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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I will say that the voice "acting" was awful though. I kind of liked it not being as polished as say, ubisofts presentation of Division, but they could've skipped the "acting" ****, it was seriously annoying to hear their banter...
  2. You've managed to permanently damage your hearing a bit. Sorry for your loss.
  3. How long will it take?
  4. Too be fair, one of the first things he did say was "We still have a lot of bugs in threezero, so I'm not making any promises". Haven't watched the entire thing yet though, will save that for tomorrow.
  5. Oh, ****. Best of luck then, button down the hatches and all that. When's it to hit?
  6. That sounds like fun... What's up?
  7. Bought a Nexus fan controller, and they demand that you create an online account to log stuff and such. Annoying to say the least. I don't know about Razers software and such, but you could look at logitech MX, I think it's about the same form.
  8. At first I laughed, and then I got disappointed sadly. Thanks for the laugh though.
  9. Wanted to try something new, so I made okonomiyaki(Cabbage pancake), turned out pretty well, though the bacon didn't turn out crisp enough for my tastes, but it was surprisingly nice. Next time though I'm making them thinner. The inner part was a bit undercooked.
  10. Can't stand stubble myself. I'd laser it all, but it's way to damn expensive.
  11. I just can't be bothered to shave, so I'm rockin' that wild bushman look. It doesn't grow particularly fast compared to my hair, but it's enough that I can't be bothered to shave every day, or other day. Or once a week/month. I think it's been about 6 months since last time now.
  12. Strained my back at work today, again, I've been relying too much on my right hand so I've overexerted myself. Annoying. Going back to the doctors on monday, since he clearly lied to me, since the wound in my hand has been torn up, so I'm going to ask for some stitches instead. On monday I handed my car over to my father to change my suspension, brakes and bushings, and he finished today. The car handles amazingly, you know how the car leans over slightly in say a roundabout? No. No it doesn't. Tried it at 50km, and it started to lean a little. :D I've sacrificed some comfort but in exchange I've got alot of confidence in the cars handling abilities now. The downside is that it's about 4cm's lower, I could've done without that.
  13. Drove a lorry for the first time today. Got into an arguement with a worthless driver at work, he said it was impossible to reverse into that particular spot. After about 5 minutes I got tired and told him to get out, got in, and I did need a second try at it, since I didn't know the particular turning circle for that lorry, second time I nailed it. I feel awesome.
  14. Nah, much rather it be some storyline of their own, there's plenty enough to dig into there. Much more interesting to go for something like Dark Heresy or Rogue Trader.
  15. Unemployment pay and retirement funds are separate from the taxes, unemployment pay is sort of "volountary".
  16. Truer words have never been spoken. Though to be fair, I do pay 30% income tax and a 25% VAT...
  17. Such is libtard socialist health care! Yeah, true, it cost me exactly 0 dollars. *Smugface*
  18. Cut my palm at work today, doctor glued it together and gave me antibiotics for ten days. Considering the amount of grease, dirt, rust, asphalt and various road dusts I also got a tetanus shot. I am concerned that he just told me to wash the wound with soap and alcohol before he sealed it, so I'm worried there might be more grit and dirt in it. Also, the I was supposed to be able to work and use the hand as normal according to him, but since it's already started bleeding again after taking a shower (Wore a latex glove and sealed it with a rubber band, so it didn't get wet.) and typing this message, it's already started to bleed through the bandage. HA! Good fun!
  19. Congratulations mate!
  20. Might just need a refill if you're lucky, that's usually why they stop working. Could be the drivebelt too ofcourse.
  21. Yeah, also, they easily use any friendship you've developed there aswell, being buddylike and all that to get you to do even more. The people that did my job before me lasted for about one year before they got burnt out, and my friend who used to do the same I do went back to just lifting packages instead and is now going to study to be a nurse, which he feels is much less draining. Also means that my chances of actually getting any vacation this year dropped to zero since he would be the one to take my spot for a few weeks. Yay.
  22. A few more details directly from the university: Ohio State researchers develop regenerative medicine breakthrough. ... Hmm... Maybe ten to fifteen years.
  23. Abusing that's is systematic at my workplace, which isn't a small charity or anything. It's got 30k employees and is government owned, but if you take on any position with responsibility you might get more working hours, but you don't get a raise or anything. The responsibilities, stress and general worries are slowly getting to me. I'm on the verge of becoming violent at people some days.
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