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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Pour some alcohol in you ear. Once it dries it takes the water with it. Did you just find a use for Tin Cup American Whiskey?
  2. I do the like the eclipse being used as the 'o' in Tomb... The rest was pretty much meh. Still, probably going to get it and play it though.
  3. I'm starting one months "vacation" now, had some saved and since I'm not getting any sick leave I've got to take my vacation to not work. Still looking forward to not being at my workplace for one month. I've tried smoking pipe, I think I would like it more than cigarettes if I could learn how. It's not very zen in the beginning, it's hard work and annoyance to learn how to smoke a pipe properly. You need to keep at it all the time, and you have to "burn in" the pipe before things get better. So if you think you have the will to put the effort in it could be worth it. Also; Badass points. Unless you're talking about waterpipe that is, then it's just... ezmode.
  4. Not sure if serious but if so then no. That's about just shy of explosive decompression in normal atmosphere. 180/110 would be considered a medical emergency. Thanks I'm seeing a specialist on monday, then I might finally get to know what is actually wrong. No matter what pills I've taken they haven't been able to meaningfully lower my bloodpressure or raise my potassium levels. Went to take another bloodpressure yesterday and had 150/100, and Ninja got a second chance of stabbing my arm. This time it went much smoother, she got it the first try and didn't leave much of a bruise either. Work is being a bitch above normal though, so I reckon the BP was a reason for that, yesterday I had this fatalistic feeling of dread in expectation for the day. One colleague is ill and one is having a couple of vacation days so we're working at 50% of the workforce with the same expectations of performance. We're also not allowed to work alone due to the risk of injuries so we can't take any breaks... Fun day ahead.
  5. Went for a checkup today at the doctors office, and there was a nurse-in-training there that took my bloodpressure (170/122 for those interested) and bloodsamples. My arm looks quite worse for wear, she missed a few times but I expected that. She read my BP as a top value of 123 though, and said she couldn't hear the diastolic pressure. I liked her though, she had the coolest name ever, and I **** you not; Ninja.
  6. Who are you, and what have you done to Woldan?!
  7. Wasn't that actually a part of the experiment?
  8. Even if nVidia were to sell them for 1500$, they would sell like icewater in hell. Even if Radeon were to release a better, more efficient and cheaper alternative. Atleast, that is what history has shown us.
  9. The overall gameplay was enjoyable, it was nice to see some quests move out of "kill x" territory, if barely, world was nicely put together - except for the voodoo ****, I've had enough of that. Characters was too over the top in most cases, and in some cases they were barely there. I really disliked the progression system, we always managed to unlock the progression without touching bases or missions, just by offing random stuff that was in our way anyway. Also, they could've made the bosses more enjoyable to defeat. Monologing for minutes after a huge fight and barely looking bruised is annoying as hell.
  10. This one is still my favourite Swedemason one;
  11. I finished Far Cry 5 yesterday, it was quite a dissapointment to be honest. Very unsatisfactory to both me and my friend.
  12. I'm teaching a new yardman/shunter this week, started out pretty well, but after 6 hours he still couldn't understand that he has to "catch" the trailer to stop it from turning. Before we started I asked him if he ever reversed with a car and trailer before and he said yes. That was clearly a lie. Got alot of work ahead of me today.
  13. omg, knew it was coming but still ROFL .... And the kicker;
  14. I'm nursing a semi. The thought of a Obsidian Rogue Trader game...
  15. It's good to see nVidia launching programs that confirm my position on their ethical buisnessmodels. My heroes.
  16. Been taking my bloopressure regularly for a few months now, varying medicines and diet and it seems that no matter what I do my bloodpressure remains between 170-160/110-100 on the mornings. Going to talk to my doctor next week and ask her if I can try to stop taking the meds for a few days and see what happens with the pressure. Starting to think I'm doing something wrong when measuring. This easter weekend some of the friends from the original pnp group I started out with decided that, **** it, we haven't really seen each other for months and we haven't played together for years, so we got together for three days of rpgs and beer. It's awesome. We're playing off eachother like we haven't missed a day since then!
  17. That would put me in a difficult spot. I hate batteries, and avoid buying batterydriven devices, but damn it if I probably would'nt break that principle if I ever had kids XD It would be so worth it!
  18. Black ice, sure, it would happen, but that's patches and not an entire hill covered in a sheet of ice. We get plenty of that here, especially the past few days has been bad. Since my work is driving all day, I can feel the ice build up. Makes for fun times. I think someone told me before, but I can't remember, but are there any regulations concerning winter tyres?
  19. That's not snow though, that's freezing rain. That's not necessarily going to happen there. I've never experienced it here in Sweden, plenty of snow though.
  20. Still... I got a bit giddy :D I hope they manage to recapture the magic of the original
  21. My vote is firmly on Idiocracy.
  22. Happy birthday! =)
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