazy red from the heat. The effort was'nt that bad, it's about 10km to town, though I was quite tender in my legs both when I got to town, and now that I'm home, but the lack of any easy way to cool off is the most annoying part. Oh, and I'm pretty certain my arse is bruised. Because, pain, lots and lots of pain!!
  17. Damn, that sucks :/ How long are you going to have a cast?
  18. No, don't think so, they could break glass windows and wooden fences I think, for certain they could destroy shrubbery - but not doors or such hard objects. Other explosives could though, like lockbreaker packs or you just demolished it with C4 or dynamite.
  19. Maybe she's from the deep south?
  20. The first screenshot actually shows a X and an A, so obviously they've upgraded the games mechanics.
  21. It does look rough, but as you say it's very early footage. I'm with you on the PS2 bit, that would be a most delightful game to copy as it has all the right ingredients. They'd mesh well. I do like the faction choices they've presented, I wonder how they will represent the Tyranid hive mind...
  22. Nice, I hope that the "You won't get the developer injected events" part does'nt mean you only get to fly around watching pretty systems but that you can still do some simple missions and such. On another note;
  23. Well, I've always had a ****ty immunesystem, even when I was in my best shape. I heard an epidemiologist speak about those things, and she said that generally speaking the immunesystem is the last thing that is affected - the rest of the body be damned. But having good physique makes it easier to stand it. Thanks, and I have been, water and tea. With honey, 'cause damn that throat.
  24. yes, this will be the perfect game to just enjoy the wastness of space and do nothing else. I just hope that there will be a singleplayer component to let you do that, I get enough of player-player interaction in WoW.
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