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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. 6 hour days would be better. To be fair, in my case I'd prefer 8 hour workdays than the **** my employer cooks up.
  2. I guess I should be thankful for them, they wouldn't allow me to leave the area before they took care of the device. Was four hours of of my twelve hours of work. Even got some sleep.
  3. Yeah, the police say someone made a geocache, cylindrical, metal container, some passerby saw it hanging from a road sign, called the police who blew it up. I was on my way to work when I saw emergency vehicle lights and then a big dark grey truck blew past. I thought it was the bombsquads vehicle, but now I know.
  4. I now know what the bombsquads emergency vehicle looks like here.
  5. /Jealous
  6. Slightly OT, but I would like to ask what this means? Checking urban dictionary, the usage has definitely changed from my intended usage! In its loosest terms (to me) it means the damage or destruction of something. Like, "He redlined the car and smoke checked the engine!" In my comment above I meant McCain "smoke checked" four aircraft (accident, accident, hit power lines, shot down). Thank goodness his father was an Admiral. Thanks!
  7. C'mon, that is a given, it's ยง3 in their rulebook, after making invalid comparisons between graphics cards. Mein got im himmel, did he go off the reservation with that statement though.
  8. Slightly OT, but I would like to ask what this means?
  9. My favourite bit about the presentation they did, was the slides comparing 2080 to 1080 in 4K. No wonder that the 2080 is faster with its 8Gb GDDR6(448Gb/s) vs 8Gb GDDR5(320Gb/s) so I wonder what the chart would look like when compared to a 1080Ti(11gb 484Gb/s)... Also, some of the benchmarks was done with HDR which hits the 1080's performance quite a bit, on average 10%. I wouldn't worry about the RTX tech not being used though, just think about how many games has gameworks in it, it's probably going to be everywhere and the devs are probably going to spend less energy on traditional lighting, most possibly on nVidias insistance.
  10. AMD has publicly said that there won't be a 7nm Vega and that they won't be trying to compete with nVidia for the near future. Barring them releasing an actual ray tracing card or something that completely smashes nVidia to the point where even the generally clueless people will pick up on AMD's release, and we are talking something like 5 or 10 to 1 performance here, they will not be able to sell anything.. Also, why would a discerning consumer go buy a new 580 when there will soon be used 1070/1080's on the market with better performance and for less money? PC Gamers had their chance to keep the market healthy back when, but people still bought nVidia cards even though AMD had better performance to offer for lower price. Edit; Mixed ujp the 7nm Vega with something else, they are releasing that
  11. Some fairly interesting analysis of the information around. Though Bokishi, you should stay away from this video. Also; RIP AMD GPU's.
  12. Seems you were bang on. The new 2080's are up to 6x faster for raytracing than the 1080's according to that video teknoman posted.
  13. Might be time to keep an eye out for second hand GTX1080 ti's then.
  14. That's definetly not Ninja then, but then again, I was her first. Took her several attempts just to get it in, and the bruising.. oh, the sweet memories. She did get better at it later, after I met up with her for the 5th time she actually got it in on the first try.
  15. Just check if they have a nurse named Ninja that can stab you.
  16. Words can not describe the sense of dissapointment I felt when I came to the realization that Woldan wasn't back.
  17. Yeah, it's an option. Which he found out a month ago when a motorcyclist decided to try to limbo underneath his lorry doing 150. While the police did their mechanical investigation (Retarded given the circumstances), he had to use a spare lorry that had an extra bed instead of tv mount ^^ Interesting choice by his employer since they've never have run driver teams.
  18. Its not, we have done it, everyone with sense done that. I mean you don't have to do it all at once but all buildings needs maintenance, when this happens you should replace it. And in some cases do it at once - IE hospitals, schools etc. It's been actively done here aswell, so, yeah.
  19. How do you game on the road? Mostly my phone these days, that's why I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 so much (and also because it's MegaTen and I love MegaTen). In the future, once I go solo, it will be a laptop. I might even bring my PS4 and a TV and use that, but all that is out while I still have to drive team. I tried gaming on my laptop, but the truck vibrates and rattles way too much while it's moving for that to work. There is a driver at work that has just that, a ps4 and a TV in the lorry for when he's off the clock.
  20. It's like a mix of Rage and Mad Max, with a couple of Saints Row 4 superpowers sprinkled ontop. Of those games I disliked SR4 the most, the other's I really liked. I hope they bring along the hit-location-animation system from the first Rage.
  21. Haram i would guess
  22. Doubtful that would get her of her couch...
  23. It'd be interesting to see Katphood explain why he's recieving hundreds of pounds of catfood from all around the world. ... it'd be totes lulzy When you wrote about Friskies origins I had to look it up myself, and I wasn't even a little bit surprised that Nestle owned them. I wonder what brand of food they don't own by now.
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