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Everything posted by Azdeus
Backers must be a bit annoyed. ****. Atleast I did'nt back it and I'll save myself some money. This sucks, I was really looking forward to playing that game, I've been dying for something like it for ages.
You've been missed! =)
Hahaha! They almost make it sound as if one is a pedophile XD
Hope you get a handle on it quickly Hurlshot, good luck. I've been taking turns between wich end of me ejaculates at the toilet while trying to drink as much water as possible. I hate being sick.
Total Biscuit; Ethics in Games Media; Stephen Totilo of Kotaku comes to the table to discuss Was just posted, so I have'nt listened to it through and through yet.
Babies crying, chalk on chalkboard, nails on chalkboards, cutlery on porcelain, metal cutlery in metal pots (Though steel on cast iron is fine for some reason), static noises/white noise drives me insane aswell.
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- feminism
- nude selfy
(and 3 more)
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^ One of the ten percent found.
Take care Wol, see you later!
Only because it's you, and you asked me so nicely! <3 Laws are for everyone, even the rich - it just does'nt hurt them as much when it comes to monetary compensation. My point of outfitting everyone is that there will always be poor folk that can't afford such luxuries as firearms, if you want to remove that rich/poor divide you would have to distribute weapons to everyone. It was also meant to serve as a strawman example. The police are responsible with protecting you, you should ofcourse make efforts like using good locks and alarms to give police time to get there, just as firealarms are there to wake you up in the middle of the night before a fire becomes an inferno. Protect and serve. I'm pretty certain you were born with bear arms, but I digress, if it is a right to bear arms, should criminals and mentally ill people not have them too then? It is afterall a right, and not a privilege. And that right shall not be infringed... People need to be licenced, deemed worthy and fit to own something as dangerous as a firearm, and doubly so if you want to use that weapon for self defence - people don't react well when surprised or stressed. Comparing firearms ownership with sexuality is silly though, you'd have an arguement there if you were actually born with a pistol instead of a hand. Your sniper rifle would'nt help against drones, airstrikes and tanks that the military has, the only real protection you have against the military is a safe social environment where the military has nothing to gain from tanking over the country and where information is free and available to everyone so that soldiers and police can not be decieved. Having an full auto capable rifle or machinegun won't help you, but it sure would make for interesting gang wars. I'm not saying there are'nt some stupid laws around, especially here in Sweden, but people need to be licenced and guns checked to reasonable limits. I don't mind someone wanting to go hunting with an AR-15, could'nt care less, but there is no need for that person to have an M4/M16. Yeah, I also live in a rural area, and a couple of years back some people were brutally murdered in my municipality. Brutally enough that the police that responded has PTSD. And he was a gunowner. It did'nt help him one bit. That does'nt mean it's wise to allow people unrestricted access to weapons just incase they might be able to get to them before they are surprised in their sleep. And it'll more likely lead to an escalation of violence, where robbers need to get guns to defend themselves. It'll lead to more shootings instead, with the likelyhood of innocents being harmed having increased. I thought the three exclamation marks would indicate irony, but I guess I should've added smileys or something. But, still, Breivik shot and killed 70 people on Utøya, with, if I recall correctly, a Ruger Mini-14 and a Glock. His legal firearms, that is. He was more deadly with his firearms than his bombs, they injured more, but his shootings brought the most victims by far. I mainly pointed out these people because from what I remember they used legal firearms, wich in my opinion points to that people need to be reevaluated for their firearms licence more often and have psych evaluations, at heavilly subsidized prizes. And not to limit the magazine size or types of firearms, or similar silly ****. Explosives are licenced wich is why he could'nt use 1000kg of TNT but used less efficient homebrew explosives wich kept the explosion smaller. The real kicker? Imagine the result of his shooting if he had to actually do the same with the firearms, build them from scrap parts. Breivik wanted to get full auto weapons from the eastern bloc, but he did'nt succeed in that for some reason, so he went and bought legal firearms instead. He did'nt car-fu 70 people to death, because he had much more efficient was of ending their lives. Like headshots. And yes, I'm a thosand more times likely to be involved in a car crash (infact, I have been in a few), but I also spend several orders of magnitude more time around cars. And yes, criminals does'nt care about laws but they also are'nt stopped by guns, but accidental deaths in families and heat of the moment kills are lessened by gunlaws. No, I know that many people do actually think they are doing it for the greater good, they have a different viewpoint on it than you - they don't trust people to handle firearms and they don't see the need for guns. To them it's just a weapon, a tool for destruction with no value to civilians whatsoever. All of my friends have this viewpoint, they don't see a need for their existence at all and that they are only dangerous to society, and while I may come across as strict to you - I'm nothing compared to them. I can see and understand both sides though. I'm glad that we can agree on that atleast I agree that it would, but when it comes to many of the examples you list they are nowhere near as potentially damaging as firearms. When it comes to big amounts of flammable or combustible materials, purchases of these do draw attention to themselves, knives and axes has more use as tools than as weapons, same with chainsaws. I do agree that many drivers should be forced to redo their licence tests every now and then though, 'cuz damn... Though as you say, it would turn into a bureaucratic nightmare, so I'll stick to guns for now, but without being a psychologist I don't think a subsidized psych evaluation every 5 years or so would be too much. It needs to be at a tight enough interval that you catch most people before they loose it, but also not so tight that it'd be impossible to keep the system running. Just for clarification, to avoid any confusion; I want guns and gunowners to be licenced, and evaluated, I don't want civilians to have access to fully automatic weapons or ordnance and I don't want it to be prohibitively expensive either.
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Woldan already has bear arms, does'nt he? I wonder if they are licenced. Hmm.. Best to amputate until we've cleared this up! :3 I never said it should be for only the rich, or are you suggesting that everyone should be outfitted with a weapon? It needs to be a privilege, just as driving a car, flying an aeroplane or calling yourself a doctor. People need to be judged sane and knowledgable enough to own a weapon, even more so than other things. And yes, the government should be able to take away anyones weapons should the person have, say, unstable mental health. No, what is allowing wrecking the world is money, money from company lobbyists of all kinds. And ignorance, Cecilia Malmström is a good example of that. Sadly, you were'nt born with the right to bear arms, you were born with the right to have protection by police and by law. You were born with the right to be treated like any other person wether you want firearms to be totally banned or totally free, and the right to say so. The people that wrote that paper were truly intelligent and remarkably forward thinking for it's time. They were not however timetravellers and they could'nt forsee things like automatic weapons or semiautomatic anti-materiel rifles with an effective range of 1500 metres. When they wrote that piece of paper their country could'nt afford a standing army and you know better than me the range and fire rate of a muzzleloader. Not to mention that the fastest transportation at that time was by boat or horse, today we have cars and aeroplanes, and the police response times are, while not perfect, an order of magnitude faster than was possible back then. It is possible that if the people that wrote the paper were alive and well today that they'd say it still stands, but I actually doubt it. Breivik, James Holmes and Elliot Roger clearly all committed their heinous crimes because of too lax gunlaws!!! There are always bad examples of what people can do when the abuse systems and tools. I'm not an expert on history, but I doubt that the result of the holocaust would have been much different even if the gunlaws were more lax. Edit; Oh, and I'm not going to derail your thread more than this, I've had my say
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Eh. Pass, I'd rather have strict gunlaws than those kind of crazies having any say. And we don't need a 200 year old antiquated piece of paper telling us what should be done, instead of adapting with the times, we have enough dogmatic religious nutjobs around as is. I don't mind there being harsh gunlaws, a gun is a privilige and I think it should be, not a right. That said, some of our laws are over the top, especially restricting the guns that you can own once you have a licence. I don't mind automatic weapons being outlawed, the public can have that as a comforter.
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Hehe, I've heard a podcasting neurologist say basically the same thing; Since he knows so many different causes, one worse than the other, but he does play around with such thoughts from time to time.
Got my priorities straight. No girlfriend.
Forgot to eat, damn Wasteland 2. I'm trembling from hunger ;_;
Need to mow the lawn, but I've got an ingrown toenail that is hurting. One of the electrical phases is dead, and I can't find any error on the fuses so my waterpump and heat does'nt work - even better, it's the main phase for the kitchen, so I can't make any food. But atleast I've managed to wrangle an extension cord to power the fridge, so I've got that going for me, wich is nice.
30GB? What the hell? O.o Anyway, I'm giddy. I have'nt been this giddy since Witcher 2. Weee! :D
I hope you get better soon Calax.
I needed to end my day with a big grin;
Out of curiosity, when you started weightlifting, how long did it take for you to start feeling some kind of good buzz from working out? Or did you get that immediately?
*Brohug* I had to look this up, because it'd been more than ten years since I had any good recollection of these rules, and I found this; 9 § Med kulgevär avses i dessa föreskrifter räfflade tvåhandsvapen som är avsedda att läggas an mot axeln, är konstruerade för kulpatroner och vars piplängd är minst 45 cm. Kulgevär av halvautomatisk eller pumprepeterande typ får inte ha vik- eller fällbara kolvar eller kolvar av teleskopisk typ. Med kulpatron avses här en patron laddad med röksvagt krut och där kula tillsammans med patronhylsa samt driv- och tändsats bildar en enhet. Här avses dock inte s.k. slug- eller brennekepatron och liknande patroner avsedda för hagelgevär. --- Rough translation 9§ By firearms these rules apply to rifled twohanded weapons meant to be held against the shoulder, is designed for cartridges and has a barrel length of at least 45 cm. Firearms of semiautomatic och pumpaction may not have a folding or collapsing stock. With cartridge it is referred to a casing loaded with smokeless powder and where the bullet together with the casing, propellant and primer form an unified whole. This does not apply to so called slug or brennekecartridge or similar meant for shotguns. So, nope. :/ I was only slightly surprised to see that you're not allowed to have folding stocks, but not much. Afterall you're not allowed to have a hunting rifle that looks "militaristic".
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Bit of everything is stopping me, I'm hearing impaired and poor first of all, secondly that weapon does'nt fit into any of the categories for weapons that are around here in Sweden, there are no clubs that compete with that type of gun, and you're not allowed to hunt with pistol calibre weapons, and it's not a "salongsgevär" (singleshot class 4 .22 rifle weighing less than 2.5 kilos). As far as I've understood the rules that is, I have'nt read that much about the laws in a long time. If I want to just collect the weapon, it needs to be plugged, so **** that.
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That's a beauty, if I'd had any way of getting one I would. /drool
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I should know better than to think of politics, I've got a headache and nosebleed. Did spend the weekend playing RPG's with my mates, some lighthearted Rogue Trader/Dark Heresy crossover on saturday, and yesterday some Only War. Good fun, our group also purchased Dark Heresy 2.0 and WOD Demon 2.0 so we've done some light reading and discussions of that. Demon 2.0 really sounds cool, I love those concepts portrayed in the book and it'll be interesting to see what the GM will come up with for that. I'm still trudging through the Shadowrun book and jotting down some ideas that I like to try to get the group hooked with and then I'll probably try and start a long campaign going, but first I have to get a hold of the ruleset, and I'll have to say that I really don't like how they have it all written out, the book feels jumbled when things you want to know are explained ten pages after the first mention.