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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Out of curiosity, when you started weightlifting, how long did it take for you to start feeling some kind of good buzz from working out? Or did you get that immediately?
  2. *Brohug* I had to look this up, because it'd been more than ten years since I had any good recollection of these rules, and I found this; 9 § Med kulgevär avses i dessa föreskrifter räfflade tvåhandsvapen som är avsedda att läggas an mot axeln, är konstruerade för kulpatroner och vars piplängd är minst 45 cm. Kulgevär av halvautomatisk eller pumprepeterande typ får inte ha vik- eller fällbara kolvar eller kolvar av teleskopisk typ. Med kulpatron avses här en patron laddad med röksvagt krut och där kula tillsammans med patronhylsa samt driv- och tändsats bildar en enhet. Här avses dock inte s.k. slug- eller brennekepatron och liknande patroner avsedda för hagelgevär. --- Rough translation 9§ By firearms these rules apply to rifled twohanded weapons meant to be held against the shoulder, is designed for cartridges and has a barrel length of at least 45 cm. Firearms of semiautomatic och pumpaction may not have a folding or collapsing stock. With cartridge it is referred to a casing loaded with smokeless powder and where the bullet together with the casing, propellant and primer form an unified whole. This does not apply to so called slug or brennekecartridge or similar meant for shotguns. So, nope. :/ I was only slightly surprised to see that you're not allowed to have folding stocks, but not much. Afterall you're not allowed to have a hunting rifle that looks "militaristic".
  3. Bit of everything is stopping me, I'm hearing impaired and poor first of all, secondly that weapon does'nt fit into any of the categories for weapons that are around here in Sweden, there are no clubs that compete with that type of gun, and you're not allowed to hunt with pistol calibre weapons, and it's not a "salongsgevär" (singleshot class 4 .22 rifle weighing less than 2.5 kilos). As far as I've understood the rules that is, I have'nt read that much about the laws in a long time. If I want to just collect the weapon, it needs to be plugged, so **** that.
  4. That's a beauty, if I'd had any way of getting one I would. /drool
  5. I should know better than to think of politics, I've got a headache and nosebleed. Did spend the weekend playing RPG's with my mates, some lighthearted Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy crossover on saturday, and yesterday some Only War. Good fun, our group also purchased Dark Heresy 2.0 and WOD Demon 2.0 so we've done some light reading and discussions of that. Demon 2.0 really sounds cool, I love those concepts portrayed in the book and it'll be interesting to see what the GM will come up with for that. I'm still trudging through the Shadowrun book and jotting down some ideas that I like to try to get the group hooked with and then I'll probably try and start a long campaign going, but first I have to get a hold of the ruleset, and I'll have to say that I really don't like how they have it all written out, the book feels jumbled when things you want to know are explained ten pages after the first mention.
  6. True, I'm not them, but they are part of the same society that I am, and I can't help but feel both contempt at them, and shame that so many people of the Swedish populace are that ignorant and blind to what they vote for. Would you actually protest by voting on a party who's leaders have publicly stated that they need to take "Islam is worse than Nazis", "Arabs have violence in their genes" and want to "Register the Romani's" who's party leader has a gambling problem and is a compulsive liar (Besides being a professional politician that is, lying about things like his childhood)? Oh, and then there are the videos where three of their higher ups verbally abuse a famous comedian and arm themselves with metal pipes and later on when the police come and clear the scene makes the statement "Being an eye-servant (Behaving well when important people are watching) always works" when they are leaving. This is the kind of people they've voted for. And sure, they're not racist, it only happens to be so debates about immigrants focus on arabs and africans. Pure coincidence. Gimme a ****ing break. Here's a nice sticker from one of the parties that merged into Swedish Democrats; Varning! till svenska flickor! Undvik oskyddat samlag med negrer som bär dödligt AIDS! Allra helst; Skända inte din ras, Ditt Sverige, Din Familj och släkt. Bevara Sverige Svenskt Edit; Did'nt get this in https://translate.google.com/
  7. It is, but it's equally horrible that every 8th Swede agrees with their xenophobia and anti muslim rethoric. Yeah, but their stated opinions, history and rethoric confirms it. Alot of the higher ups in the party has stated very interesting things in the past about different races and creeds. Atleast they are more subtle than they were under their previous names where they told Swedish women to "not sully their race, don't have sex with negros!". I'm ashamed of the fact 13% of Swedish people voted for them.
  8. God dammit, I've been trying to find a good video of Ronja Robber's Daughter going through the roof of the Rumphobs to show you the misery you've got to look forward to, but this is the best I found;
  9. Hmm... that is a concern, you did'nt go rock climbing on any outcroppings or any other such Elfhill did you? If you did, you just might be fecked until you build a little home for them to stay in. :<
  10. Oldie but goldie.
  11. A rock on the road maybe? Gremlins? Hearing what sometimes goes on in your home, maybe they went for a ridealong? Good to hear you're in one pieces atleast.
  12. I'll wait for a PC release together with the Nip-slip DLC.
  13. Wrong thread? =P
  14. My condolence. ---- I just attended a party celebrating my a friends birthday, she was very happy and very drunk - just as everyone else. I did, however, clearly feel the absence of one of my best friends that moved to Stockholm last week and wasn't at the party, it was a sad affair for me, since he was actually one of the few people that I could talk with whenever everyone else went on about their filthy nasty depravities. Wich means I basically sat and listened more than spoke to people. Very meh. I know they are doing it on purpose as well, since I can't help but blush when they get going. Atleast I got alot of free drinks and I'm well and truly drunk right now, so I've got that going for me, wich is nice!
  15. Gag-ged?
  16. It's very much the same here, but people don't really care that much what you call them. NOMNOM! Oh; And the image does'nt necessarilly represent what I made looked like >_>'
  17. As far as I know and they say, all my friends are all for gender equality, but most don't call themselves feminists and they consider the majority of feminists to be idiots. The people I mention are people that identify as feminists and even vote for F!, and they do behave that way. Not even the radical feminists that were around my school during those years now, but adults in my age, near their 30's. The only reason they are in my social circles are because they are boy-/girl-/-friends of friends and it's impossible to avoid them too long. And as I said, damn near, some of them are moderate but somewhat ostracized from their circle when debates come up.
  18. This little tidbit explains a whole lot. As far as I know it's a letter from a woman detailing her experiences as a feminist, and frankly; I'm not one bit surprised, becuase that is the behavior of damn near every feminist I've met or spoken to personally.
  19. I'm not surprised though, it's indiegogo, they let anything up on their site, sillyness like perpetual motion machines amongst others.
  20. You should start playing the oboe. I've seen on TV that it helps, so you totally should. *Nods sagely* Read a post by BruceVC, while I had a craving for sweets, so I made myself some Swedish un-PC "negerbollar". They are tasty.
  21. Taken from 9gag, but still.
  22. Now that's a Peach that I'd run through castle after castle searching for!
  23. It would be the perfect car for him, would'nt it? :D
  24. No, no way, you did'nt get a Prius did you? :S
  25. Wait, what? You bought a car and forgot about it? O.o
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