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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Hahaha! That's brilliant :D I wish seniority made someone the default DM, damn that'd be nice.. Didn't get quite enough sleep tonight, so I need to buy alot of energy drinks for tonight. Going to be a big group of six players aswell so I need to get my game on. Also, need to buy some Baileys.
  2. Hope you stay safe and get that sorted out Calax, sounds like the little twerp deserves some time behind bars. --- Perk of having vacation time; Loads of time to play PnP. Downside of vacation time; Loads of timepressure to plan adventures.
  3. Ouch, hope you get well soon.
  4. Yeah, I think I might have a hard time to think up 25 games. Would try though.
  5. Same here, basically. Though my GOG library is nearing my physical collection and haven't overtaken it. Yet. Not counting the physical copies that I've made of the GOG games then ofcourse.
  7. http://www.gp.se/nyheter/v%C3%A4stsverige/internationell-tjuvliga-lurades-av-postnord-1.4786658 Scroll down a little bit to find the video. A gang of criminals targeted my employer for a while by driving up close late in the evening by forcing open the trailer doors at speed, from the bonnet of a car and then jumping in and pillaging the goods. I'm not even mad, that's impressive!
  8. I don't remember if you entered country of origin yourself, but if not; VPN?
  9. Is "Bulgarian" a slur here of some kind, or..? Just confused as to whether or not we need to give Basil the Second a call here... it's a bit of a stealth complaint against my employer that fires our drivers and then hire a Swedish trucking company that through a series of subcompanies and contracts circumvent our collective agreement(Meaning they get paid alot less). I have nothing against bulgarians generally speaking, but I do dislike the truckers that come to my work, because I've yet to meet one that is as competent as a Swedish driver.
  10. Had that happen to me at work, some bulgarian started reversing his lorry and drove into my tractor. Thank god for surveillance cams.
  11. Hey! I get a juicebox for my pint of O-
  12. I'm kind of glad I don't work at home, I don't think I could ever really relax. Atleast now I can just drop my work as soon as my time is out and say "**** it" and go far far away from there.
  13. More than any new **** they will release, but I doubt I'll have much time to play, or people to play with since I work at peak hours.
  14. Happy birthday LadyCrimson! Need to go to bed early today, got an appointment with my doctor in 8 hours, just got home from work. >-< Forced overtime sure bit me in the ass this time.
  15. That album is pretty awesome overall, bought it on release.
  16. I think I woke up the neighbours reading that, that was hilarious!
  17. But do use Solvent Green, that **** is amazing.
  18. Haha! I've probably been, spent ages in battlegrounds and arena, and without a doubt the sorest loosers are eastern european; It does take some effort to log out, jump server, create a character and then sit and shout insults in their own language at me. Soo many fond memories
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